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下雨天,真好作文下雨天,真好黄梅时节家家雨,青草池塘处处蛙。Huangmei season rain, Grass Pond everywhere frogs.雨,淅淅沥沥,沥沥淅淅Rain, patter, patter雨密密地斜织着。伴随着雨,悠扬的箫声萦绕。那样欢快,那样明净。“啪!”箫声戛然而止。父亲如同一头暴怒的狮子,将巴掌扇向他的女儿。“都初三了,还吹,你能吹出个瑞中吗?还不快给我去复习。”说完,粗暴地夺走女儿手中的箫,扔到地上。The rain was weaving heavily. Accompanied by the rain, the melodious Xiao sound lingers. So happy, so clear. Pat! The sound of the flute stopped abruptly. A father is like a raging lion, who fans his paws at his daughter. Its the third day of the third year of the year. Can you play a lucky Chinese? Ill go over it soon. Finish saying, take the Xiao in daughters hand roughly, throw to the ground.女儿呆呆地站着。The daughter stood in a daze.泪水流过红肿的脸颊,滴到地上,溅到心里。Tears flow through the swollen cheeks, drop to the ground, splash to the heart.迷茫的眼睛透向窗外。Confused eyes peered out of the window.雨不大,但心中却有一场倾盆大雨下雨天,好吗?The rain is not big, but there is a heavy rain in my heart Its rainy, OK?女孩埋葬了箫,埋葬了梦,一头扎进书本The girl buries Xiao, buries dream, plunges into the book从此,树林里少了箫声,课堂中多了提问的声音;山野上少了一个身影,却见教室里有人埋头苦读。她只记得父母的期望,心中只有考上瑞中的呼喊。Since then, there has been less Xiao in the woods and more questioning in the classroom; there is less figure in the mountains, but someone in the classroom has been studying hard. She only remembers her parents expectations, only the cry of winning the Ruizhong exam.大家都夸她懂事,都夸她好学,却不知她在雨天里落了多少泪。Everyone praised her for being sensible and studious, but they didnt know how many tears she shed in the rain.临考前,父亲的身影移进了女儿的房间。女儿正在出神,父亲轻轻地拍拍她,她仿佛从梦中醒来,震惊地看着父亲。“又下雨了。”父亲说。Before the examination, the father moved into his daughters room. Her daughter was in a trance. Her father patted her gently. She seemed to wake up from her dream and looked at her father in shock. Its raining again. Father said.女儿无语。The daughter is speechless.“出去走走吧。”Go for a walk.女儿不相信这是父亲的话。The daughter didnt believe it was her father.疑惑的眼神射向父亲。A puzzled look at his father.目光中,父亲那么的和蔼。In my eyes, my father is so kind.“去树林吧!”Go to the woods!她的心中顿时燃起了希望。There was a flash of hope in her heart.她欢快地跑了出去,突然,她转身回来。对,她差点忘了那把尘封的箫。温柔地抚摸着它翠绿的身体,伴随着箫声,女儿的脚印留在了树林中的每一个角落。在这雨中,她尽情地吹,尽情地欢笑。雨点不时落到她脸上,手上、箫上,她全然不知。She ran out happily, and suddenly she turned back. Yes, she almost forgot that dusty Xiao. Gently stroking its green body, with the sound of Xiao, her daughters footprints left in every corner of the forest. In the rain, she blew and laughed heartily. Rain fell on her face, hands and flute from time to time, she did not know.雨天,她终于找回了遗失许久的自我;她终于从无尽的学习中被释放;她终于能在雨中漫步。On rainy days, she finally found her lost self for a long time; she was finally released from endless learning; she was finally able to walk in the rain.她就像一只羞红的小鸟,在山里大声地笑了She is like a shy red bird, laughing loudly in the mountains雨,淅淅沥沥,沥沥淅淅Rain, patter, patter下雨天,真好!What a rainy day!
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