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每周一测. 完形填空I realize that we all live in a world where trust is in short supply. It seems that everywhere I go, I have to 1 my identity and trustworthiness whether its a bank, shop or any office. I have been accustomed to living by the 2 that no one is trustworthy 3 proved otherwise. Yesterday I saw a young man who lived by a totally 4 rule.I was walking along a busy intersection when I 5 a young man standing near the pedestrian crossing setting up a stall(货摊). 6 I would ignore and hurry past such sellers. But I noticed this young man was 7 , so I stood for some time without crossing the street to see how he sold his 8 .Soon, a young mother with a little boy came by and the child set his 9 on one of teddy bears. The mother asked the 10 and it was only one dollar. She pulled out a 10 dollar note and told the young man that she was giving him 10 dollars and wanted the 11 back. I was 12 to know how he was going to do it. He told the mom to put the 13 in the pouch(袋子) hanging around his neck and take out whatever change he 14 her. I realized that this young mans whole mode of earning 15 on trusting people not to cheat him. There was no 16 for him to know if someone took out more out of his pouch of earning. I was so 17 by how this young man trusted people that I bought a car model from him. I did not need it, 18 . I just hoped to help a little.Now I 19 believe that the world would be a better place if we could all learn to 20 others more, like the young blind street seller of toys.1. A. introduceB. presentC. proveD. request2. A. rule B. habit C. practiceD. law3. A. if B. since C. although D. unless4. A. similar B. different C. special D. common5. A. approached B. noticed C. watched D. looked6. A. Actually B. Normally C. Informally D. Casually7. A. blind B. handsome C. disabled D. strange8. A. clothes B. bears C. toys D. pouches9. A. mind B. interest C. heart D. attraction10. A. price B. stall C. toy D. help11. A. money B. charge C. change D. note12. A. anxious B. surprised C. pleased D. curious 13. A. hand B. money C. teddy bear D. necklace14. A. gave B. owed C. owned D. showed15. A. depended B. settled C. decided D. focused16. A. problem B. point C. way D. doubt 17. A. attracted B. shocked C. excited D. touched18. A. either B. instead C. moreover D. though19. A. firmly B. tightly C. unwillingly D. negatively20. A. take in B. turn to C. help out D. believe inII.阅读理解阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 AAre You a Mosquito Magnet?No offence to you, but scientists have found that mosquitoes may find your feet as attractive as Limburger cheese. If thats you, dont worry it doesnt mean youre not washing them enough. Mosquitoes are simply attracted by certain DNA.A UK research team recently investigated the genetic role in mosquito attraction by testing the bite appeal of 18 identical (looking the same) and 19 fraternal (looking different) pairs of female twins. In a series of tests, 20 hungry mosquitoes were released into the end of a Y-shaped tube and allowed to choose whether to follow their noses left or right. Down either path was one twins hand, releasing its delicious natural smells but protected from bites behind a mesh screen. After testing all 37 twin pairs, scientists found that the identical twins had consistently more similar attraction scores than the fraternal ones did specifically, 67 per cent of a persons insect appeal had to do with her genes.So whats the deal: does DNA smell bad? Thankfully, no. But specific DNA does attract unique species of microbacteria to your body and those are what mosquitoes just cant resist.Each of us, right now, is covered with about 100 trillion microbes, outnumbering our human DNA ten to one. Also scientists believe we share only a small number of these microbial species with one another, making our microbiome the world of bacteria living in and on us unique, just like our fingerprints. In addition to producing many of the vitamins and chemicals in our blood, our microbiome is thought to be responsible for most of our distinct smells as well.Different mosquitoes prefer different smells from different parts of the body thats why Anopheles gambiae, known for spreading malaria(疟疾) prefers biting hands and feet, while others go right for the armpits or groin. And those smells come from chemicals pro
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