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河南省2014年普通高等学校对口招收中等职业学校毕业生考试语文、英语试题卷考生注意:所有答案都要写在答题卡上,写在试题卷上无效一、选择题(语文1-10;英语:词汇判断11-20;选择填空21-30;补充对话31-40;阅读理解41-50;完型填空51-60。每小题中只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项涂在答题卡上)语文1-10(每小题2分,共20分)1下列词语中,与加点字的注音完全相同的一组是A供n供给供应提供供不应求B鲜xin鲜红新鲜鲜亮鲜为人知C转zhun转动转向转摘转折点D着zho着落着凉着调着重号2下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是A蹒跚拗口不落裹臼B粗糙 桎枯 博览群书C熔化情操深谋远虑D惨淡 无恙 摧山拆地3依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是他把奖券_在腋下,_出那双油污的手,要来_我扣扣子,我_了一下,但没有退避。A夹 拿 替 迟疑B放 拿 替 犹豫C夹 伸 帮 迟疑D放 伸 帮 犹豫4下列作家、作品和体裁对应不正确的一项是A曹雪芹红楼梦小说B王蒙春之声小说C林清玄哦,香雪散文D宗璞紫藤萝瀑布散文5下列古诗词默写错误的一项是A昔我往矣,杨柳依依B静女其姝,俟我于城隅C君不见高堂明镜悲白发,朝如青丝暮成雪D千呼万唤始出来,犹抱琵琶半折面6下列对文学知识的解说,正确的一项是A曹禺,原名万家宝,中国二十世纪最优秀的剧作家之一,戏剧教育家。代表作有雷雨、日出、茶馆、原野,历史剧王昭君等。B史记是我国第一部纪传体通史,由我国古代伟大的史学家、文学家司马迁创作,曾被艾青誉为“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”。C贾祖璋,我国著名的小说家,浙江海宁人。代表作有鸟与文学等等。D莫泊桑,十九世纪法国批判现实主义作家,被誉为“世界短篇小说巨匠”。代表作有长篇小说漂亮朋友,短篇小说项链、我的叔叔于勒等等。7下列各句,没有语病、句意明确的一项是A北京奥运会开幕式雅致且壮观,弥漫着浓郁的中国文化,受到全世界瞩目。B为了防止这类交通事故不再发生,我们加强了交通安全的教育和管理。C我们将永远记忆着孔繁森的名字。D事实告诉我们,环境灾难是没有国界的,全人类应努力保护我们的家园。8下列句子中,没有使用比喻修辞手法的一项是A绝不像攀援的凌霄花,借你的高枝来炫耀自己B仿佛永远分离,却又终身相依C我有我红硕的花朵,像沉重的叹息,又像英勇的火炬D你有你的铜枝铁干,像刀,像剑,也像戟9下列各句中,破折号使用不正确的一项是A每年特别是水灾、旱灾的时候,这些日本厂子里有门路的带工B我们在天安门深情地呼唤:“周总理,你在哪里?”C我本来不想去,可是俺婆婆非叫俺再去看看他有什么看头啊!D我国古代的四大发明造纸术火药印刷术指南针对世界历史的发展有伟大的贡献。10下列各句中,没有通假字的一项是A天下云集响应,赢粮而景从B张良出,要项伯C距关,毋内诸侯D群贤毕至,少长咸集词汇判断11-20(每小题1分,共10分)11承认AadmitBadviseCallowDaddress12每日的;天天的AdayBdailyCdiaryDdry13训练AtravelBtryCtripDtraining14判断;断定AjustBjudgeCjoinDjoy15覆盖;掩饰AcoverBcrowdCcauseDchair16不适的;使心烦的AworryBtiredCupsetDweak17穿;戴AfearBhearCearDwear18足够的AoughtBenoughCemptyDfull19改善;改进AimproveBproveCimportantDinsert20搜寻;搜索AcheckBreachCfindDsearch选择填空21-30(每小题2分,共20分)21Many people die traffic accident every year.AofBforCfromDwith22It is too cold too hot in Kunming.Aneither; orBneither; norCboth; andDboth; or23The boy is stronger than his classmates.AsoBsuchCmuchDmany24 coat I bought yesterday is blue.ATheBACAnD25The nurse is standing by the room is Miss Lee.AwhomBwhoCwhoseDwhich26There many classrooms in our school.AisBhasCareDhave27She is young go to school.Aso; thatBtoo; toCto; toDto; too28 fine weather it is today!AHow aBWhat aCHow DWhat29Boys and girls in our class are well each other.Aget on; withBgetting on; ofCgetting on; withDget on; in30I have a pair of shoes in Canada.AmakeBmadeCmakingDto make补充对话31-40(每小题2分,共20分)31Have a good Christmas Day. .ASo you will doBThank you, the same to youCThats all rightDWish you happy32I have a chance to study abroad. AYou arent lucky.BWhat a pity!CI am sorry.DCongratulations.33 , is anyone sitting here? Oh, no. You can take the seat.AI am sorryBExcuse meCHelloDHi34You look great. ? I won the first prize in the competition.AWhat happenedBAnything wrongCAny good newsDWhat had happened35 is this watch? Its 500 dollars.AHow manyBHow muchCWhatDHow36Help yourself to whatever you like. Thank you, but .AnoBthats all rightCits OKDIm full37The floor is wet. You must be careful or you will fall down. .AI am sorryBThank you for reminding meCIt doesnt matterDNever mind38 ? Yes, Im looking for a pen.ACan I help youBWhat do you want to doCWhat are you doingDWhat do you like39I will travel to Shanghai on National Day. .AIts goodBThank youCOf courseDHave a good time40Hello, Im Vivian. ? My name is Susan.AHow are youBWhat about youCHow are you goingDHow do you do阅读理解41-50(每小题2分,共20分)Passage 1Everybody wants to be healthy. You know food is very important. There are many healthy foods. You can have more bananas, apples, oranges and tomatoes because fruits and vegetables are good for you. But dont eat too much chocolate. Its not healthy food. Healthy foods can make you grow and make you strong and happy. Remember there is a saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Sports can also keep you healthy. Get up early and do some sports every day. Dont be lazy! You will be healthy and happy.41Which is right?AEverybody is healthy.BWe want to be healthy.CWe are important.DWe are not healthy.
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