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学校工会第届工会委员会委员选票(折子形式)封面(红色)里面按姓氏笔划为序学校工会第届工会委员会委员候选人选举符号姓名女女另选他人选举符号姓名选票说明:1、本次选举实行差额选举,应选人数为人。2、对选票上的候选人,同意画“”,不同意画“”,弃权不画任何符号。投不赞成票者可以另选他人。另选他人在空格内填写被选举人姓名、画“”。3、选票所选的人数(含另选他人)等于或少于人的为有效票,多于人的为废票。4、填写时,字迹要清晰,符号要准确。字迹不清、符号紊乱的为废票。年月日学校工会第届经费审查委员会委员选票 (折子形式)封面(绿色)里面按姓氏笔划为序学校工会第届经费审查委员会委员候选人选举符号姓名女女另选他人选举符号姓名选票说明:1、本次选举实行差额选举,应选人数为人。2、对选票上的候选人,同意画“”,不同意画“”,弃权不画任何符号。投不赞成票者可以另选他人。另选他人在空格内填写被选举人姓名、画“”。3、选票所选的人数(含另选他人)等于或少于人的为有效票,多于人的为废票。4、填写时,字迹要清晰,符号要准确。字迹不清、符号紊乱的为废票。年月日学校工会第届会员代表大会第届委员会委员选举报告单应到会人数因病、因事缺席人数实到会人数工作人员签字:年月日参加选举的代表人数报告单应到会人数实到会人数备注监票人签字:计票人签字:领、发选票报告单年月日应到会人数实到会人数备注监票人签字:计票人签字:发、收选票报告单年月日应到会人数实到会人数发选票张数备注监票人签字:计票人签字:学校工会第届会员代表大会第届委员会委员选举统计表应到会人数:参加选举人数:收回选票张数:姓名得票数失票数不同意票数弃权票数废 票 数合计年月日“”“”At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, people who learn to learn are very happy people. In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, life is diligent, nothing can be gained, only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!
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