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我的错题本(含变式训练)_20141202_213230第81页 Cloze 26(2012中山一中高三第二次统测A)At one point along an open highway, I came to a crossroads with a traffic light. I was alone on the road by now, but 1I drove up to the light, it turned red, and I braked to a halt. I looked left, right, 2behind me. Nothing. Not a car, no suggestion of headlights, but there I sat, 3(wait) for the light to change, the only human being for at least a mile in any direction.I started wondering 4I refused to run the light. I was not afraid of 5(catch) by the police, because there was obviously no policeman anywhere around and 6certainly would have been no danger in going through it.Much later that night, the 7question of why I d stopped for that light came back to me. I think I stopped because it s part of a contract we all have with each other. It s not only the law, but it s 8agreement we have, and we trust each other to honor it: We don t go through red lights. Like most of us, I m more ready to be stopped 9doing something bad by the social agreement that disapproves of it 10by any law against it.答案1.as/when 2.and 3.waiting 4.why 5.being caught 6.there 7.same 8.an 9.from 10.than解析语篇解读作者分析了自己不闯红灯的原因。1.as/when句意: 当我驶近红绿灯的时候, 灯变红了。2.andleft, right 与behind三个表方位的词并列。3.waiting现在分词短语作伴随状语。4.why句意: 我开始思考为什么我不愿闯红灯。5.being caught介词后用动名词, 这里指“害怕被抓”, 用被动语态。例: After being classified, the fruit was shipped abroad.6.therethere be 句型, 并用于过去将来完成时中, 表虚拟语气, 例: There would have been no losses in the disaster if the government had taken effective measures.7.same同样的问题, 即“为什么我不愿闯红灯” 。8.an不定冠词用法。9.fromstop/keep. from doing“阻止干”, 用于主动语态时, from可省略, 但是在被动语态中不能省略, 例: We should stop/prevent such accident(from) happening. =Such accident should be stopped/prevented from happening.10.than句意: 比起(than) 用法律阻止人们干坏事, 我更愿意(more ready) 被不赞成一些行为的社会协议所阻止而不去干坏事。变式训练(2014河北省唐山市高三第一次模拟考试)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Christmas is no fun when you re poor. Twenty years ago I was a young, 61 (struggle), substitute(替补)teacher whose calls into work had been few. Money was tight, bills were due 62 my wife and I couldn t even afford to get Christmas gifts for each other. The only gifts we could get for our children were a few soft toys that I had found 63 (sell)at half price in the supermarket. I opened the door and brought in the gifts I 64 (hide) in our old car s trunk. Then I handed 65 to my son and daughter. I watched with a sad smile as they did their best to tear off the wrapping (包装)paper. As they pulled out their toys, though, I noticed their 66 lit up and they jumped up and down. My daughter 67 (happy) hugged her toy and then hugged her Mom and me as well. I laughed as I watched my children play with their toys _ 68 _ hours, and Thanked God for the 69 _ (great)gift that had ever been given. Till today I still treasure 70 gift of pure love that my son and daughter gave me that day.变式答案61. struggling 62. so/and 63. sold 64. had hidden 65. them/the gifts 66. eyes/faces 67. happily 68. for 69. greatest 70. the变式解析语篇解读本文为记叙文。在生活最拮据的岁月,我却收获了一份让我终生视为珍宝的圣诞礼物。61. struggling struggling是由现在分词演变来的形容词,意为“奋斗的,(为生活)苦苦挣扎的” 。 a young, struggling, substitute teacher一名苦苦挣扎的年轻代课教师。62. so/and我和妻子不能给彼此买圣诞礼物是因为收入微薄,账单到期。故上下文之间存在因果关系。63. sold将定语从句还原成简单句,即:I had found a few soft toys sold 这时不难看出,a few soft toys是sold的逻辑主语,两者间为被动关系,故应使用过去分词作宾语补足语。64. had hidden I had hidden in our old car s trunk是定语从句,修饰先行词the gifts,关系代词that/which在从句中作hide的宾语,故可以省略。且hide这个动作先于主句谓语动词发生,故应使用过去完成时态。65. them/the gifts我把礼物递给我的儿子和女儿。66. eyes/faces light up常和sbs eyes/face连用,表示“喜形于色” 。67. happily我的女儿高兴地拥抱着她的玩具。副词修饰动词。68. for for hours表示“很久,好几个小时” 。69. greatest 这是上帝赐予我的最好的礼物。70. the 定冠词the这里表示特指,意为“这份儿女给予我的纯洁的爱的礼物” 。第81页 Cloze 25(2012广东高三模拟)Lao Tzu was traveling with his followers. They came to a forest 1hundreds of woodcutters were cutting the trees. 2whole forest had been cut except for one big tree 3thousands of branches. It was so big 410,000 persons could sit in its shade.Lao Tzu told his followers 5(go) and ask why this tree had not been cut. They went and asked the woodcutters and they said, “This tree is absolutely 6(use). You cannot make anything out of it because every branch has so many knots in itnothing is straight. You cannot use it as fuel because the smoke is dangerous 7the eyes. This tree is absolutely useless, and that s 8we haven t cut it.” The followers came back and told Lao Tzu. He laughed and said, “Be like this tree. If you are useful you will be cut and you will become furniture in somebody s house. If you are beautiful you 9(sell) in the market. Be like this tree, and you will grow big and vast and thousands of people will find shade under 10.”答案1.where 2.The 3.with 4.that 5.to go 6.useless 7.t
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