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最新教学资料仁爱版英语八年级上册教案设计Unit 3 Our HobbiesTopic 1 Whats your hobby?Section B. Material analysisSection B的主要教学活动为1a和3。本节课主要通过Michael, Maria和Kangkang之间的对话,继续学习表示兴趣爱好的话题。Section B是对Section A的延伸,谈论的内容也从谈论现在的兴趣爱好扩展到了对过去兴趣爱好的谈论,即used to do sth 和它的否定形式used not to do sth/didnt use to do sth。本小节第3部分主要谈论过去和现在爱好的对比。学生们对兴趣爱好的话题很感兴趣。但是要正确使用used to do sth表达过去的兴趣爱好,也是有困难的,所以在设计这堂课的时候,老师应该将语言知识、语言点融入实际生活当中,让学生感受到本话题的实用价值。能够在生活中自由谈论现在和过去的兴趣爱好并能够进行书面表达。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 能根据音标,正确朗读出下列单词及简单短语: collection, doll, coin, pop, used to do sth。2. 能在老师的引导下,判断出S在清辅音、元音、浊辅音和ts/ds中的不同发音。 3. 能正确拼读并运用单词表中的单词,如: coin, hate, pop等。4. 能用used to do sth/used not to do sth/didnt use to do sth表示过去的兴趣爱好。5. 能运用本课所学语言,对过去和现在的兴趣爱好进行对比。Skill aims:1. 能听懂有关过去的兴趣爱好和现在的兴趣爱好进行对比的简单对话和陈述。2. 能正确地口头表达有关喜欢和不喜欢及它们的过去式的话题。3. 能正确朗读课本的文本材料,准确把握语音、语调及连读。4. 能正确地运用书面表达写出自己和他人现在及过去的兴趣爱好。Emotional aims:通过对Section B的学习,要求学生明白在不同的兴趣爱好中,可以增加不同领域的知识。培养广泛的兴趣爱好可以帮助我们更快成长。. The key points and difficult points Key points: 1. used to do sth /used not to do sth/ didnt use to do sth句型的运用。 2. “s”在清辅音和浊辅音里发音的不同以及/s/和/t/, /d/在一起时的发音。 Difficult points:1. used to肯定和否定形式的运用及转换。didnt use to do sth容易写成didnt used to do sth。. Learning strategies: 1. 能够做到课前预习生词和采访同学们的爱好可以帮助我们更好地学习。 2. 养成主动地与他人积极交流的习惯,以加深和他人的友谊。 . Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector, cards, coins, stamp collection. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(5 minuets)1. The whole class work2. The whole class work andindividual work3. The whole class work4. The whole class work1. Focus their attention on the teacher.2. Answer this question with “I/She/He prefer(s) /be fond of/be interested in /like /love + doing.”3. Read these new words and try to understand the meanings according to the objects and the pictures on the blackboard.4. Listen to the teacher carefully and try to understand the sentences. 1. Greet students ready for learning.2. Organize students to review what they have studied the day before by asking such a question “Whats your/your mothers /fathers hobby?” Check whether they master it. The group which can answer the question without any mistakes can get a smiling face.3. Take out a stamp collection, some coins and a doll. Teach the new words: coin, doll by showing them and drawing them on the blackboard.4. Introduce the teachers hobby. e.g. I like collecting coins now, but 10 years ago I liked collecting stamps. In other words, I used to collect stamps.Presentation(10 minutes)1. The whole class work2. Individual work3. The whole class work4. Individual work5. Group work6. The whole class work1. Read this sentence and try to understand it according to “I liked collecting stamps 10 years ago.”2. One student gives the answer “I used to enjoy collecting coins.”3. Read after the teacher. Pay attention to the structure.4. Guess the meaning and understand the usage of “used to do sth”.5. Interview your group members hobbies in the past. “What hobbies did you use to have?” “I used to.”6. Finish 2. Students should learn some listening skills. e.g. We cant listen to every word clearly. But dont worry, for we just listen to the key information.1. Write “I used to collect stamps.” on the blackboard and repeat it.2. “What hobbies did you use to have?” Teacher asks a good student and writes down this question above the answer.3. Teacher repeats “What hobbies did you use to have?” and the answer “I used to collect stamps.” several times.4. Ask several students the same question.5. Give students 2 minutes to practice. Then each group chooses one pair to perform the dialogue. To avoid only the excellent students performing the show, the teacher should give different points to different members. e.g No.1 in a group can get 1 score when she answers a question. No.2 can get 2 scores. No.6 can get 6 scores.6. Play Part 2. Tell students that they should pay more attention to the collections. Give some tips before students listen.Consolidation(15 minutes)1. The whole class work2. Individual work3. The whole class work4. Pair work5. Group work and individual work6. Group work and individual work7. Group work1. Listen to 1a and finish 1b.2. Check the answer, and change the wrong statements into correct ones.3. Students read the sentences in 1a after the tape one by one, imitating the pronunciation and intonation. 4. Students read 1a in pairs, trying to read correctly and fluently.5. Finish 1c. And check the answers in groups. After
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