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中职英语期中模拟考试试题:阅读理解阅读理解(共20小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ATrapped on the 37th Floor Melinda Skaar wasnt expecting any phone calls. Skaar was working late in her office at the First Internet Bank of California. By 10:45 that night she was almost ready to go home when the phone rang.Picking it up, she heard a guard shouting. There is a fire! Get out of there. Skaar didnt panic. She figured that it was just a small fire. Her office building was huge. There were 62 floors and her desk was on the 37th floor.Skaar called out office mate Stephen Oksas, who also stayed late to work. But when they got out to the hallway, they were met by a cloud of black smoke. Rushing back, Skaar shut the door and filled the space at the bottom of the door with her jacket to keep the smoke out.Then they called 911. Before they could call their families, however, the line went dead. That meant that they were completely cut off from the outside world. All they could do was wait and hope someone would come to rescue them.Minutes ticked by. Smoke began to float into the office. Soon it became hard for them to breathe.Looking around, Skaar noticed a small workroom. It seemed to have cleaner air. So they crowded there. That helped for a while, but in time even the workroom was filled with deadly smoke.Hopeless, they tried to break the windows, but the glass was not breakable. Everything they threw at just bounced back.Defeated, they struggled back to the workroom. They felt weak and dizzy. Soon Skaar found Oksas had passed out.Skaar and Oksas knew they were lucky to be alive. “Sunday is my birthday”, Skaar told a reporter. She would be turning 29, but she knew she had already got the best present possible -the gift of life. 56. What did Skaar and Oksas do when they were stopped by the fire?A. They called their families.B. They waited where they were.C. They rushed back and shut the door.D. They tried to run down the stairs.57. The following helped Skaar and Oksas survive the fire except_.A. breaking the windows to get some fresh airB. calling 911 for helpC. crowding in a small workroom for clean airD. shutting the door and keeping the smoke out with a jacket58. What can we conclude from Skaars action in the fire?A. She is cleverer than Oksas. B. She remained calm in the face of danger. C. She was trained as a firefighter.D. She had had the experience of being caught in fire. B The London Pass is the final sightseeing package that has been specially tailor-made(定做的)for visitors to the city. It allows holders to make the most out of their trip, saving them both time and money. With the London Pass you will get the following: Free entry to your choice of over 60 popular attractions, tours, sights and museums A useful 160-page guidebook about the attractions plus helpful tips about the city Ability to skip the lines at various selected attractions to save time Optional Travelcard to cover all of your transport needsThe London Pass Saves You Money London can be an expensive city, and its tourist attractions are no exception. However, go sightseeing with a London Pass and you could make some great savings. Take a look at the normal gate price for some popular London attractions: Tower of London 19.00; Thames River Cruise 19.00; Windsor Castle 17.00; London Bridge Experience 23.00; St Pauls Cathedral 15.00; Visiting those 5 attractions will cost well over 89. With a London Pass, these and many more attractions wont cost you a penny.The London Pass Saves You Time London is a popular destination; therefore, attractions and sights do get very busy. Waiting in line can sometimes take hours from your sightseeing experience - thats why London Pass holders get to skip the queue at key attractions such as Tower of London, Windsor Castle and London Bridge Experience. Also, the map of London and the information about the citys public transportation system available in our Guidebook help plan the perfect sightseeing itinerary to maximize your time in the city.Practical information Adult ticket: From 43.00Address: Charing Cross Road, London, WC2H OEPTEL: 01664 48502059. With a London Pass, you are expected to spend _ when visiting Tower of London and Windsor Castle. A. 43.00 B. 36.00 C. 89.00 D. nothing60. The underlined word “itinerary” probably means _. A. budget B. route C. partner D. equipment61. Which of the following statements is TRUE about sightseeing with a London Pass? A. One can choose the Travelcard that suits his transport needs in London. B. One doesnt need to wait in line in all tourist attractions in London. C. One can enter over 60 tourist attractions, sights and museums at a low price. D. One can enjoy all the tourist services in London with exactly forty-three pounds.
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