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法律硕士学位论文评阅参考标准法律硕士理论性研究论文评阅参考标准法律硕士调研报告、案例分析报告、应用性专题研究论文评阅参考标准一、论文的选题意义一、论题是否具有现实意义与司法实践价值二、对文献资料掌握的程度二、所选案例及调研数据是否紧扣论题三、论文所反映出的基础理论和专门知识水平三、论述及论证方法是否反映了对基础理论和专门知识的掌握与运用四、论文的创造性四、是否针对特定的问题做出了独立思考,或提出了切实可行的解决方案、方法五、写作的规范性和逻辑性等方面五、不拘泥于理论性研究论文格式,具有与论文类型相适应的写作规范与逻辑六、论文的不足六、论文的不足论文所反映出的基础理论和专门知识水平优( )良( )中( )差( )论文所反映的分析问题、解决问题的能力优( )良( )中( )差( )论文写作水平优( )良( )中( )差( )论文写作水平优( )良( )中( )差( )该论文是否达到硕士学位论文水平该论文是否达到硕士学位论文水平是否同意该硕士生参加论文答辩是否同意该硕士生参加论文答辩法 律 硕 士 专 业 学 位 论 文云南特殊女性群体贩毒犯罪的调查与分析Investigation and analysis of special group drug trafficking casesin Yunnan作 者 姓 名:赵涓娟指 导 教 师:任惠华教授西南政法 大学Southwest University of Political Science and Law内容摘要近年来,随着毒品问题的不断恶化,毒品问题加剧,严重影响着我们国家可持续发展和民族健康,而地处我国西南边陲的云南成了毒品多发地。这几年来,由于吸毒成员不断增多,刺激了原有的毒品消费市场,而贩毒人员正是看中这一时机,他们利用怀孕妇女,处于哺乳期的妇女,未成年少女等这些特殊妇女群体进行贩毒,使得特殊妇女群体也参与贩毒从而产生了一群特殊的贩运毒品的女性群体,并呈“三化”的趋势,这些特殊女性群体大多生活在相对贫困的山区农村,地理位置较为偏远,缺少基本经济创业条件,加之有些怀有身孕的妇女在行动上较为不便,竞争弱,收入低,在经济利益的诱惑之下,更容易走上这条贩毒之路,而我们国家的现行法律的不足使得实践中一些属于特殊人员的贩毒分子得不到有效的惩处,致使这些对这些人员的管理存在漏洞。为此有效预防这些特殊女性群体犯罪,是调查的目的和需要解决的问题。本文主要采取文献、定量和比较研究的方法,借助社会学、法学、经济学、等多学科的研究理论和方法对这些资料进行统计分析和深入研究。文章总体分为四个部分:第一部分是调研数据的汇总,主要从民族情况,籍贯分布,文化程度,从事职业,身体状况,经济状况,贩毒动机,种类和贩毒组织形式等十个方面来具体排列相关的数据并以图示;第二部分是对对内容特殊女性贩毒的特点进行详细分析并以案例佐助,主要是涉案的特殊女性群体文化水平普遍偏低,特殊的女性人群贩毒的特点突出,贩毒手段方面是以体内藏毒,用无辜婴儿和幼儿成掩体,贩运少量多批贩运频率高,贩毒种类不断增加,海洛因与病毒占据多数;第三部分是分析此类贩毒犯罪猖獗的原因,主要从内因与外因方面分析,经济贫困,缺少收入来源,吸毒人员数量增多,受人利诱或遭歧视,企图抱负社会,相关禁毒法律法规不健全,特殊群体贩毒犯罪查处难度高;第四部分是对此类案件进行成因分析并提出侦防对策,从侦查对策方面有专案调查,加强情报信息调研,切断毒品来源,对现场进行缜密勘查和注重从阵地控制入手,从防控对策方面有提高女性的文化教育水平和提高个人的综合素质,对特殊女性群体采取宽严相济的刑事政策,对特殊女性群体进行政策性保障,积极的进行无毒社区建设,1立法机关应该加强立法研究,完善相关法律法规,堵塞法律漏洞。希望此文能够对以后的研究提供一定的参考。关键词:贩毒犯罪;特殊女性群体;成因;特点;对策2AbstractIn recent years, as drug problem continuously worsen and exacerbate, it seriouslyinfluence our sustainable development and national health; moreover, drug problem inYunnan Province, which located in southwest border area, is even more serious.In the pastfew years, the increasing drug taking members stimulate the original drug consumer market;drug traffickers take this opportunity and make use of pregnant women, women on lactationperiod, and underage girls, which are all special women group, in drug trafficking, makingspecial women group participate in drug trafficking, thus come into being a group of specialdrug trafficking female colony and present a tendency of organized, collectivized andmass-scale. These special women group mostly live in relatively poor mountainous rural area,which are geographic remote, lack of basic economic undertaking conditions, in addition, theinconvenient action, weak competitiveness and low income make some pregnant womeneasier to step on the way of drug trafficking under the tempt of economic interest;nevertheless, current law in our nation are not enough to make some special drug traffickersreceive effective punishment in practice, thus leads to loopholes exist in management of thesepeople. Therefore, effective prevention against crimes commit by special women groupisproblem which requires immediately solution in practice.The thesis presented primarily adopt method of literature, quantitate and comparativestudy, with the help of multi-disciplinary research theory and method of sociology,jurisprudence, economics and so on, to process statistical analysis and intensive study onthese data. The overall article divides into four parts:The first part summarizes investigate and survey data, mainly arranges and graphicrepresentsrelevant data from ten aspects; including ethnic composition, distribution of nativeplace, degree of education, occupation engaged in, physical condition, financial situation,drug trafficking motivation, classification and drug trafficking organizational form.The third part analyzes reasons why this kind of drug trafficking cases is rampant,mainly from internal cause and external cause.Financial impoverishment; lack of sources ofincome; increasing drug taking number; lure by promise of gain or suffering discrimination;attempt to take vengeance on society; relevant anti-drug laws and regulations imperfection;difficulty of investigate and dispose special group drug trafficking cases is high.1The fourth part processes cause analysis for this kind of cases and pu
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