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精品文档文档专业资料. 完形填空。 (10 分 )My name is Tony. I m16English boy. I m twelve. Now I m in Class Two,17 , No. 3 High School. Mr. Zhao is my Chinese teacher and I like 18 . I have a brother 兄弟 .19 name is Tom. We have round faces and big eyes. We 20 the same. We are in different schools.I21in China now. I have a good22here. His English isn t23 ,so I can help him with it. But my 24isnt good,25he can help me withmy Chinese. We can help each other.()16. A. aB. anC. theD. /()17. A. one gradeB. One GradeC. grade oneD.Grade One()18. A. heB. sheC. himD. her()19. A. HisB. HerC. MyD. Your()20. A. seeB. lookC. look atD. looks()21. A. visitB. visitsC. liveD. lives()22. A. brotherB. sisterC. studentD. friend()23. A. goodB. niceC. fineD. well()24. A. EnglishB. EnglandC. ChineseD. China()25. A. butB. andC. because(因为 )D. so. 完形填空。(10 分)Jim isnew. He is16Englishboy. He is twelve17 .He18inBeijing.Here is a 19 of his family. They are Jim s father, Jim s mother20Jim.Hisfather21inan office.His motherworks in an 22 ,too.They areboth(都 )office23 .Jim isa student.He isina24 .He likesEnglish25andhisEnglish is good. He often helps other students with their English.()16. A. aB. theC. anD. /()17. A. oldB. yearsC. year oldD. years old()18. A. livesB. lives inC. liveD. live in()19. A. bookB. sofaC. photoD. car()20. A. orB. andC. withD. but()21. A. drivesB. worksC. teachesD. cooks()22. A. schoolB. hospitalC. officeD. farm()23. A. workersB. driversC. teachersD. doctors()24. A. hospitalB. farmC. restaurantD.school()25. A. veryB. littleC. a lotD.notat all. 完形填空。(10 分)Hello, girls and boys! My name is David. I16Canada. I m in the USAnow. I like17here.So I ofteneat a lotoffood.Ihave breakfastathome.18breakfast,I eat eggs and apples. I19 milk at all. I have lunch at school. The lunch20isgood.I can have 21 foodsforlunch.I eatchicken withvegetablesand精品文档精心整理专业资料oranges. Sometimes( 有时 ) I eat salad(色拉 ) and hamburgers. I have dinner at home22 my parents. Sometimes we23with our friends.We24 fish,vegetablesand fruits( 水果).What 25 you?Pleasetell me.()16. A. fromB. comes fromC. am fromD. is from()17. A. the foodB. the drinkC. the peopleD.thestudents()18. A. AsB. HaveC. OnD. For()19. A. likeB. not likeC. don t likeD. likes()20. A. at homeB. in our schoolC. in the homeD. in school()21. A. the sameB. sameC. differentD.thedifferent()22. A. toB. andC. forD. with()23. A. eatingB. eat outC. haveD. having()24. A. haveB. to eatC. havingD.eating()25. A. areB. forC. canD. about. 完形填空。 (10分 )Look at the photo. It s my family. The old man and the old26 are mygrandparents. This is my father. He is next to his brother, my27 . This womanis my mother. She is my English teacher. You can28 three kids in the photo.The two girls are my29. The girl in a red dress is Nancy 30 the girl ina yellowdressisSusan. Who isthe boy, do you know? It s me. My grandparentsliveinthe USA. I liveinBeijing31myparentsnow. My fatheris a32 .He worksinBeijingHospital.He oftenhas milk33breakfast.And he likesto eat34 .My mother often has some eggs and35 . I have a big and happy family.()26. A. boyB. girlC. womanD. man()27. A. auntB. uncleC. sisterD.brother
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