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欢迎阅读进步阅读才能英语作文资料2022描写春天的高一英语作文There are four seasons in a year, to Philippine green spring, scorching sun of summer, day high qi shuang autumn and snowy winter. Spring is my favorite.Spring is a season for revival. Grass from the ground test out of the head, the flowers contend in fragance and fascination, exhibit outline. Willow girl waving her arms, near the river the swallow flitted across the sky. Everywhere a vibrant spectacle.Spring is a hopeful season. The farmers in the field on the hard seed, the recovery and a grain of millet, the autumn harvest than a child. “they all want to have a good harvest in autumn. Students studying, but also in order to have a good result.Spring is a season of vigor. ”Spring.&; Spring is the beginning of the year. See, the streets are full of childrens footprints. Indeed, the spring is fit to be a lot of things, such as: kite flying, hiking, picnic, etc., can show the childrens vigor, vitality and tong qu.Spring is a green season. Look at the green grass, green leaves, it is feast for the eyes.Of course, I also like the spring of life. The spring is the youth of life. Thats very kind of youth, because you can grow up to feel with your heart. Whether its dull, fine as silk, or strong and vigorous, youth is happy. As long as you cherish the feeling of youth, youth of the sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty, will bee the most precious treasure in your life journey.We dont feel inferior of youth, since the arrogance and conceit, not up, much good!I like spring, like a spring revival, like the spring of hope, like the spring vigor, like the spring green, also like the spring of life.Spring is infinite good, I like spring.一年有四个季节,要红柳绿的春,骄阳似火的夏,天高气爽的秋以及白雪皑皑的冬。我最喜欢的是春天。春天是个万物复苏的季节。小草从地下探出了脑袋,花儿争芳斗艳,一展丰姿。柳树姑娘在河边挥舞着她的手臂,燕子掠过长空。到处一派活力勃勃的景象。春天是个充满希望的季节。田里的农民在辛勤的播种,“春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子.”他们都想在秋天时有个好收成。学生们埋头苦读,也是为了能有个好成绩。春天是个朝气蓬勃的季节。“一年之计在于春。”春天是一年的开场。看,大街小巷都布满了孩子的脚印。确实,春天合适做很多事,比方:放风筝、远足、野炊等,都可以显示出孩子们的活力、活力和童趣。春天还是个绿意盎然的季节。看那绿色的草、绿色的树叶,实在令人感到赏心悦目。当然,我也喜欢人生的春天。人生的春天是青春。青春真好,应为你可以用心来感受成长的过程。不管是平淡如水、细小如丝,还是惊天动地、轰轰烈烈,青春都是幸福的。只要你珍惜青春的感觉,青春中的酸、甜、苦、辣、咸都会成为你生命旅程中最珍爱的珠宝。青春的我们不自卑、不自骄、不自负、不自赏,多好!我喜欢春天,喜欢万物复苏的春天,喜欢充满希望的春天,喜欢朝气蓬勃的春天,喜欢绿意盎然的春天,也喜欢人生的春天。春光无限好,我喜欢春天。节约用水的英语作文Water is important to us. And lots of people think that water is more than we need. We can use it for a long time.But that is wrong. The water is less and less now. If we dont save it it will be disappear quickly.So we must save them in many different ways. For exle when we finish wash the clothes we can use that water to clean the floor. Next we should plant more trees because they can protect and clean it. Next when we see the tap is wasting the water we should turn it off quickly.We cant live without water so please save the water. By now by yourselves do it.水对我们非常重要。很多人认为水是超出我们所需要的。我们可以使用它很长时间了。但这是错误的。如今水越来越少。假如我们不保存它它将会很快消失。所以我们必须拯救他们在很多不同的方式。例如当我们完成洗衣服我们可以使用水来擦地板。接下来我们应该种植更多的树木因为他们可以保护和清理。接下来当我们看到水龙头浪费水我们应该把它关掉。我们没有水是无法生存的所以请节约用水。如今自己做。珍惜时间的英语作文If you ask me what is the most precious, I would say that its time. Time is something once lost, you could never have again. Therefore, we should cherish it and spend it in meaningful things. However, many people do too many meaningless things to kill their time, such as playing puter, watching TV, or gossiping. When you do these things, the time has long been unwittingly flowed away. In my opinion, the best way to make full use of time is planning your time rationally and sticking the plan firmly. Spending more time on something significant not only will make your life fulfilling, but also will give you a sense of acplishment. Instead, killing your time with meaningless things would bring you depression even despair. Remember that those who abandon time will be also abandoned by time.假如你问我什么东西是最珍贵的,我会说是时间。它是你一旦失去就再也得不到的东西。因此,我们都应该学会珍惜时间,把时间用在有意义的事情上。但是,很多人却做了许多无意义的事情来消磨光阴,比方玩电脑、看电视或者说闲话。当你在做这些事情的时候,时间早已在不知不觉间流走了。在我看来,的珍惜时间的做法是合理安排时间,并坚决按照方案行事。把时间用在有意义的事情上,不仅会让你的生活更充实,也会给你带来成就感。相反,假设是用那些无聊的事情消磨时间,那么可能会让你觉得沮丧甚至绝望。记住,抛弃时间的人,时间也抛弃他。
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