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Module 1 Feelings and impressions八年级下册外研版英语优选100题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1I dont know how to use the App Fun Dubbing.Ask Jimmy for help. He has lots of _ in doing it.A.troubleB.experienceC.courage2Must we wear school uniforms everywhere?No, we _.A. needntB. mustntC. cant3Children, follow your heart and never let _ steal your dreams.A. someoneB. any oneC. everyone4Whats _ matter with you?I have a bad stomachache and I need to get _ Xray.A. the,aB. /,anC. the,an5My son has trouble _ these new English words.Dont worry.I can help him.A. lookingB. readingC. to read6Why didnt you answer my phone yesterday morning,Tim?I am sorry,but I _ homework.A. didB. am doingC. was doing7Mike lost the tennis match yesterday._! Hes the best player in our school!A. Thanks a lotB. PerfectC. You cant be serious8When the little boy saw an old woman get on the bus, he _ his seat to her.A. broughtB. offeredC. described二、阅读理解Social StudiesOur school is going to have Social Studies.It can help you get some useful living skills.This class will start next Wednesday. #1_Do you want to be a great cook?If you are interested in cooking,welcome to take it.You neednt bring any things to the classroom,because our school has had what you need.The only thing is that you should be free between 4:00- 5:00 p:m.every Thursday.#2_Most of you find it tiring and difficult to do housework.But every Wednesday,a two-hour class will change it.You will learn some useful ways to help you do the cleaning.Miss Rome,an expert (专家) in cleaning,will wait for you at 3:30 p.m.#3_This class is interesting because teachers show us useful things out of classrooms.There is a big garden that needs planting.Students who take this class will plant flowers,vegetables and some trees with teachers help.If the weather is OK,you can take this class every day at 4:00 p.m.from March 20th to April 30th.9What will you need if you want to take the #1 class?A. Bring some cooking things.B. Be free between 4:00-5:00 p.m. every Thursday.C. Clean the tables by yourself.10What kind of change will the #2 class bring to you?A. Finding cleaning is not difficult.B. Becoming interested in cleaning.C. Spending more time cleaning.11How long will the #3 class last?A. Less than 30 days.B. Over 50 days.C. Over 40 days.12In which order should the titles be for the text?Plant your hope Enjoy a good meal Become an expert in cleaningA. B. C. 13Who is the text written for?A. Teachers.B. Farmers.C. Students.三、七选五14A. Would you like some orange juice?B. Thanks for inviting me.C. It tastes nice and a little sour.D. Let me have a try.E. They look beautiful.F. Help yourself to some vegetables.G. So we can have a picnic outside.A: The fish soup is ready.B:_Oh! Its a little salty but delicious.A: This is Italian pizza.B: _Whats in it?A: I put some tomatoes in it.B: Good!A: _B: Yes, please. Oh, its very fresh and cool.A: Im very happy that you like the food. _.B: No, thanks. Im full. _.A: Youre welcome.参考答案1答案:B解析:句意:我不知道怎么用Fun Dubbing这个应用程序。找吉米帮忙。他做这件事很有经验。考查名词辨析。trouble困扰;experience经验;courage勇气。根据“Ask Jimmy for help. He has lots of in doing it.”可知,他有许多类似的经验,所以可以向他求助,故选B。 2答案:A解析:本题考查情态动词的用法。以Must we.开头的一般疑问句的否定答语是“No, we neednt.”,所缺的词是neednt。3答案:B解析:本题考查someone, anyone和everyone的区别。句意:孩子们,要听从你们的内心,永远不要让任何人偷走你们的梦想。never是否定词,在否定句中要用anyone,故答案为B。4答案:C解析:a一个,修饰以辅音音素开头的单词;an一个,修饰以元音音素开头的单词;the表示特指;/零冠词。第一个空,Whats the matter with sb?某人怎么了?固定搭配。第二个空,泛指一张X光片。X-ray是以元音音素/e/开头,用an修饰。故选:C。5答案:B解析:根据观察和分析可知题干使用了have trouble doing sth句型结构,意思是做某事有困难。look(看)是不及物动词,后面不能接宾语,本题正确答案是B。故选:B。6答案:C解析:根据语境,可知要用过去进行时,其结构为was/were +doing。故选:C。7答案:C解析:根据题干语境,迈克是最好的选手,却输了比赛,所以表示不可能是认真的。A项Thanks a lot(非常感谢);B项Perfect(完美);C项You cant be serious(你不可能是认真的吧)。故选C。8答案:B解析:考查动词辨析。brought带来;offered提供;described描述。根据后文his seat to her可知,把他的座位让给她,即主动提供。offer sth. to sb.“提供某物给某人”。故选B.9答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据表格一The only thing is that you should be free between 4:00- 5:00 p:m.every Thursday.(唯一的问题是你应该在每周四下午4:00-5:00之间有空。)可知每周四下午4点到5点有空。故选B。10答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据表格二Most of you find it tiring and difficult to do housework.But every Wednesday,a two-hour class will change it.You will learn some useful ways to help you do the cleaning.(你们中的大多数人都觉得做家务既累又难。但每周三,两个小时的课程会改变这种情况。你会学到一些有用的方法来帮助你打扫卫生。)可知发现清洁并不难。故选A。11答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据表格三If the weather is OK,you can take this class every day at 4:00 p.m.from March 20th to April 30th.(如果天气好,你可以在3月20日至4月30日每天下午4点参加这节课程。)可知持续超过40天。故选C。12答案:B解析:标题归纳题。根据表格一 Do you want to be a great cook?If you are interested in cooking,welcome to take it.(你想成为一名出色的厨师吗如果你对烹饪感兴趣,欢迎你参加。)可知说的食物有关,所以享受一顿美餐符合;表格二Most of
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