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高考英语语法易错点归纳第一讲 定语从句一、只能用that引导定语从句的情况:1先行词是不定代词everything, nothing, anything, all, much, many, a lot, few, little, none等时。如:He was so hungry that he ate up everything that was put in front of him.He saw much that was bad.There is little that I can do for you.2 先行词被序数词或the last修饰时。如:He is the first student that I got to know in this school.This will be the last thing that I will do.3先行词被最高级修饰或先行词本身就是最高级时。如:This is the most interesting film that I have seen this year. This book is the most expensive that I have bought so far.4 先行词被all, every, some, next, any, no, many, much, the only, the very等修饰时。如:He is the very man that I am after.5 一些以who, which开头的句子,为了避免重复,也要用that作关系代词。如:Which is the book that you have just paid for? Who is the person that you are looking for?6 先行词既指人也指物时。如:We talked about the things and persons that we still remembered.7 the way用作先行词时,引导词用that或in which,也可省略,但不能用which。 如:This is the only way(that / in which) you can work out this problem.8. 关系代词在定语从句中作表语时(只限于限定性定语从句)。如:Mr. Smith still talks like the man that he was ten years ago.二、只能用which引导定语从句的情况:1 在引导非限定性定语从句,且which指代前面的整个句子时。这一用法是高考的一个热点。如:Mary failed in the examination, which worried her mother a lot.2在介词的后面只能用关系代词which来指代前面表示物的名词。如:I bought a lot of books yesterday, most of which are in English.三、as和which引导非限定性定语从句的区别:1 从句意上讲,as引导的非限定性定语从句通常表示“正如,正像的那样”;而which引导非限定性定语从句时指代前面整个句子的内容。如:Taiwan is part of China, as is known to all.China is making rapid progress, as everybody can see.Mary didnt pass the driving test, which made her very sad. 2 从位置上讲,as引导的非限定性定语从句可以放在句子的前面、后面,甚至可放在这个句子的中间。因为,实质上,as引导的非限定性定语从句是一个插入语,用来对一个句子进行附加说明。故它在句中的位置比较灵活;而which引导的非限定性定语从句只能放在先行词的后面。如:As is mentioned above, our school still calls for many skilled teachers.He is late again, as is often the case.Many people, as you know, are learning foreign languages.He changed his mind, which made me very angry.3 从搭配上讲,as引导的非限定性定语从句中的谓语动词通常是表示感觉或心理活动的动词。如:see, hear, know, expect, guess, hope, remember等;而which引导的非限定性定语从句中的谓语动词则没有这样的特点。如:The weather turned out fine, as we had expected. She was very fond of speaking French, which indeed she spoke well. 四、“介词+关系代词”结构:“介词+关系代词”也是历年来各省市高考的一个热点。对于这个结构应重点把握如下几点:1 关于“名词+of which / whom”结构。这种结构表示一种所属关系,在名词的前面通常有定冠词修饰。这个结构常常可以转化为“whose+名词”结构。如:The house, the gate of which faces south, belongs to the Smiths. The house, whose gate faces south, belongs to the Smiths.Mr. Smith, the house of whom was robbed, reported it to the police. Mr. Smith, whose house was robbed, reported it to the police.2 关于“数词+of which / whom”结构(数词还可以被some, many, most, each等不定代词替换)。在这个结构中,介词of表示一种部分与全体的关系。这时,其中的数词可以后置,放在关系代词which或whom的后面,构成“of which /whom+数词”的结构。这时的介词of不可换成其他任何介词。如:The buses, most of which were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd. The buses,of which most were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowdI met some foreigners yesterday, two of whom are from the US. = I met some foreigners yesterday, of whom two are from the US.注意区别:I met some foreigners yesterday, and two of them are from the US. I met some foreigners yesterday. Two of them are from the US.3 关于“介词+关系代词”结构。非限定性定语从句的关系代词前如果带有一个介词时,关系代词只能用which(指物)或whom(指人)。如:Mr. Green, for whom money is not a problem now, still lives a simple life.They arrived at a small town, from which it is only a short way to Shanghai.且which和whose还可修饰一个名词,作这个名词的定语。如:He got to the station at five yesterday afternoon, by which time the trains to Beijing had all left.This is Mr. Brown, by whose car I came to New York.五、当表示时间、地点、原因、方式的名词作先行词时,不能一概用关系副词when, where, why或“介词+which / whom”引导定语从句。若引导词在定语从句中作状语,应用关系副词或“介词which / whom”引导定语从句;若引导词在定语从句中作主语、宾语、表语,则应用关系代词引导定语从句。试比较下面的句子:1) Ill never forget the days (that / which) I spent with my teacher. (that / which在定语从句中作宾语)2) Ill never forget the days when (=on which) I joined the army. (when在定语从句中作时间状语)1) This is the reason which he gave me for doing it. (which在定语从句中作宾语)2) Do you know the reason why he came late? (why在定语从句中作原因状语)1) You can see the way in which his mind works when he reads his books. (in which在定语从句中作方式状语)2) Is there any way that can be found to solve the problem? (that在定语从句中作主语)1) It is the house that was built two years ago. (that在定语从句中作主语)2) It is the house where I was born. (where在定语从句中作状语)小结如下:1、先行词是表示时间的名词时,如果在从句中作状语,则用关系副词when / 介词+which;如果在从句中作动词或介词的宾语,则用which或that。如:I will never forget the days when / in which we worked together. (work是不及物动词)I will never forget the days which / that we spent together.(spent是及物动词)I will never forget the days when / in which we spent ones together.(spent是及物动词,但其后已有宾语 ones)解析:在句中,表示时间的名词the days在从句中充当的是状语,所以用关系副词when来代指,引导定语从句修饰先行词the days;而在句中,表示时间的名词the days在从句中充当的是动词spent的宾语,所以用关系代词that或which来代指。2、同样,先行词表示地点的名词如果在从句中作状语,则用关系副词where / 介词+which或;如果在从句中作动词的宾语,则用w
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