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Unit 2 In the library(A卷基础篇)满分:70分一、单选题(20分)1选出下列单词中不同类的单词 AbookBrunCwalk2选出下列单词中不同类的单词 AopenBpieCcap3选出与图意相符的句子cADont run. BDont drink.4朋友想问你喝不喝牛奶,她会对你说: AWould you like some milk?BCould you like some milk?5刘涛在图书馆里大喊大叫,我们应该这样提醒他: ADont talk.BDont run.CDont shout.6_, Im late. ASorry.BYes.CNo7_ a pencil box?No, it isnt.AIs thatBThat isCis this8Dont _ my juice.AdrinkBeatCrun9Dont listen _ Sam, Bobby.OK.A/BforCto10Dont sleep _ that room, Bobby. OK.AtoBforCin 二、匹配题(9分)11 A. run B. sleep C. eat D. shout12将下列中英文匹配开门 A. close the window喝牛奶 B. open the door关窗 C. eat your cake打开书 D. drink milk吃你的蛋糕 E. open books三、连词成句(21分)13run, dont, the, in, library (. ) 14this, your, is, book( ? )_15like, you, would, cake, a(?)_16library, dont, the, shout, in _17door, please, close, the (.) _四、翻译(10分)18 (1)坐下 (2)in class (3)喝牛奶 (4)in the library (5)我的英语书 五、阅读理解(10分)观察并理解图片,根据图片和上下文制订图书馆里的规则。Rules for Librarya. Dont run in the library.b. Dont 19 in the library.c. Dont 20 in the library.d. 21 in the library.e. 22 in the library.f. 23 .答案部分1A2A3A4A5C6A7A8A9C10C11D;A;B;C12B;D;A;E;C13Dont run in the library.14Is this your book? 15Would you like a cake? 16Dont shout in the library.17Please close the door18(1)sit down(2)在课堂上(3)drink milk(4)在图书馆(5)my English book19chat;20Dont sleep;21Dont speak loudly;22Dont eat;23Dont write in the book
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