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单元五年级下册Unit 4课时第三课时教 学目 标知识目标: 能够听、说、读、写四会句型“This is Zhang Peng. What are you doing? Im doing the dishes. Im reading a book.”能够听懂、认读语篇中的句子。能力目标:通过听、读语篇,训练正确的语音语调,并初步培养学生的语篇阅读能力。在实际情景中运用“What are you doing? Im ”,并能提升用英语交际的能力。情感目标:学习使用常见的电话用语:“This is .”。形成体验、实践、参与和合作的学习方式。教学重点与难点重点:掌握四会句子:What are you doing? I am 难点:能够理解句型:Do you want to go to the Childrens center?课 前准 备CAI课件、练习纸。教学过程一、Warm up/Revision:1Greeting and free talk.2Read and act 3Lets chant P44二、Presentation:Prereading阅读前活动:1.学习:want toT: oh, Im not answering the phone. Im teaching you English .Im tired .So I want to go to the bedroom. Because I can have a sleep. Where do you want to go?SS:I want to go to the2. 学习:Childrens center.T: You have so many ideas. After sleeping a long time , I want to go shopping in the shopping center. Do you know more about center?Ss: say T: And I know a nice center. Children like it very much .Because they can play in it.(pictures) .Its the Childrens center.In reading 阅读中活动1情景引入,课件整体呈现课文。 利用课件创设电话铃响起的情景。 PPT课件中突然播放出“Ring,ring”的电话铃声,将师生的注意力都引入到这通电话中,借此机会布置的学习任务:Oh,the phone is ringing. Who are talking on the telephone? 略读课文。 2出示问题,再听课文。 T:Oh.Zhang Peng and John are talking on the phone.Then where do they want to go? What time will they go? Now,listen it again.回答问题 并板书 Childrens Center 10:303细读课文学生默读课文,完成课本问答。 Zhang Peng calls John. He wants to go to the Childrens Center with John. Whats John doing? Read it by yourself and finish the questions.4.Read the dialogue.跟读齐读分角色读Post reading 阅读后活动 1表演课文2Summary. 3Sing a song. 三、Consolidation and Extension1Pair Work创设情景,发展对话模拟打电话的真实语境,再由学生两人一组合作,利用所学知识创编打电话的对话。2课件出示一个新的语篇,让学生再次通过阅读,独立完成新语篇的学习。四、Homework:1、Read the dialogue.2.Write a short passage.板书设计Unit4 What are you doing? A Read and WriteWhat is Zhang Peng doing? What are you doing?He is reading a book. Im doing the dishes. 1
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