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外语系本科毕业论文(成人教育)The Interactive Teaching Approach in English Teaching论课堂中的的互动教学 Acknowledgements During the months of research which led to this paper, I have received valuable instructions and innovative suggestions from Miss Ma , who had read the manuscript carefully and patiently. So I would like to express my immense gratitude to him, and I owe my heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers who have instructed me. AbstractThis paper aims to indicate the importance of interactive teaching approach and put forward some useful suggestions for interactive teaching in English classroom performance. In order to improve the ability of English level, especially the oral English, interactive teaching approach must be applied to the English classes. Therefore, it is a key question that how to carry out interactive teaching mode in primary English class. In this paper, gives a brief introduction on interactive teaching approach, including its definition and operating principles,strategies and some suggestions on carrying out interactive teaching approach. Key words: interactive teaching; students; teachers; strategies 摘 要这篇论文目的在于说明互动教学在课堂的重要性,以及提出了一些有用的建议。为了提高英语水平,特别是口语的能力,互动教学必须被运用到英语课堂中。因此,在如何运用互动教学模式是非常关键的。在这篇论文中,对互动教学这种教学方法做了大概介绍,其中包括这种教学方法的定义,还有一些策略和建设性建议,以及在实施互动教学中的一些影响。关键词:互动教学;学生;老师;策略16ContentsAcknowledgements . .iAbstract .ii摘要 . iii1. Introduction.11.1 The concept of interactive teaching approach.11.2 Operating principles of interactive teaching approach 1.2.1 Learner-centered principle1 1.2.2 Activity-based principle3 1.2,3 Principle of relevance.42. Strategies for interactive teaching approach .62.1 Raising questions.62.2 Encouraging role-play .72.3 Creating interesting language games72.4 Engaing in cooperative learning.83. Suggestions on implementing interactive teaching approach.93.1 Reflective teaching.103.2 Cultivating positive techer-student relationship.11 3.3 Supporting learning enviroment.124. Conclusion.14Bibliography.15 1. Introduction With the development of society, interactive teaching approach is becoming more and more important in English teaching. Interactive teaching is a theoretic and strategic system applied by many countries in the world in the past three decades. However,English classes in China lack the atmosphere of interaction between teachers and students, and traditional teaching methods, which regard teachers as the core of teaching actions, still play the important role in Chinese classes. Therefore, according to the situation of English teaching today, the author attempts to indicate the importance of interactive teaching approach, and advocates that interactive teaching can be carried out efficiently and widely in English classroom so as to help teachers to improve their teaching skills and help students to cultivate their study ability. At the beginning of this thesis, the definition of interactive teaching and operating principles of interactive teaching approach are introduced. The second part discusses the strategies for interactive teaching approach. And the third part attempts to bring forward some suggestions on implementing interactive teaching approach. With all the work done, the thesis comes to the conclusion that those approaches and suggestions the author given are useful and effective to cultivate interaction between teachers and students. 1.1 The concept of interactive teaching approachInteractive teaching approach indicates that teachers go beyond language structures and develop learners communicative competence through interaction. As Wilga M.Rivers points out,interaction refers tostudents achieve facility in using a language when their attention is focused on conveying and receiving authentic messages(Rivers, 2000: 4). The interactive teaching approach,which emphasizes the values of interaction, is more a cluster of approaches than a single methodology. Interaction between teachers and students is an important feature of cooperative learning, which can help teachers guide students to improve their learning. Meanwhile, students are becoming more and more interested in their English learning by some activities and games. Therefore, interactive teaching approach plays a significant role in primary English class.1.2 Operating principles of interactive teaching approachInteractive teaching emphasizes on the interaction between teachers and students, but
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