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Module1 Unit1教学设计 课题 AWE M1 U1 主备人 仇晓荣 项 目目 标 要 求话 题School life语言知识语音Natural and fluent pronunciation and intonation 词汇enjoyable, experience, headmaster, earn, devote, respect, literature, average, struggle, challenging, encouragement, cooking, extra, fond, sculpture, dessert, satisfaction, academic, exchange, former, graduate, fluent, kindness, splendid, independent, title, dynasty, somehow, recent, professor, inform, donate, run, host, approve, charge, schoolmate, broadcast, preparation, event, outing, poet, generation, literary, select, courtyard, compositionFor free, be fond of, look back on, make use of, in charge of语法1.Introduction to attributive clause2. Usage of pronoun relatives功能1. Describing school life2. Describing school activities3. Comparing school life in the UK and in China语言技能听Students will be able to listen to a headmaster talking to school activities.说Students will be able to discuss daily school life and school activities to their classmates and teacher.读Students will be able to read a magazine article about school life and two articles about school clubs.写Students will be able to write a note about school activities.情感态度Students know and accept diverse cultures and broaden horizon.Students are more interested in English.Students learn how to be cooperative as well as competitive with others.学习策略Summarize what is in listening and reading; put more effort on the difficulties; cooperate with other; expand knowledge in other ways注:目标要求可参阅南京外国语学校仙林分校英语教学实施纲要第四部分“目标内容”中的相关描述。课时主备教案 课型 Welcome & Word power Learning objectives:By the end of this period, students will be able to1. enlarge their own vocabulary by knowing the exact names of all kinds of school facilities and activities;2. improve their spoken skills by describing their favorite activities at school and showing others ways;3. be aware of cultural differences by comparing school life in China and in Britain.Focus of the lesson:1. the names of school facilities2. different expressions to ask and show waysPredicted area of difficulties:using locative prepositions and prepositional phrases properlyLearning aids:1. PPT2. blackboardLearning procedures:PROCEDURECONTENTMETHODSPURPOSEWarming up1. Daily report: My dream school2.Sharing Ss own experiences:(1) Share with us your favorite part of your old/new school life (2) What school activity do you like most? Giving a speech.Asking and answering questions.To warm up the class.To arouse Ss interest.Presentation of Welcome to the unitIntroducing four pictures of British school life :(1)What is your impression of the school life in British after looking through the four pictures?(2) What are the differences in school life of China and of Britain?Showing pictures.Asking and answering questions.Pair discussion.To know what school life in Britain looks like.Output of Welcome to the unitPresent the result of the discussion of each groupPresentationTo know the cultural differences and improve their spoken skillsPresentation of Word power1. Play a gameGuess the names of the buildings according to their functions below.1) Used for different experiments2) Used to serve three meals3).2. More names of the facilitiesBrainstorming in class. To get students involved in class and enlarge their .To enlarge their vocabulary1. List different ways to ask ways2. Try to show your partner ways according to the map on P6. Brainstorming Pair work To go over different expressions to ask and show ways.To consolidate the names of school facilities.Output of Word powerYou are a group of new students and are trying to help each other to find different places you want to go. Make up a dialogue. Please make sure each one has at least two chances to have his or her voice heard. Group performance. To practice what they have learnt in class.Homework1.Finish the exercises on P7.2.Remember the names that you dont know in the two parts.3. Prepare for the reading and do preparation exercises on P4.Individual workTo consolidate what they have learnt and prepare them for the next period课型 Reading(I) Learning objectives:By the end of this period, students will be able to1. know more information about the school life in Britain;2. learn to use two reading strategies: skimming and scanning;3. form a reasonable attitude to different ways of education.Focus of the lesson:1. skimming2. scanningPredicted area of difficulties:When and how to use skimming and scanning?Learning methods:1. PPT2. blackboardLearning procedures:PROCEDURECONTENTMETHODSPURPOSEWarming up1. Daily report My life in Junior2. Lead-in:a game(between groups)The teacher shows some pictures of school facilities
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