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教学内容Go for it! Unit 7 SectionA1a.1b.1c课时Period 1教学对象八年级学生执教者神中 陈琰一、教材内容分析(学习按顺序描述香蕉奶昔的制作过程。)二、教学目标(语言目标,语言知识,情感态度与价值观,学习策略,文化意识)(一)语言目标:学会用英语询问和描述一种食物的制作过程。(二)语言知识:Key words:milk shake, blender, peel, cut up, popcorn,popperput. into, pour. into, turn on, drink.Target language: 1- How do you make a banana milk shake?A: - .B: - First Peel .Then cut up .Now put .Then pour .Next turn on .Finally drink .2. Using imperative sentences correctly.(三)情感态度:通过描述生活劳动过程,体会英语学习的乐趣积极尝试使用英语,积极与他人合作交流共同完成学习任务(四)学习策略:通过积极思考,主动探究,发现语言的规律并能举例。(五)文化意识:体会西方饮食文化。三、重点、难点重点:Key vocabulary: milk shake, blender, peel, cut up, put into, pour into, turn on, drink.Target language: 1- How do you make a banana milk shake?A: - .B: - First Peel .Then cut up .Now put .Then pour .Next turn on .Finally drink .2. Using imperative sentences correctly.难点:The target language: - How do you make a banana milk shake?A: - .B: - First Peel .Then cut up .Now put .Then pour .Next turn on .Finally drink .四、教法选择、学法指导与教学评价教法选择:视听法,交际法,认知法,任务型教学。学法指导:听、说、读、写相结合,猜测、识记、表演相结合,动用各种感官系统,全面快乐学习。教学评价:通过眼神、手势、激励性语言等方式,通过检查学生排序、填空、表演、写作等途径,对学生进行恰如其分的过程评价。五、资源准备1、多媒体教室及相关音响设施。六、教学过程教学任务教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备Task1.Warming- Up and Leading In1. Watch a video.2. Greet the Ss. Then show a picture of milk shake on screen to lead in.3. Check their homework.Words and phrases.1. Enjoy the video and try to guess what they make.2. Talk about the ingredients they use.3. show their homework.课前热情的问候能迅速消除师生的隔阂。观看视频,能勾起学生的食欲和学习制作的欲望。检查学生预习情况,为本课学习打好基础。Task2. Presentation 1. Show the objects and the steps of making a banana milk shake. 2. Ask Ss to talk in English when the teacher acts.3Fill in the blanks withPeel. 1. Learn to describe how to make a banana milk shake.2. Talk about the steps.3. Fill in blanks with the verbs.通过展示使学生认知表达必备材料和制作步骤。并在图片和动作演示过程中,理解制作各环节中所使用的动词的用法。随后通过单词填空的练习检查制作动词的用法。Task3.Listening1. Play the tape for Ss to listen.2. Play the tape again.1. Listen and look at the screen.2. Listen again and number the sentences in order.describe the process of making a banana milk shake .通过听力练习进一步熟知制作所需材料和制作步骤的表达方式。再听一遍排序。Task4. Group workShow a model of how to use first ,then.Ask Ss to work in groups of four. Let them use another way of describing the process of doing things by using the words first, then, next, and finally. Finally choose some Ss to Help Ss to act and talk about how to make a banana milk shake.Work in groups of four, read the steps in order.通过小组合作学习,让学生在交流中学到语言,并使学生了解制作过程的另外一种描述方法。做到在学中用,用中学。Task5. Chanlleng!Have Ss write down an apple milk shake individually. Finally choose some Ss to Help Ss to talk about how to make an apple milk shake。Write how to make an apple milk shake. Finally share with the whole class.通过写出苹果奶昔的制作过程的操练,培养学生书面表达能力,与知识的灵活运用能力。 Task6. Have a tryWork in group of six ,try to make popcorn.Work with their partners. Then write the process ofmaking popcorn. Finally share with the whole class.让学生能真正灵活运用所学内容,达到自由运用所学语言的目的,突破本课重点。Task7. Summary Ask students to tell what you have learnt or what you arent clear.Tell us what students have learnt or what students arent clear.通过小结,再次强调本节课的重点知识Task8. HomeworkShow homework. Finish the homework on time.完成课后作业帮助学生养成课后复习的良好习惯。板书设计:屏幕Unit 7How do you make a banana milk shake?milk shake, blender,First peel,Then cut up, Now put into, Then pour into,Next turn on,Finally drink.知识纠误5
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