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TPO 03 Listening PartSection 1ConversationNarratorListen to a conversation between a student and a receptionist at the Registrars Office on the first day of the semester.StudentExcuse me, Im supposed to be having my physics class in the science building, but no ones in the classroom. Could you tell me where the class is? Physics 403 has it been moved?ReceptionistWell, theres a room assignment sheet on the bulletin board outside this office.StudentYeah, I know, but my class isnt listed there. There must be some kind of mistake or something. Could you look it up, please?ReceptionistHmmm. ok, let me check on the computer. Its physics, right? Wait, did you say physics 403?Student Yeah.ReceptionistErIm sorry, but it says here that it was cancelled. You should have got note letter from the registrars office about this.StudentWhat? Ive never got it.ReceptionistAre you sure? Cause it says on the computer that the letter was sent out to students a week ago.StudentReally? I should have got it by now. I wonder if I threw it away with all the junk mail by mistake.ReceptionistWell, it does happen. Er let me check something. Whats your name?StudentWoodhouse, Laura Woodhouse.ReceptionistOk, hmmmWoodhouse, let me see ah, it says here we sent it to your apartment on er Center Street.StudentOh, thats my old apartment. I moved out of there a little while ago.ReceptionistWell, and I suppose you havent changed your mailing address at the administration office. Well that would explain it.StudentYeah, I guess thats it. But how can they cancel the class after offering it. If Id known this was going to happen, I would have taken it last semester. ReceptionistI know, its really inconvenient for you, I understand that, but er if we dont have enough students sign up for the course, the college cant offer it. You know, its a practical issue, like we cant have an instructor when therere only a few students in the class. You see what I mean?StudentI guess, but now I dont know what course I should take instead.ReceptionistOk, lets see. Do you have any courses youre going to take next semester? If you do, you might want to take them now and sign up for physics 403 next semester.StudentYeah, I guess I could do that. I just hope it wont be cancelled again. Do you know how many people have to be enrolled in order to keep a class from being cancelled?ReceptionistWell, it depends on the class, but for that class, you have to have er lets see, usually itd be at least ten people, but since it was cancelled this semester, they might even do it with less. But do you know what you should do? Give the physics department a call a couple of weeks before the semester starts. Theyll be able to tell you if theyre planning to go through with it. Its their decision, actually.StudentOh, ok, I will do that. Thanks for the info.ReceptionistNo problem. Sorry about the class. Oh, why arent you to go change a mail address now. It lonely takes a minute.StudentOh, oh, sure, I will do that right way.Lecture NarratorListen to part of a lecture in an environmental science class.ProfessorNow, weve been talking about the loss of animal habitat from housing developments, uh , growing cities small habitat losses. But today I wanna begin talking about what happens when habitat is reduced across a large area. There are, of course, animal species that require large areas of habitat, and some migrate over very long distances. So whats the impact of habitat loss on those animals animals that need large areas of habitat?Well, Ill use the humming birds as an example. Now you know a humming bird is amazingly small, but even though its really tiny, it migrates over very long distances, travels up and down the western hemisphere the Americas, back and forth between where it breeds in the summer and the warmer climates where its spent the winter.So you would say that this whole area over which it migrates is its habitat because on this long- distance journey, it needs to come down to feed and sleep every so often, right? Well, the humming bird beats its wings get this about 3 thousand times per minute. So you think, wow, it must need a lot of energy, a lot of food, right?Well, it does. It drinks a lot of nectar from flowers and feeds on some insects, but its energy- efficient too. You cant say it isnt. I mean, as it flies all the way across the Mexico Gulf, it uses up none of its body fat. But that doesnt mean it doesnt need to eat. So humming birds have to rely on plants in their natural habitat.And it goes without saying, but the opposite is true as well, plants depend on humming birds too. There are some flowers that can only be pollinated by the humming birds. Witho
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