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8B Unit 1知识点考点、词形变化1. 北方(n) n orth (adj.) no rther n 2. 结婚 (v.) marry (adj.) married (n. ) marriage 3.妻子(复 数 pl.) wives 4.污染(v. ) pollute (n. ) pollution (adj.) polluted 5. 工厂(复数)factories 6.不可能 的(反义词) possible (副词)impossibly 7. 采访者 in terviewer 8. 最近 (adj.)recen t (adv.) recen tly9.交流(v.) com mun icate ( n) com muni cati on 10.确切的(adj.)exact ( adv)exactly二、词汇1. (过去时)在过去 in the past2. (现在完成时)在过去的15年里in the past 15 years3. 开车经过邮局 drive past the post office4. 现在(2) at present= at the moment5. 给他买个篮球作为礼物buy him a basketball as a prese nt6. 他过去住在这里,但是现在已经搬走了。He used to live here, but he has moved away.7. 老人们已经习惯了生活在乡下。The old are used to living in the countryside.8. 刀可以用来切东西( 2)。Knives can be used to cut things.= We can use knives to cut things.9. 5 年来,她已经习惯做家庭主妇了。 She has been used tobeing a housewife since five years ago.10. 既然所有东西都准备好了,让我们开始party 吧。Si nee all the thin gs have bee n ready, let startthe party.11. 他已经离开家乡 30 年了。( 2)( He/It 分别做主语)He has been away from his hometown for 30 years.= It has been 30 years since he left his hometow n.12. Ann 十年前嫁给了 John。(2)(过去时)Ann married John ten years ago.(现在完成时)Ann andJoh n have bee n married for 10 years.13. 将他唯一的女儿嫁给一位商人marry his only daughter to a bus in essman14. 岁月已经将一个小宝宝变成了一个小伙子。Time has cha nged a baby into a you ng man.15. 如果气温低于零度,水很快将变成冰。If the temperature drops below zero, water will changeinto ice quickly.16. 河里有很多污染物。There is much pollution in the river.17. 请停止污染空气。 Please stop polluting air.18. 将废物扔到河里这种行为会使水被污染了。The act of throwing waste into the river will makethe water polluted.19. 请不要浪费时间。 Don waste time.20. 将废物扔得到处都是drop waste everywhere21. 这是对金钱的浪费。It is a waste of money.22. 过去这儿曾有个工厂。There once was a factory here.你曾去过那儿吗?Have you ever beenthere?不,我从来没有去过那个地方。No, I have never been to that place.23. 认识到保护野生动物的重要性realize the importanee of protecting wild animals24. 通过努力工作来实现我们所有的梦想realize all our dreams by working hard25. 决定采取措施来改善目前糟糕的形式decide to take action to improve the terrible situation atprese nt26. 在某种程度上in some ways27. 在很大程度上 in many ways28. 在某人去某地的路上on onesway to29. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.30. 尽我们可能多的花些时间在我们的爱好上spend as much time as we can on our hobbies31. 你以前曾经了解过不同形式的交通工具吗?是的,我前天还读了一本关于不同时代的交通工具的书。Have you ever known about differe nt forms of tran sport? Yes. I read a book about tran sport at differe nt times the day before yesterday.32. 那个老人独自一个住在一个孤岛上。她时不时地觉得有点点孤单。尽管如此,她仍然决定终身住在那里。The old woman lives alone on a lonely island. She feels a little bit Ionely from time totime. An yway, she still decides to live there all her life.33. 时不时(3) sometimes=at times= from time to time34. 采访某人 (2)i nterview sb= have an in terview with sb.35. 自打上午以来,那个明星已经有3个采访了。The star has had 3 in terviews since this morning.我会在下午晚些时候采访他。I will have an in terview with him later this afternoo n.36. 他最近收到朋友的来信了吗?还没有。 Has he received letters from friends? Not yet.37. 把你近期的照片放到网页上put your recent photos on the website38. 扬中的环境很美。The environment in YZ is very beautiful.39. 尽力改善当地人的居住条件do the best to improve local people living conditions40. 返回中国(2) return to China = go back to China41. 将书还给图书馆 return the book to the library42. 你们最后一次见面是在什么时候? When did you see each other for the last time?43. 出国学习将会帮助你对这个世界有更多了解。Studying abroad will help you learn more aboutthe world.44. 当我还是小学生的时候(2)when I was a primary school student = when I was at primary school45. 彼此用电邮保持联系是沟通的一个好方法。It is a good way to communicate by keeping in touchwith each other by e-mail.46. 禾口某人交流( 2) communicate with =have communication with 47. 精确地告诉我他住在那里tell me exactly where he lives48. 我不知道他的确切年龄。I don tknow his exact name.49. 两年前他开始习惯一个人生活。(2)(过去时、现在完成时)He got used to living alone two yearsago.= He has been used to living by himself for two years.50. 政府已经将狭窄的小路)path)变成了宽阔的马路。The government has turned the narrow pathinto wide roads.51. 你最好去寻找一些大面积的空地来放风筝。You had better look for some large open spaces to flykites.
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