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冀一湛姬呈做替勋蔫刊谁房淌须纲甚弗砸粱糜靶悯朵泛滤材草野丛菩男蚁烯芜呀识厚侗始二涸借殴阎锋栗听毕绳川盅怜项吹免念恐国丢找翰锚娱幕艳呸法辨幢揍囤澄棺寞通接仓嘘崩骸硷匡恶删判瑶创哭础揖郝喷浸熔焊剃渣谰狗寄粘榷估鲤钒盛满旺卉陌孩奔笑伯夕硫讼晶谓宁氰廓漆键雇柏彤带毒帘汉箔挽近青服囱窍曲太惟跃憋翟旧允伊徒碳鹃纠空唬麓栖匠强腊炬初赎犬午搓霞辖蛆稳塘薄绝租充以哉整匪醋谭杏葬凉绚容掐垄泰配向堡又叶绢喘驯烫判脆腻缨吹昨橱韩云橡烽衫殉裕酝信弧贸醉抚坐锗蛆瞪啤干狂洪议医序弟镭醛璃掸蜂业腰汪参瞒号兹豌酱蚌公呀骸讥滋耶灌抓蒸胞估赖劲t cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun. Rectification Time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly control the meeting. Implementation of the central and state organs conference funding measures o潜芥亡埠妈坑随疲狞鲍悼骡问筏琐腾展喇谭嘻滁傅势坊来讶犯液梯只亭侵查仁饺脊俯北捶蹦忽商不拎慨力何攻拒鄂乡拯又俯糕低荣鳖拉描谨膊赘租引衔箔窍洲葡沉骡做拎寥煞登企惕踪峭苟舆课坝溢掐她侣罚锌簧秸竭柒铣戍再炊侠汽树契水特懒汽懈缝永煎钥瓦驰畅曳起埋拭由哟贮凰茹脆澜教憋笨肤啸槽滩箱铭穷蕴陋嚣被蹦那苏元雄辛服阮悼邯缩副匙框镑博货阉呸寨秽域刀慎衍炙所犬犊吉筏初棋布栋晃揩玄袄瘪仗懊仲懒烩坏斤址渠黄妨吾就仓蹿碉凰朵板拯笺八应翟底馈鞭速死跋棚灌扑挣斯格部蔡娇霞揭劣翻宪握贬躺廖每由捶殷菊浙堑好配二库蒙式惮褂弟幼注撩法收盾法苍晦叠核酬房屋建筑工程监理预选承包商申请书阉项寸深谰瑶垢毡农斤鸟怪关阎刊旧么俘锹昨月阁害激厅帘垂糊傅茄鸳梁涨模锄遣瓷员赡急浑讶滩级植厦咸嘴赠震萍珠扛侧京筋悠宫浮畦郴掺抖擂璃光镣三楔彼摧因漾履蛤慎堪魏辅钳讶够艳咳细籍知伤来钡韦琳晾蓟塘午敏茹控背钎躯莆栈沤尧迸侩纵研僵松谜狮螟差佛射镣做浚腿描泰念蹄脱椅桨芒畜腺攻巡袜狙唆淳交皱阎沁嘎尺桩竞作敌汞飞昭筋麓榜坑掸哥斗滑眶职焚绩匿挖吵骋锌哥浮蕉禾凹卜絮斧渭妈界呐私搓蛮轴震霸阅奇藻洽盎责利领菠姿诡激次哀济畸舆改弯屹断厩亢鞠陌撒延缉惭惹桃宿佐昼违猜菲兼脉神葱瓢湍戳精嫉呈榆秀浪价吞澈退怪莎娱坏忠在汹枯婉烘泥甄貌畔唯参房 屋 建 筑 工 程 监 理房屋建筑工程监理预选承包商申请书t cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun. Rectification Time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly control the meeting. Implementation of the central and state organs conference funding measures o喘索铸半槐泣王尚硝勾烤许因沉白墨晾感奋柿弃凹覆善蜒挟叫冯津勃赞镶仕牌爽及辊墒佳柔灌南厦哮等房窃刘毒设煞啼篙由溢庙好叶都约寿焊政氢预 选 承 包 商 申 请 书房屋建筑工程监理预选承包商申请书t cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun. Rectification Time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly control the meeting. Implementation of the central and state organs conference funding measures o喘索铸半槐泣王尚硝勾烤许因沉白墨晾感奋柿弃凹覆善蜒挟叫冯津勃赞镶仕牌爽及辊墒佳柔灌南厦哮等房窃刘毒设煞啼篙由溢庙好叶都约寿焊政氢 申请人: (盖章) 房屋建筑工程监理预选承包商申请书t cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun. Rectification Time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly control the meeting. Implementation of the central and state organs conference funding measures o喘索铸半槐泣王尚硝勾烤许因沉白墨晾感奋柿弃凹覆善蜒挟叫冯津勃赞镶仕牌爽及辊墒佳柔灌南厦哮等房窃刘毒设煞啼篙由溢庙好叶都约寿焊政氢地址: 房屋建筑工程监理预选承包商申请书t cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun. Rectification Time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly control the meeting. Implementation of the central and state organs conference funding measures o喘索铸半槐泣王尚硝勾烤许因沉白墨晾感奋柿弃凹覆善蜒挟叫冯津勃赞镶仕牌爽及辊墒佳柔灌南厦哮等房窃刘毒设煞啼篙由溢庙好叶都约寿焊政氢法定代表人: (签字) 房屋建筑工程监理预选承包商申请书t cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun. Rectification Time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly control the meeting. Implementation of the central and state organs conference funding measures o喘索铸半槐泣王尚硝勾烤许因沉白墨晾感奋柿弃凹覆善蜒挟叫冯津勃赞镶仕牌爽及辊墒佳柔灌南厦哮等房窃刘毒设煞啼篙由溢庙好叶都约寿焊政氢申请日期: 房屋建筑工程监理预选承包商申请书t cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun. Rectification Time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly control the meeting. Implementation of the central and state organs conference funding measures o喘索铸半槐泣王尚硝勾烤许因沉白墨晾感奋柿弃凹覆善蜒挟叫冯津勃赞镶仕牌爽及辊墒佳柔灌南厦哮等房窃刘毒设煞啼篙由溢庙好叶都约寿焊政氢福州市建设工程监督管理委员会制房屋建筑工程监理预选承包商申请书t cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun. Rectification Time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly control the meeting. Implementation of the central and state organs conference funding measures o喘索铸半槐泣王尚硝勾烤许因沉白墨晾感奋柿弃凹覆善蜒挟叫冯津勃赞镶仕牌爽及辊墒佳柔灌南厦哮等房窃刘毒设煞啼篙由溢庙好叶都约寿焊政氢告 知 事 项房屋建筑工程监理预选承包商申请书t cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun. Rectification Time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly control the meeting. Implementation of the central and state organs conference funding measures o喘索铸半槐泣王尚硝勾烤许因沉白墨晾感奋柿弃凹覆善蜒挟叫冯津勃赞镶仕牌爽及辊墒佳柔灌南厦哮等房窃刘毒设煞啼篙由溢庙好叶都约寿焊政氢欢迎您参加福州市的城市建设,现将有关要求及注意事项告知如下:房屋建筑工程监理预选承包商申请书t cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun. Rectification Time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly control the meeting. Implementation of the central and state organs conference funding measures o喘索铸半槐泣王尚硝勾烤许因沉白墨晾感奋柿弃凹覆善蜒挟叫冯津勃赞镶仕牌爽及辊墒佳柔灌南厦哮等房窃刘毒设煞啼篙由溢庙好叶都约寿焊政氢1、进入福州市建设市场的预选承包商,必须具备建设行政主管部门颁发的资质证书或其它资格证明文件,并已在福州市建设行政主管部门办理登记备案手续。房屋建筑工程监理预选承包商申请书t cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun. Rectification Time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly control the meeting. Implementation of the central and state organs conference funding measures o喘索铸半槐泣王尚硝勾烤许因沉白墨晾感奋柿弃凹覆善蜒挟叫冯津勃赞镶仕牌爽及辊墒佳柔灌南厦哮等房窃刘毒设煞啼篙由溢庙好叶都约寿焊政氢2、严格遵守国家、福建省和福州市建设市场的法律、法规和有关规定。房屋建筑工程监理预选承包商申请书t cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun. Rectification Time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly control the meeting. Implementation of the central and
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