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欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!山西省晋中市和诚高中2018-2019学年高二英语上学期周练7一、完形填空(每题2分,共40分)On Christmas Eve, an old man experienced an act of warmth from a local store. The man, who asked not to be identified, was sent home from the emergency room, still not feeling well enough to 1 . The nurses ignored that he was still dizzy (眩晕的) and did not feel 2 behind the wheel. The nurses insisted he was fine and helped put him in his car.Less than a mile down the road his 3 started playing tricks on him. He thought _ 4 he got something and 5 for several minutes he would be OK. 6 , there was a St. Louis Bread Company store nearby.Then he entered the store and spoke through the window, having very little 7 . At first, the order taker could not understand him. He explained that he just needed a slice of bread, or something light and he only had a couple dollars in 8 . The girl in the window asked him to 9 while she checked what had been left in the bakery.A few moments later she came back with a large smile on her face and 10 in her hand. She 11 presented a loaf of bread and a fancy chocolate cake to the man and said that they were 12 her. The man offered up her the 13 and it was quickly turned down. The employee asked if the man was OK to drive and offered to 14 a police officer in the dining room to follow him home. The man was so 15 for the generosity of the employee. Not just because she gave him enough bread to help him feel better, but she did it with a(n) 16 . He wasnt looked down upon or 17 insultingly(无礼地).The man said it helped him feel better emotionally as well after a 18 day in the hospital.This story goes to show that one simple loaf of bread can not only 19 a person for a few meals, but wake the 20 and help restore the faith in mankind.1 A. eat B. driveC. surviveD. walk2 A. peaceful B. nervousC. comfortableD. fearful3 A. nurse B. coldnessC. car D. eyesight4 A. though B. before C. ifD. because5 A. shopped B. cookedC. chewedD. looked6 A. Fortunately B. ImmediatelyC. SlowlyD. Obviously7 A. sleep B. gasC. courageD. voice8 A. change B. controlC. shapeD. number9 A. waitB. thinkC. moveD. listen10 A. packageB. wineC. foodD. cash11 A. hesitantlyB. cheerfullyC. regretfullyD. calmly12 A. onB. inC. forD. with13 A. rewardB. serviceC. gratitudeD. money14 A. requestB. orderC. forbidD. permit15 A. anxiousB. readyC. gratefulD. frightened16 A. ambitionB. smile C. nodD. wish17 A. respectedB. lovedC. treatedD. admire18 A. specialB. happyC. busyD. tough19 A. feedB. saveC. starveD. attract20 A. animalsB. familyC. beggarD. soul二、阅读理解(每题3分,共12分)Here are some wonderful festivals around the world that happen in spring. If you want to know more about them, please click here or visit http:/www.buddhanet. net/ festival. Htm/.SongKran-ThailandDates: 13th-15th, April In Thailand, people celebrate a festival called Songkran, when people head out to the streets with water guns to spray(喷,洒)everyone who walks past. Naghol-VanuatuDates: Every Saturday from to May Every year, villagers come together to celebrate the harvest of yams, an important part in the peoplss diet in Vanuatu. The festival is most famous for its “land diving ceremony”. During the ceremony men and boys dive to the ground from high wooden towers with only two thin vines attached to their ankles. Cherry Blossom Viewing -JapanDates: The cherry blossom season is different from year to year depending on the weather forecast. The festival is well-known. Japanese celebrate the days when the flowers finally blossom. Only a few days later, the petals(花瓣)fall to the ground, like pink snowflakes. That means the traditional festival only lasts for several days. In Japan, almost everyone has picnics in the parks to view the flowers.Sinhalese New Year-Sri LankaDates: 13thor 14th, April Just like in many other countries in South an South East Asia, this is the time when the Sinhalese celebrate the traditional New Year, an ancient celebration which marks the end of the harvest season and is one of two times of the year when the sun is straight above Sri Lanka. There are a lot of delicious foods during the celebration.21. What will happen to a tourist walking in the street during the festival in Thailand? A. He will get wet. B. He will hurt your ankles. C. He will enjoy delicious foods. D. He will see some petal falling.22. Where can you go to enjoy dangerous performances during the festival?A. Thailand B. Vanuatu C. Japan D. Sri Lanka23. How is Cherry Blossom Viewing different from the other festivals?A. It is a traditional festival.B. It is a very famous festival.C. It varies with weather conditions ev
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