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高考英语背好句练词汇1.The secretary usually wakes up with the help of the alarm clock, but yesterday it was broken, so she stayed in bed until the telephone rang.这位秘书通常在闹钟的帮助下醒来。但是昨天,闹钟坏了,所以他一直躺在床上直到电话铃响。English英译汉Chinese Translation汉译英secretary /sekrtri/n.秘书;书记;部长,大臣wake /weik/vi.醒来 vt.唤醒 wake up 醒来alarm /l:m/n.警报; 闹钟; 警报器 v.警告clock /klk/n.钟broken /brkn/adj.坏掉的, 断掉的, 打破的stay /stei/vi.逗留;保持 vt.停止,延缓 n.逗留,停留telephone /telifun/n.电话(机) v.打电话ring /ri/n.戒指;环;铃声 v.打电话;响2.Just after the dinner, he had the ice-cream in a hurry and got serious stomachache so his grandma offered him some medicine and hot water.就在晚饭之后,他匆匆就吃了份冰淇林,然后胃疼的厉害。因此,他的外婆给他一些药和热水。English英译汉Chinese Translation汉译英ice cream /ais kri:m/n.冰淇淋hurry /hri/vi.匆忙 vt.催促;急运(派) n.急(匆)忙in a hurry匆忙地serious /siris/a.严重的;重要的;认真的;严肃的stomachache /stmkeik/n.胃痛,肚子痛offer /f/vt.给予,提供;提议 n.提供,提议hot /ht/a.热的;辣的;棘手的3.While all the fans outside celebrated his success, the winner of the Winter Canadian Olympics in Canada did the interview at the international conference center and said he would continue to train for another competition.当粉丝们在外面庆祝他的胜利时,这位加拿大奥运会的冠军在国际会议中心接受了采访,说他将为下一场比赛继续训练。English英译汉Chinese Translation汉译英celebrate /selibreit/vt.庆祝;颂扬,赞美 vi.庆祝,过节success /skses/n.成就,成功;成功的事物,有成就的人winner /win/n.胜利者,得奖者Canadian /kneidin/a.加拿大的 n.加拿大人Canada /knd/n.加拿大interview /intvju:/n.接见,会见;面谈(试) vt.面试;采访international /intnnl/a.国际的,世界(性)的conference /knfrns/n.(正式)会议;讨论,商谈continue /kntinju:/v.继续,延续,延伸train /trein/v.(受)训练(培养) n.火车;一系列,行列11another /n/pron.再(另)一个 a.再一个的;别的12competition /kmptin/n.竞争,比赛4.This ancient cave is very deep and dark so even with the lantern the captain of the group still failed to observe the animal pictures in the cave.这个古老的洞穴既深又黑,所以即使打着灯笼,小组的队长仍无法观察洞穴的动物壁画。English英译汉Chinese Translation汉译英ancient /einnt/a.古代的,古老的;年老的cave /keiv/n.山洞,洞穴deep /dip/adj.深的; 远离中心的; 纵深的 adv.深入地dark /d:k/a.暗的,黑色的;深色的 n.the黑暗(夜)lantern /lntn/n.灯笼,提灯captain /kptin/n.船长,机长;上尉,队长,领队group /gru:p/n.组,群;集团 vt.把分组fail /fel/n.不及格 v.失败; 忘记; 不及格observe /bz:v/vt.注意到;观察;评论;遵守,奉行animal /niml/n.动物,兽,牲畜 a.动物的,野兽的5.The persons in the towndidnt believe the truth that the lake had been polluted by the nearby chemical factories until the lake was covered with the dead fish.直到湖里全是死鱼时,镇里的人们才相信这个事实,即湖泊已经被周围的化工厂污染了。English英译汉Chinese Translation汉译英person /p:sn/n.人town /taun/n.镇,市镇;市区truth /tru:/n.事实,真相,实情;真实性;真理lake /leik/n.湖polluted /plutd/adj.受污染的pollute /plu:t/vt.弄脏,污染chemical /kemikl/a.化学的 n.化学制品factory /fktri/n.工厂,制造厂cover /kv/vt.(掩)盖;占;包括;报道 n.盖子,封面be covered with覆盖着dead /ded/a.死的3
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