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1. A new broom sweeps clean. 新官上任三把火。2. Ma ny hands make light work 人多好办事。3. Don t put off until tomorrow what you can do toda今日事,今日毕。4. Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕 / 一石二鸟。5. Haste makes waste欲 速则不达。6. Where there s smoke there 无风不起浪。7. The grass is always gree ner on the other side of the stc这Ml 望着那山高。8. Beauty is only skin deep美 貌是肤浅的。9. Spare the rod and spoil the chile玉 不琢,不成器。10. Give a pers on a dose of his own medici n 以其人之道还治其人之身。11. Frank s advice is like good hemrbeadlicine: hard to take, but ultimately beneficial.良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。12. Eve n the dog swaggers whe n its master wi ns favor.人得道,鸡犬升天。13. You can t have your cake and eat 鱼与熊掌不可兼得。14. Speak the devil (and he will appear).曹操,曹操到。15. The same knife cuts bread and fin ger水 能载舟,亦能覆舟。16. Teach fish to swim.班门弄斧。17. Beat the dog before the lio n 杀鸡儆猴。18. Man proposes, God disposes谋事在人,成事在天。19. Everybody s bus in ess is n obody三个和尚无水喝。20. Ma ny kiss the baby for the nurse醉翁之意不在酒且21. Don t count the chicken before they are hatch不要盲目乐观。22. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit .吃一堑,长一智。23. Love me, love my dog 爱屋及乌。24. Facts speak louder tha n words事 实胜于雄辩。25. Misfort unes n ever come alone祸不单行。Case study oneIf in the dining hall, a fly was seen in a glass of beer, an Englishman would say,have another, please? ” ; a Frenchman would pour a beer out; a Spanish man would putthe money on the table and leave without a word; a Japa nesewould sum mon theman ager an obriticize,“ Do you do all your bus in ess like this?” ; an Arab wouldbeer to the waiter and say,“I ll buy you a drink.” ; and the more humorouswould say to the waiter,“ Please serve the fly and beer separately.”Questio n: What do their differe nt react ions toward a fly in a beer reflect?An swer: The case above shows that social in teract ions may vary greatly owi ng todifferent cultural backgrounds In this case, people s different reactions toward a fly ina beer reveal not only their in dividual pers on ality but also the orie ntatio n of theirn ati on s main stream culture, e.g. the En glisheriousn essthe Frencharrogance,the Spanishgenerosity,the Japanese cfiti6al approach the Arab sarcasm andthe America n humor.Case study twoBart Rapson had brought his family to the Philippines on a job assignmentfor amult in ati onal corporati on. Since the Philipp ines is largely Catholic, it was easy for Bart toplace his 7-year-old daughter in a Sundayschool classthat would prepare her for herFirst Communion(首次领圣餐仪式).As the day approached, Bart planned for anafter-church party, in vit ing colleagues and their families from work.Manuel, one Filipino colleague, to whom Bart felt especiallyclose, kept putting off anan swer to Bart s in vitati on, say ing n either“ yes ” or “ no ” . Fin ally Bart sawife n eeds to know how many people to cook for.” Still not giving a yes or no an sweManu el later called and said that he would be atte nding a differe nt party that would be atte nded by other Filip inos.Bart was quite upset. He complained, “If this is supposedlya Catholic country, why would they not place a value on this? Why would he turn dow n a on ce-i n-lifetime gathering, my daughter s First Communion, to go to a party with friends he admits tosee ing all the time?” After the party, Bart was merely cordg-tloeMeweee noIon ger any in dicati ons of frie ndli ness.Ma nuel was puzzled, and had no idea what the problem was.Question: If you were the director and chosen to mediate (调解)this situation, what would you do to ensure not to offend either party? How would you explain Bart s behavior to Manuel? How would you explain Manuel s to Bart?An swer: For America ns, knowing how many people will atte nd a gatheri ng is one of the key priorities, as it helps the host to prepare properly. However, to Filip in os, the number of guests is n ot very importa nt, they usually prepare more food tha n eno ugh and would not mind if there were leftovers. As well, Filip inos prefer to be together with people they know well. In addition, in the Philippines, the First Communion is not as important as the party that follows. The main problem in this case is Manuel ignorance of America n customs. He did not realize that America ns pay great atte nti on to importa ntsocial gatheri ngs, especially whe n their childre n are invo Ived.Case threeIt is said that in Rome, in front of a shoe store, there was such a sign to attractEnglish-speaking customers: Shoes for street walking. Come in and have a fit. The sign caught the attention of many English-speakingtourists, but not to look at the shoes displayed in the win dows, but to read the sig n and the n break out into laughter.Question: Why did the Italian shop owner make such a blunder?Case analysisT he problem resulted from he misunderstanding of the idioms“ a streetwalker ”and “ to have a fit ” They are almost
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