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Lesson 15 Are You Ready for a Quiz ?一、教学目标 1、知识目标: (1)复习本单元所学的词汇、标准用语和问答。 (2)利用课本中的测验检查学生的掌握情况。 (3)通过故事的学习,使学生理解本课故事大意,复习本单元的词汇。 2、技能目标: 所学词汇和句型的运用能力和阅读能力。 3、情感态度: 对所进行的英语活动感兴趣,进一步提高学习英语的积极性。二、教学重点 、难点1通过故事学习,复习本单元所学的四种形状单词。2在相应情景下运用本单元所学句型对课后活动进行提问与回答。3、理解故事大意,在复习部分提前渗透;同时在表演时,鼓励学生运用自己已有的知识,创造性地进行表达。三、教具准备磁带、故事插图图片五、教学过程Step 1 : Class opening and Review1、Review and fill in the blank我叫_是直线, 变个魔术给你看。 转一圈,变个圆, _ _就是圆。三条_手拉手,变成一个_。要变_也不难, 四条_肩并肩。2、 写出下列各词的复数 I _him _this _her _ watch _child _photo _diary _ day_ foot_ book_ dress _ tooth_ sheep _box_ strawberry _3、Review the word of Unit 2Step 2 : Presentation and practice 1、Use the quiz in the students book as review . This square is dry ! Yes or no ? Li Ming has his boots and umbrella ! Jennys name always has a big “ J ” . Danny sometimes wears gloves . This school bus is wet . 2、The students answer the questions . Answers :1) No , the triangle is wet .2) Yes , Li Ming has boots and umbrella .3) Yes , Jennys name always has a big “ J ” .4) No , Danny always wears gloves .5) Yes , the school bus is wet .3、Learn the story : “ Little Zeke and the triangles ”1) Ask some questions .Do you remember Little Zeke?Who is Little Zeke?Where does Little Zeke live?I like circle, Whats Little Zekes favourite shape?2) Listen to the tape to understand the story .3) Answer in pairs .What shapes does Emma find?What does she find for a circle?What does she find for a line?What does she find for a square?What shape does Little Zeke help her find?What triangles does Little Zeke make?4) Do the exercise5) Role Play this story with the picturesStep 3 Consolidation1. Review what we have learnt in Unit 2 .2. Do the activity book.板书设计:Lesson 15 Are you ready for a quiz? circle triangle Little Zeke and the Triangles line square
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