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Right Here Waiting为你等待 谭克新译理查德马克斯(Richard Marx)不仅歌唱得好,他还能自己创作写歌。他第一次巡回演出时,爱妻辛西娅去拍片已3个月。由于签证问题,他无法前去探望辛西娅,感到非常郁闷。这时,他的朋友说:“你郁闷的时候会写出最好的歌曲。”于是,理查德坐在钢琴旁,在一种强烈的冲动下,只用了20分钟就写完了一首歌right here waiting。这是他创作的所有歌曲中用时最短的,而恰恰是这首歌,成为广为流传的经典情歌。在海湾战争期间,这首歌在美国成了情人分别时相互安慰、互祝平安的歌曲。如今,这首歌从问世到现在已有10余年历史,仍传唱不衰,家喻户晓,岁月的流逝反而更见歌声里真情的永恒。Oceans apart, day after day, 远隔重洋,一日三秋。and I slowly go insane. 耿耿不寐,如有隐忧。I hear you voice on the line, 佳音可传,芳容难求。But it doesnt stop the pain. 情切切,思悠悠。If I see you next to never, 从此不相见,How can we say forever? 何谓长厮守?Wherever you go, whatever you do, 天之涯,海之角I will be right here waiting for you; 我心相许Whatever it takes,海可枯Or how my heart breaks, 石可烂I will be right here waiting for you. 矢志不渝I took for granted all the times 原以为That I thought would last somehow. 你我天长地久。I hear the laughter, 为你欢喜I taste the tear, 为你忧But I cant get near you now. 可如今,佳人何处?Oh, cant you see, baby, 哦,宝贝,为你痴狂Youve got me going crazy? 此情可知否?Wherever you go, whatever you do, 天之涯,海之角I will be right here waiting for you; 我心相许Whatever it takes,海可枯Or how my heart breaks, 石可烂I will be right here waiting for you. 矢志不渝I wonder 问苍天, How we can survive this romance,情为何物?But in the end 愿从今往后If Im with you 两情相悦Ill take the chance. 你我长厮守Oh, cant you see it,baby, 哦,宝贝,为你痴狂Youve got me going crazy? 此情可知否?Wherever you go, whatever you do, 天之涯,海之角I will be right here waiting for you; 我心相许Whatever it takes,海可枯Or how my heart breaks, 石可烂I will be right here waiting for you. 矢志不渝Waiting for you. 矢志不渝
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