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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2018-2019 6上 天河英语期末考试六、词汇归类。把下列词汇分类,并将其字母编号写在相应的表格内。(10分)A. Easter B chips C. poor D. tookE. candy E. broken G. jiaozi H . stomachacheI. fever J. Halloween K.came L. Dragon Boat FestivalM. read N. toothache O. simple P. crowdedQ. bought R. headache S. ham T. Chongyang FestivalIllness(疾病)Festivals(节日)Foods(食物)Adjectives(形容词)Past forms(过去式)七、单词拼写。根据示情境(第1-5题)或中文提示(第6-10题),补充完整,每空一词。(10分)1. My mother asked me to take this m t a day.2.The boy s a f with his parents yesterday.3. When I lived in the countryside, I r a b to school every day.4. During Spring Festival, parents usually give children l m .5. The girl liked to watch TV before, but now she likes to s the I .6. The doctor g me c last Friday.(给做检查)7. I will m this c after I wake up tomorrow.(挤牛奶)8. In the past, the r in the countryside was very d .(河流很脏)9. At Christmas people like to give e o gifts.(互相)10. Uncle Li says we should drink a l eight glasses of water every day.(至少)八、单项选择。(10分)( )I. It takes me 3 hours to to Beijing from Guangzhou.A. walk B. drive C. fly( )2. Ben often helps his mother housework.A. do B. does C.did( )3. Father Christmas gives gifts to kids the night before Christmas.A. in B. on C at( )4. Please give book to .A. you, me B you, I C, your, me( )5. To keep a good diet, you shouldnt eat oily food. A. too many B. too much C. a few ( )6. My home is so I must get up very early in the morning.A. near B. nearby C. far away( )7. There much homework to do today.A. is B. are C. am( )8. Everything here wonderful.A. look B. looks C. looking( )9. Chinese people usually at Dragon Boat Festival.A. watch the noon B. eat zongzi C. climb the mountain( )10.A: My brother fell from his bike two days ago. B: A. Thank you. B. great! C. Im sorry to hear that. A. It wasnt crowded.B. He watched cartoons.C. Because it is so much fun.D. She has a broken finger.E. On October 1st .九、问答配对。(5分)( )1. When were you born?( )2. What was Tianhe like before?( )3. Whats the matter with the girl?( )4. What did your brother do last weekend?( )5. Why does Sam like Halloween?十、补全对话。(15分)(1) 阅读下面对话, 从方框内选用正确的单词补全对话, 每空只填写一个单词.thin, more, Really, sweet, girl, ate, was, then, whenJanet: Ann, who is that 1. in the photo?Ann: Its me, 2. I was five years old.Janet: 3. ? Your face was very round back 4. , wasnt it?Ann: Yes, it was. When I 5. a little girl, I 6. Too much meat and 7. food, but now I eat 8. vegetables and fruit.Janet: You re tall and 9. now. You look so pretty.Ann: Thank you.()阅读下面对话,从方框内选择正确的句子填空。A. Dont worry B. I got wet in the heavy rain yesterdayC. Whats the matter with you D. Your health is importantE. Did you see a doctor F. My mother was so busy this morningTom: Hello, David. You dont look well. 1. ?David: I feel ill. 2. . I think I have a cold now. Sometimes I feel cold and sometimes I feel hot.Tom: I am sorry to hear that. 3. ?David: No. 4. ,but she will take me to the hospital this afternoon.Tom: 5. . I think you will be all right soon. David, you should be careful. 6. .David: Thank you.十一、阅读理解。(15分)(1)根据短文内容判断文后的句子是否与短文内容,如一致,在括号内写“T”,否则写“F”。The traffic in the UK is different to that in China. When you are in the UK, you must be very careful in the street because the traffic keeps to the left. Before you cross a street, you must look to the right first and then look to the left. In the morning people go to work and in the evening people come back home, so the streets are very crowded and the traffic is very heavy at that time. At weekends, people like to stay at home and shops are closed. There are not many people in the streets.In many cities in the UK, there are big buses with two floors. People call them double-decker(双层的) buses. You can sit on the second floor of the bus to have a view (观光) around the city and its a good idea to see the city from the top of a open-topdouble-decker bus. ( )1. In the UK, the traffic keeps to the right.( )2. You must look to the left first before you cross the street in the UK.( )3. In the UK the traffic is very heavy in the morning and in the evening on weekdays.( )4. There are double-decker buses in man
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