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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。3-5分钟英语演讲稿i r-im goal that betalgeriabck in &nds; ifthey&squo;d remembered that, t miht not hve been suha friedlgterg. t iasexctg,dht leat thrugh to was realyjutthe redible sse of xceentand optimsmthatscce&dsh; footall asthycl i – brougt tothemtatsquo;swhatsquo;s going to leapt a thewrld frombrazil thiummer. titophy, whi thicprsident an i ill aethepriileg ncoveing horty,reeens tesad op an drmsof bllin of ope aound ewold. ndi cn’tikanyhing that unifies eopas mch, b ot hebest,d swsourcomoty, thecommn piritportsansp, he commniofompetiton, te omon spirit ogreatthleici. adithk that juliewil tellyu the etaordina felig yu hae a an athletewhe you wnaworld contst adrise that tophyover yourhed invicory wersquo;veseen theowe of sots toing peole togethr. and ow itg , m.mssador,tat th wordcup wll b held inbrazi – countryha hs ostd uchaexrodinilyricconvrsion twe ctin ndcultrs foa n tme. astheamassador rmind , it s aso a untry tepen the rich tradon ofsowing ho thegaboitis playd, “;e beatfulgame.”; itclbatesdiesityand it celebrtesecellnce.steunied sats adbraia nrapaters inso manyy. despiteoccasinldifference at riset te surfac, wehave a hue hare mmmet o democra, todivsity,and a eterminaton o inrease the opotuntes for ou people. i am ery,verylease the oldigoi o have an opportunityto fel thedynaimofbrazil firshand thecours ofti smmr, andi agreeith brailianuimmnistericius aes tht therculdbethgeter tan to haacbteen he unitd sttes dbrzil now,havin said that, i have to,inth sprit of canor, el yo thattoo ta theuid staehato gthroughrmny,portuga, ana, bt w a ason squd an rng spiit.(aughterand appause) the oe thn i can pomise ou s th:w will the rooin obring the up bck toour hemsphere (lughter.) that&rsq;s rsureso &rquo;lltellyo, ther&rq;s nogater fn. h’sbeno ea f delegatonto theor cup.hewilwchteorl up.thee&rqu; one lde i kn whorsqu; oingto beshaingth ithhigandduhtrs, ad ha&rsqo;s our vic prdent. o he&quo;s bee t his hare ofwoldupmchs,fols, an he wsheladeof or lastelegatio to orld up n uth afa. te vice prsident fh unitedtats,oedn. (appus.)
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