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College English Test Band 4ReportName: Cui JianyuUniversity: Kaifeng University College (Department): Mechanic & Electronics EngineerExam Certificate No.: 411021101105825ID Card No.:412702198902210513Exam Date: June 2010Total: 629Listening(35%)Reading(35%)Comprehensive(10%)Writing and Translation(20) %1321624793Report No.: 101141102002347Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education Issued by: National College English Testing (Band 4 and 6) Committee www.cet.edu.cnWuhan University of Science and Technology Zhongnan BranchTest for English Majors Band 4 Certificate This is to certify that XX participated in TEM 4 (Foundation Stage for English Majors) held by Committeeof National Higher School of Education Ministry on April 2008, and she successfully passed the test. Committeeof National Higher School of Education Ministry (Seal) Certificate No.: XX
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