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U7T2P4Unit 7 Food FestivalTopic 2 Im not sure whether I can cook it well.教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元第二个话题在复习上个话题的基础上,引入新的内容包括步骤的表达,描述方式的副词,做饭材料、做饭所用厨具以及吃饭所用的餐具等词汇。主要句型有提供帮助Would you like me to help you?赞美和鼓励Well done!请求得到允许Would you mind if I?就餐用语help yourself to some以及提醒和警告remember (not) to 语法包括whether/if引导的宾语从句;副词的比较级和最高级。本话题语音部分的内容包括/t/和/dE/的区分以及升降调的区分。此外,本话题贴近学生生活实际,从教学生做各种食物到不同国家的餐桌礼仪和饮食文化,学生不仅可以学到语言知识还可以培养生活技能,拓展文化意识。第一课时:Section A- 1a, 1b, 1c ,2a, 2b第二课时:Section B-1a, 1b, 1c, 2 Section A-3a, 3b第三课时:Section C-1a,1b,1c, 4第四课时:Section C-2, 3 Section B-3, 4a, 4b第五课时:Section D-Grammar and Functions, 1, 2, 3, Project第四课时(Section C-2, 3 Section B-3,4a, 4b)教学设计思路:本节课主要活动为Section C -2,3。本节课的课型为语法语音课。在复习环节里按照上一课的作业布置,要求学生边表演西方餐桌礼仪边讲解。语法环节从讨论中国的餐桌礼仪入手,首先学习本课出现的新词汇,并在师生讨论中运用目标语言宾语从句,之后导入到对其他国家餐桌礼仪的讨论。学习语法的过程中,教师鼓励学生自己发现和总结语法规律,并根据学生理解和掌握的程度加以引导、点拨和补充。比如在本课中,教师要求学生自己找到宾语从句的关系词,自己发现一般疑问句和宾语从句在语序方面的不同。之后以练习的方式加以巩固。本课将Section B-3设计成Reading and speaking的活动。原因是学生通过阅读就可以完成排序的任务,而且认真的阅读比听更深刻地理解对话的意义。之后,通过听录音和模仿练习语音语调,同时导入Section B-4a、4b。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)学习并掌握新词汇spoon, chopstick, finger, elbow, slurp, noisily (2)继续学习宾语从句I want to know whether/if it is polite to point with chopsticks at people in China.(3)了解不同国家的餐桌礼仪。(4)掌握辅音音素/t/和/dE/。(5)学会朗读句子时正确处理语调和停顿。2. Skill aims: (1)能利用宾语从句讨论不同国家的餐桌礼仪。(2)能区分辅音音素/t/和/dE/, 并能正确拼读单词。(3)学生能在朗读句子时正确处理语调和停顿。3. Emotional aims:乐于接触和了解外国风俗文化,从而更好地为弘扬中国文化服务。4. Culture awareness:了解各国饮食习惯和餐桌礼仪,做个有国际视野的人。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:(1)继续学习whether/if引导的宾语从句。(2)了解不同国家的餐桌礼仪。2. Difficult points: 利用whether/ if 引导的宾语从句谈论不同国家的餐桌礼仪。. Learning strategies1. 了解不同国家的餐桌礼仪有助于更好地进行跨文化交流。2. 在学校的过程中,善于观察,勤于思考。探究和发现语言规律。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/图片. Teaching proceduresStage 1(2mins):Getting students ready for learning StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose(Class activity)Greet the students and get themready for learning.T: Good morning, everyone!T:Whose turn to give a duty report?Focus their attention on the teacher.Ss: Good morning, MissS1: Its me. Remark:这一环节的目的是要创造学习英语的氛围并使学生静下心来,开始新的学习。可以采用多种方式,如唱歌、游戏、值日报告、自由讨论等。Stage 2(10mins): RevisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose 1(Class activity)Ask some students to act out the western table manners.T: Before the new lesson, Ill ask some of you to act out the western table manners as you talk about them. Who would like to have a try?T: Are there any mistakes or do you have anything to add?Some students act out the western table manners. Others watch and listen carefully. Ss:Ss:Remark:Stage 3(15mins):Grammar StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Learn the new words.T: We use chopsticks to stir the fruit salad. What do you use to eat it?T: Look at the pictures. Lets learn these two words: chopsticks and spoon. spoon chopsticksT:Do you think whether it is polite to eat fruit salad with fingers?(教师伸出手指教学这个单词)I mean whether it is right to eat fruit salad with fingers? T:Yes. I think so. And do you think if it is polite to point at others with your chopsticks in China?T: Yes. You got it. That is to say it is impolite. T: Some people eat noisily like this man. T: Do you know what “noisily” means?T: Do you think whether or not it is polite to eat noisily?T: OK. Maybe you are right. Many people dont mind that in China. But table manners are different from country to country. Lets see some table manners in other countries.Look at the pictures and learn the new words.Ss: 汤匙,调羹.Ss: No, I dont think its right. Ss: No, I dont think its polite.Ss: Yes. It means “吵闹的”.S3: I think it doesnt matter. I dont mind that.看图学习新词汇并利用宾语从句讨论中国的餐桌礼仪。2(Pair work)Ask the students to read the conversations in 2 and match the pictures with the conversations. Then practice in pairs.T: Now read the conversations in 2. And then match them with the pictures.T: Have you got the answers? Would you mind telling me the right order?T:Good! Now read the conversations again. Underline the object clauses. please pay attention to the relative words. T:What relative words can cause object clauses?T: Well done. Lets practice these conversations in pairs.Read the conversations in 2 and match the pictures with the conversations. Then practice in pairs.Ss:S1: The right order isSs:S2: whether, if and whether or not.Ss:利用宾语从句讨论其他国家的餐桌礼仪。总结关系词whether,if和whether or not。3(Class activity)Show the example of 3.T:Lets go on learning object clauses. Now read the example of 3. Observe the differences between the general question and the object clauses.T: Do you find any differences?
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