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Unit 34测试题.单项选择( 20 分)( )1.We can eat in the dining hall. But we _ eat in the classroom. A. dont B. didnt C. cant D. arent( )2. _ Lucy and Kate go to school?A.How B.How does C.How do D.How are( )3._ your father usually go to work by car?A.Do B.Is C.Does D.Are( )4. How do they go out tomorrow, _ bike or _ foot? A. by, byB. on, on C. by, onD. on, by ( )5. _ does it take her to get to school?-It takes her around _ minutes A. How far,twentyfive B.How long, twentyfiveC.How far, twenty five D. How long,twenty five( )6.I have _rules in my home. We have_homework to do today. A. too many, too much B. too much , many too C. too many, much too D. much too, many too( )7.-Can your brother swim? -_. A. Yes, he cant B. Yes, please . C. No, he cant D. Yes, he does( )8. How _ is it _ your school to the Childrens Palace? A. long, toB. far, to C. long, from D. far, from ( )9.Hes never _ class. A. arrive B. late for C. arrive late D. late( )10. There is a river between his school and home, so he takes a _ to school every day. A. bus B. taxi C. boat D. train( )11. Mr Wang leaves _ Guangzhou today. A. to B. with C. in D. for ( )12. -_ is it from your home to school? -Three miles. A. How far B. How much C. How soon D. How long ( )13. _? Yes. I dont know how to get to the hospital. A. Excuse me B. Can I help you C. What should I do D. Whats the matter( )14. Please listen _ the teacher carefully (仔细). A. to B. on C. at D. of( )15. How many people are there in the house? _.A. Hundred of B. Two hundreds C. Two hundreds of D. Two hundred( )16. I often go to work _. A. ride my bike B. by bike C. by a bike D. on bike ( )17. It will take the men half a year _ the work. A. do B. doing C. to doD. does ( )18. Molly goes to school _ her fathers car and Larry goes to school _ foot. A. by; on B. in; by C. in; on D. on; by( )19. Dont _ TV after class. A. watch B. watchingC. to watch D. to watching( )20. - Dont run in the hallways.- _, I wont do it again.A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. Thank you D. NoII.完型填空:(10分)I work in a school library. There are many kinds of 1 in it. For example, books 2 English, science, history, music, and so on . You 3 do some reading or borrow(借入) books from it. But there are some 4 . You must obey (遵守) them.When you are reading in the library, you have to 5 quiet. Dont talk loudly 6 make any noise(喧哗). You 7 listen to music, either(也). You 8 take your bags or wet umbrellas into the library. 9 or drink in the library. You can borrow books from the library, 10 you cant lend(借出) them to others. You have to take good care of (好好保管) them and return them on time(按时归还). If the library books are lost, you have to pay for them.( ) 1. A. people B. books C. magazines D. newspapers( ) 2. A. in B. for C. about D. on( ) 3. A .can B. have to C. cant D. dont ( )4. A. way B. rules C. rule D. ways( )5. A. be B. are C. / D. have( )6.A. and B. but C. or D. because( )7.A .dont B. cant C. have to D. can( )8. A. arent B.dont C. cant D. can( )9. A. No eating B. Not eat C. Dont eat D. Cant eat( )10.A. but B. if C. when D. whereIII.阅读短文,选择正确答案。(10分,每题2分)We all learn English, but how can we learn English well? A student can know a lot about English, but maybe(可能)he cant speak English.If you want to know how to swim, you must(必需) get into the river. And if you want to be a football player, you must play football.So, you see. You can learn English only by using it. You must listen to your teacher in class. You must read your lessons every day. You must speak English to your classmates and also you must write something sometimes. Then one day, you may find your English very good.( )1. You know a lot about English but maybe you _.A. can speak B. can study it C. cant study it D. cant use it( )2. If you want to learn to swim you have to _.A .get into the river B. read books about swimming C. learn from other people first D. play football well first ( )3. If you want to be a football player, you have to _.A. buy a good football
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