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九年级第一次月考选择题(60分)一. 单项选择.(每题1分, 共计20分)1. You can improve your English_ practicing as much as possible. A. by B. with C. of D. in2. What about _ a rest? A. to take B. take C. taking D. takes3. Many students write to Language Doctor to _ advice about learning English. A. look through B. ask for C. give up D. worry about4. You dont have to _every new word in the dictionary while reading. A. look for B. look up C. look at D. look after5. He had to go home_ poor health. A. as a result B. because C. so D. because of6. -_ do you usually go to school, Simon? -By bike.A. When B. How C. What D. Where7 .-I will have a math test tomorrow. -_A. Good luck B. Thank you C. Well done D. The same to you8.-_ beautiful girl. - Thank you. A. What B. What a C. How D. How a9.I wonder_ in your hometown in winter.A. whether does it often snow B. whether it often snowsC. if it often snow D. if does often it snows10.They wonder _robots will make humans lose their jobs or not. A. that B. if C. whether D. where11. Would you like to share your experiences _ us. A. to B. for C. with D. in12. -Do you often get online? - Yes. I _ lots of time on it. Its a good way to kill time. A. cost B. spend C. take D. pay13. -Could you please tell me _ tomorrow? -At 8 oclock. A. how will she come B. where she will go C. what time she will start14. -Open the window please , Mike. -_? I didnt hear what you said. A. What B. Pardon C. Really D. All right15. -_ , please. Could you tell me how to get to the bus station? -Go along this street and turn left on Main Street. A. Excuse me B. Yes C. Sure D. Hello16. -Its too late. I have to go now. -Oh, its raining outside. Dont leave _it stops. A. since B. until C. while D. when17. -Excuse me, may I know your_? -Sure. Its No3 Bridge Street. A. house B. address C. way D. place18. Try to guess. Dont _your dictionary all the time. A. turn on B. belong to C. depend on D. decide on19. Lucy lived in Beijing from 2008_ 2012. A. on B. to C. at D. of20. My grandparents always _ many delicious food when we visit them. A. lay out B. take away C. put on D. take off二. 完型填空.( 每题1分, 共计10分)There are a lot of festivals for Chinese people, such as National Day, May Day, etc. However, Chinese people look on Spring Festival_21_ their most important one of all. Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China. Its a festival for families to get _22_. And its also my favorite festival, especially _23_ I was a child. Because in those days my life was very _24_. When the Spring Festival came, I could have plenty of delicious food to eat. Also, I could _25_ a very long holiday and have a good rest. On that day I could_26_ beautiful clothes. And the most important thing is that I could receive much New Years gift _27_ . So every year, I expected the Spring Festival would come soon. When I _28_ up, its no longer as important _29_ me as before. For our country has developed a lot. Our life is _30_ than before. Its like that Im having Spring Festival every day.( ) 21. A. for B. as C. at( ) 22. A. down B. up C. together( ) 23. A. when B. if C. unless ( ) 24. A. rich B. poor C. real( ) 25. A. find B. enjoy C. need( ) 26. A. buy B. see C. wear( ) 27. A. money B.paper C. coin( ) 28. A. look. B. get C. grow( ) 29. A. to . B. of C. on( ) 30. A. worse B.better C. shorter三阅读理解题。(每题2分,共计30分) AChristmas is December 25. Its the most important holiday in America. People like to send Christmas cards to their friends and they buy gifts for their family and friends before Christmas. Christmas Day is a day for family reunion(团聚). The family come together and sit down to have a meal in the afternoon. On Christmas Day people go to church ( 教堂) to listen to Christmas Carols(颂歌). Children are very happy on that day, and they can get a lot of gifts. ( ) 31. _ is the biggest festival in America. A. Christmas B. New Year C.Thanksgiving Day D. Teachers Day( ) 32. Many people can get some _ before Christmas. A. work
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