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动名词的句法功能1. 用作主语Getting up early is a good habit.早起是个好习惯。Finding work is difficult these days.现今找工作可不容易。由于直接将动名词置于句首作主语有时会显得头重脚轻”,此是可用it作形式主语放在句首,而把真正的主语放在句末。如:It s nice seeing her agai再次见到她很好。It s no use saying any more about 再谈这事没有用。这两句句首的it就是形式主语,真正的主语是后而把动名词seeing her again和saying any more about it。2. 用作表语Seei ng is believi ng.眼见为实。Her hobby is grow ing roses.她的爱好是种植玫瑰。The real problem is gett ing to know the n eeds of the customers.真正的问题是了解消费者的需要。动名词和不定式均可用作主语和表语,两者的区别是:动名词多指笼统的、抽象的概念,而不定式则多表示具体的、一次性的动作。3. 用作宾语I don t mind being poor.我对贫困不在乎。They kept talking about it.他们一直在谈论此事。He suggested moving to the country. 他建议搬至U乡下去。动名词除用作动词的宾语外,还可用作介词的宾语。如:She was afraid of waki ng her husba nd.她怕吵醒她丈夫。4. 用作宾语补足语Can we call this servi ng ma nki nd?这能叫为人类服务吗?I call this robbing Peter to pay Paul .我管这叫做拆东墙补西墙。5. 用作定语We need a new working method.我们需要一种新的工作方法。The doctor told me not to take sleeping pills.医生叫我不要服安眠药。动名词作定语与不定式和现在分词不同,动名词作定语通常不以短语的形式出现,而且总是位于被修饰名词之前(在许多情况下构成合成名词),用以表示被修饰名词的用途、目的和场合。如:reading room阅览室(表示这个房间是供人们阅读的)operating table手术台(表示这个台子是用于做手术的)swimming pool游泳池(表示这个池子是供人们游泳的)washing machine洗衣机(表示这个机器是用来洗衣的)动名词用作定语时,其前有时可以有形容词,但此形容词不是修饰动名词,而是修饰 动名词+名词”结构,如:a big wait ing room 一大问候车室其中的形容词 big不修饰动名词 waiting,而是修饰 waiting room非谓语动词being done结构与done结构的区别being done如果构成谓语只有一种可能,就是与动词be 一起构成被动语态的进行时态。如:Your steak is being grilled and will be ready in a minute.您的牛排正在烤着,马上就好。Unfortun ately, my car broke dow n and I was stuck there while it was being repaired.不幸的是,我的车坏了, 在修车的时候,我就被困在那里。但是,作为非谓语动词的being done ,其用法则比较复杂,也比较容易用错,本文帮同学们归纳如下。1. 用作定语当非谓语动词being done用作定语时,只能置于被修饰名词之后,表示一个正在进行的被动动作。如:Did you see that boy being questioned by the police? 你看见那个男孩受到警察的盘问了吗?(语境中)We are going to reduce the nu mber of trees being cut dow n.我们要减少砍伐的树的数量。注意:being done, to be done 与done均可用作后置定语,其区别为:being done表示正在发生的被动动作;to be done表示将要发生的被动动作;而 done表示已经发生的被动动作。比较:(1) The playlast month aimed mai nly to reflect the local culture.A. producedB. being producedC. to be produced D. havi ng bee n produced(2) The playnow aims mainly to reflect the local culture.A. producedB. being producedC. to be produced D. havi ng bee n produced(3) The playnext month aims mainly to reflect the local culture. (2009 安徽卷)A. producedB. being producedC. to be produced D. havi ng bee n produced根据每句空格后的时间状语last mo nth, now, next mo nth可知,第(1)题的答案应选 A,第(2)题的答案应选 B,第题的答案应选Co这道山东卷考题也就变得很容易了:We are in vited to a partyin our club n ext Friday.A. to be heldB. heldC. bei ng heldD. hold ing2. 用作主语being done可以用于句首作主语,表示一个被动的动作。如:Bei ng sent to prison was the final degradatio n.堕落到最后的地步就是被关进监狱。Being recog ni zed wherever you go is the price you pay for being famous.出名所付出的代价是不管你走至 U哪里,都会被人认出来。3. 用作宾语being done不仅可以用于动词后作宾语,而且可以用作介词后作宾语,也是表示一个被动的动作。如:He tried to escape being puni shed.他设法逃避惩罚。(escape/avoide/enjoy doing)He dyed his beard to avoid being recognized.他染了胡子,以免我们认出他。Everybody enjoys being spoiled from time to time. 谁都喜欢偶尔让人宠一宠。You have to wait in a large entrance hall before being show n into the court proper.进入皇宫时先要在入口大厅等候,由人带领进入正殿。Before/after介词After On being in formed the flight would be delayed, we made other arran geme nts.在我们得知飞机要推迟起飞后,我们另作了安排。请看下面一道考题:(remember to do 与 remember doing 区另U)I still remember to the Temple and what I saw there.A. to takeB. to be take nC. tak ingD. being take n从句意上看,“我”与“带去法门寺”之间为被动关系,即“我是被带去法门寺”,所以首先应排除表示主动意义的A和C;再从语法上看,remember后接不定式或动名词均可,但有区别:接不定式表示记住去做未做 的事,接动名词表示记住已经做过或发生过的事,根据句意和句子中saw用的是一般过去时可知,应用动名词,即答案为Do4. 用作宾语补足语being done 主要用在某些动词(女口see, hear, watch, feel, find, discover, imagine, keep, like, notice 等)后作宾语补足语,表示一个正在进行的被动动作。如:I saw him being taken away by the police. 我看至U他正被警察带走。It s interesting for children to see a house being built孩子们看造房子是挺有趣的事。I woke up to hear the bedroom door be ing ope ned slowly. 我醒过来,听见卧室的门慢慢地被推开。有时也用于介词 with, without的宾语后作宾语补足语。如:They debated for hours without a decisi on bei ng take n. 他们争论了好几个小时,也没作出决定。5. 用作状语being done用作状语是一个比较重要的用法,主要用于句首表示原因,有时也表示其他关系(如时间等)。如:Being unemployed, he hasn t got much n由于他没有工作,他没有多少钱。Being well taken care of, she recovered quickly.由于受到很好的照顾,她的身体恢复得很快。 Being given a chanee, she immediately jumped at it.当给她这个机会的时候,她立刻就抓住了。注:有时being可带有自己的逻辑主语(构成独立主格结构)。如:The question bei ng settled, we went home.问题解决之后,我们就回家了。考查have sth done的一道语法难题有这样一道题:Mrs Brown was much disappo in ted to see the wash ing mach ine she had hadwent wrong aga in.A. itB. it repaired C. repairedD. to be repaired这是一道上海高考英语题,答案选C,许多考生因不能正确分析句子结构,不知如何下笔。现分析如下:句中 to see 后的基本结构是:the washi ng machi ne we nt wrong agai n.(洗衣机又出毛病了 ),其中(that) she had had repaired套用的句型是 “have名词或代词 +过去分词”,即have the washing machine repaired ;另外,从时间 上看,请人修洗衣机应在 出故障之前,故have the washing machine repaired用了过去完成时态,即用hadhad the washing machine repaired ;从修饰角度看,题目中she h
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