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关于耐心的英语演讲稿 你是不是还在如何写耐心的英语作文而感到烦恼呢下面是小编为大家整理的关于耐心的英语演讲稿,希望对大家有所帮助。范文【一】 Thegr wodmth orkyoce ai: "the edction f hildr'; ce irequred have rtare caer."Chilren ike thosedlate ciningflower, lays needour oe nd cre.Thycam rom familie, hsn reltiekindergaten bhin the ackig,atrally, y put in h cntactswih te parents fviuthouhs,felings,expettasfe o teacer. At that tim, wejustlie lve therchilden love th,theyceae a lv caefull fr henironmen, to hel them oerehefar an istrus. Mr.L xu has wods:"ecationi rooted in love.&qu; Love is h sour of eductn, the teahe av lve, j cn use to fi the boe, students forthir tion bct wih faith n ove, wohavthe sprit of rvng forexceencad innatinsiri,onl in love, on the bsis ofte tacher will put all s srength,te llof te yout, a wso Goin t the childr, tedcatn carr. Tachrs re qo;eemlaryvirtu" ared proessio,henet genration will inflnce to gow and iprovetecer&39; professia moalityi patiulary port. Througthe ays of secia tranin,sengheto hissuen, ui, love aperson oexelaryvirtue, teachn h eduatio, ehance te ddication ad sene of respnsibility, tentheing idelgica euation quai eduaion ccpt learng,pdate, Strngtheng educto awsand egulations, imrove teaing le o learnig acrdng o law Chdren shw usand atience, sicere atttude, which refects he tacer affale I t chilre#39;ys, tter sould be a yuth, nshine,beutfu, energic, oet, omnisient an frendly,ind,sonabe, can concer, t i siser has auority. Two yearsgo,Ihae a ltle girl calleno ite, very dayhe cmeout ll kndrgaten. ccrdig t oe techersek,the childrying, buton t be, shecredgh was ust fi. Trogh bseation,te chid in theclass er lonel, because e39;s por abiity, pln game, wh th oer kds c ooperate,toger witoure small, ftey othechle ulying. I thnbeth cmucionfailure, erious dmpeed her lit har, te hide otint hegardenhobanatural. Finhe &ut;ymoms&qut; ate, il tret, ften i r cass. Play t game, itntioly let hi qu;acqut;nd inrese theopprtunites, and aloedelbrately show yrselftohr uot;reference&qu;,te child a haged, fulof ove, lovelaute, the kindraren, with no ner har er cry; 范文【二】 Mabe God wants us o et a few wrongpople efoemetinthe rght neso tat whn fialy ee theright erson, we i kow hoto begratfu f hat f Wh the door f apiness cls,anher opns,but often times we lok soongat theose doorhawdon';t ethe one wh has beenopen fo s. hebst ind of friendisth knd yucan sit o apo andswing ith, ev sa a w,d then wal awy feelin likei athebest cnersatio youveevhd. I#3;s t that wedon&;tkow what w#39;veo uil wse it, bu ts sotrue tha wedon#;t now ht we'vebeen isingntil it aris.Giig someoa yur lo is nevr asrae that they l lov yu ak!Don't exp love inretur;ust wait for it t row in thereatbutif i dosn';t, b ontent it rw inyos. It taes onl a inut to gt a crsn oeon,an hour to lksomeone, ad a day toovsmn,but it ak a lifeietoorgetsomeone. Don'tg f ooks; thean deceveDo#3; go o ealt; even thatades away. Go for someoe whomakeyou ml cause tksonl smile to ke ak daysee bigh. F th oe that mke your hrt smile.
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