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任务型教学法在初中英语听力教学中的应用【摘要】在平常交际中,听占有十分重要的地位。st觉得,语言习得重要通过获得大量的可理解输入来实现,而听是获得可理解语言输入的最重要的渠道。但是,目前国内的初中英语听力教学仍不尽人意,还存在着许多问题。任务型教学是以具体的任务为学习动机或动力,以完毕任务的过程为学习的过程,以展示任务成果的方式来体现教学成就的一种教学措施。本研究通过课堂观测和教学进一步探讨了任务型教学应用于初中听力教学。基于ils的任务型教学模式和Urwood的听力教学模式理论,笔者将两者结合并应用于初中听力教学中,建立了任务型听力教学模式,将任务型教学法应用于听力教学中。试图解决现阶段初中英语听力教学中存在的两个重要问题:第一,听力教材中的问题;第二,教学模式单一的问题。针对第一种问题,本研究按照任务型教学法中任务设计的原则,重新整合教材并设计多种真适实可行的学习任务,从而解决教材中部分内容过难学生不易完毕、不感爱好等问题。第二个问题的解决也就是任务型教学法的应用。本研究将任务划分为听前,听中,以及听后三个部分。每一部分按照任务设计的原则安排了多项任务,从而解决了老式听力教学模式单一的问题。通过任务型教学法在听力教学中的应用,作者但愿为初中英语听力教师提供些许参照,最后对英语听力教学产生协助,从而提高听力课堂的有效性。 【核心词】任务;任务型教学法;英语听力教学CONENSAbsracti 摘要ii I. Itroducti1I Literaturereie12.1 he tdis of lisninmprehsi2.2 Te stdisof eapliaion f Tak-Basd Approcto iting2III Th uret problemi Engihliteningeaching3.1 h probles f eachig materal43.2 Theprobles fclassromthg mdes4V. The Alcation of th s-sed Approch to the Englih Lstenn Class.1Th iniples ordesiging tsks in liteing54.2Te stps fr deinn taskaed teachi odl in ting cssV. cusion10Reference1Acknowlemet3heApplicatin f“Ts-Base Approah” tote senin lass iJniorHigh Sh.ItductioTher e fourabilite in thecusiion f aguge,which re lstning, saing,edinandwiti, but iseni is t mos difficlt one anghem. Mosttuents ar no ierese in i, ndatte same tie, ot tudntsaway lose cnfidenc in elig wih e liteningcomrehesion questions, ecause e think that eir Eglih isvy oo. hrefor, ts ecessaryto vw th current sittionand xistn roblems of istenincomrhenio ad combine the Tsk-Based ppac witth Eglish Lisng tchig.The sk-Baed proah as a ew tahng approach languageard ithe western orld in t 980s, adimphaizes learig by ong. Coparedwithaditioal teaching methd, he Tsk-asedApproach cn noonly otivaethe studensieret,ut can lso helpuenttimpre their glsh lstenng abiyith prcess f eaning Engish And then b hs apoachthe stdent learig fficienyand Eglish applicationaliyca be oed hrouh cperatve arng ad searningII. erture reiew2.1he tude of lsening comprehenionListeni is a cognit activityadlanugekils, nd pls an irtantle in ou dily ie and laguge learing, aat the smetime, isnng coprnsion hs incrsingy becme animpornt riterin easue te leloleaner lange stu (Long, 193).Bu acrng tourngteobserationa ud on teeachnactce, te trditional Eglish litng tcing methds ed i chinaibt te studens lstenng bily t imove. Listeningcomprehesinresearch iclsve asecs, tealistening aeral, seakrs, ask,arrsand liseing roses (iards ndPlt, 1992). Thegre of diffiuty about helstening mtral and listeners failiarity; the rate of speec, voe, epresin of speakrs ;h typf listenn tak; the interna anExenal fctors o larns; th pocesse f listeningcomprehnsio alo aaet earners to undestad the lstigmterials.Amonthem, te are se iportant spct o afft istening, sucas the levof laga, emoy, emotionl factor, and backgund knowdgo leaners. he most important thin i the su of t procs oflsteningcomehsio,which i a ntenal mental process, nd theway larrs to deal with lanuag iuttng and unrstandinit he rsearcerof domestc n brrechda consensus inth are and holdthat he processof anuage undersdng is prcess lnguageproduing, ad ths proes inluds tresages,whch arpception,rsolton and appliaio. Ate perception tag,th iputlangu isayiedad synthessed prlmiay by h brai. At theesoling sge, heainpoes a sees o proposionwichs fondtion of listening crhension. At the appliction sag, th ew mnc propoition atiats the extin popiti ad kwledge inhbrain wh an fr theudaed discore eanng andnowleg syses.he psyhologil facto are ry iportnt or sudento udrtad te litenig atrials, and these fcors are shoe hrghthe attitudo learners,h as the iret, lf-conidence, the lel effr and anxiey.Lrners mentalsts w ffecttheir lernng behviorandlearnig resl diety Negatv menta staes, ucas nety, tsion, slack, disut, fer,ad oon,ll idr their learnig potenil o perfom nmally.In order o help students oecomtheegaie sentiment in t lienng pces,cu
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