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2022年考博英语-浙江大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题It was difficult to build a power station in the deep valley, but it( )as we had hoped.问题1选项A.came offB.went offC.brought outD.made out【答案】A【解析】came off 举行,成功;went off爆炸,离去;brought out 出版,生产;made out理解,辨认出。句意:在深谷里建发电站是困难的,但正如我们所希望的那样成功了。选项A符合句意。2. 单选题Bangladeshi communities that are already being poisoned by arsenic-tainted(含砷) groundwater are facing an appalling new threat. Their rice and vegetables are also laced with high level of arsenic.The health effects of eating such tainted food are not yet known, but the ramifications(门类) could be enormous. The WHO says contaminated drinking water alone could kill 270,080 Bangladeshis over the next decade.In a terrible irony, arsenic entered the Bangladeshi water supply when UNICEF and other international agencies sank millions of tube veils to provide clean drinking water. But the wells tapped into groundwater contaminated by arsenic from sedimentary deposits deep below Bangladesh. To deal with the problem, UNICEF and the World Bank have been testing water from wells and marking them safe or dangerous but that testing program has been found to be flawed.To make matters worse, water from the wells is also used to irrigate paddy(水稻)fields. However, until now it wasnt known whether or not the rice was accumulating-arsenic. Tests on rice samples from around Bangladesh had found that arsenic levels did indeed vary according to the strength of local arsenic contamination in the soil and groundwater.Arsenic levels in different varieties of rice ranged from about 0.05 to 1.8 parts per million. In Europe and the US, levels are around 0.05 parts per million. The WHO recommends a maximum level of 0.01 parts per million in drinking water but therefore, no guidelines for levels in foods.Ravi Naidu at CSIRO in Adelaide and his colleagues have been studying the uptake of arsenic from the soil by Bangladeshi crops.Their data shows that arum, a popular vegetables has arsenic levels of nearly 150 parts per million. It is usually grown in wet zones adjacent to the tube wells. But some vegetables such as spinach and beans are relatively free from arsenic. The rice grains studied by Naidus team had arsenic levels that ranged from undetectable to over 1.6 parts per million. Their calculation show that nearly 30 per cent of the total arsenic intake for people in Bangladesh may be coming from their food.If the body can absorb arsenic from food and this is yet to be proven then merely tackling drinking water contamination will not be enough. Researchers fear that paddy fields will continue to be irrigated from poisoned tube wells because Bangladesh does not have enough arsenic-free water for agriculture.1.The central idea of the passage is about( ).2.From the passage we learn that water contamination of Bangladesh was caused by( ).3.The passage implies that the arsenic in drinking water in Europe and the US is( ).4.In order to reduce arsenic intake, the Bangladeshis should avoid eating( ).5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?问题1选项A.the contamination of water and crops in BangladeshB.how to cultivate rice free of arsenicC.the serious consequences of arsenic intakeD.how to solve the water shortage problems in Bangladesh问题2选项A.mining the sedimentary deposits under BangladeshB.the help from UNICEF and other international agenciesC.refining the arsenic from groundwaterD.river water that flow into the tube wells问题3选项A.around 1.8 parts per millionB.around 0.05 parts per millionC.over 0.5 parts per millionD.less than 0.01 parts per million问题4选项A.arumB.spinachC.beansD.rice问题5选项A.Water accounts for 70% of the arsenic intake for the Bangladeshis.B.Researchers doubt that the body can absorb arsenic from food.C.People in Bangladesh will soon be free of arsenic intake.D.Crops in Bangladesh will continue to be irrigated from poisoned tube wells.【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:D第4题:A第5题:C【解析】1.结合原文内容可知,第一段为本文的中心思想。孟加拉国的水资源和农作物中都含有高浓度的砷,即受到了污染,选项A符合原文。2.根据第三段的第一句“In a terrible irony, arsenic entered the Bangladeshi water supply when UNICEF and other international agencies sank millions of tube veils to provide clean drinking water.”特别讽刺的是,当联合国儿童基金会和其他国际机构为提供清洁饮用水而埋设数百万管状面纱时,砷进入了孟加拉国的供水系统。由此使得孟加拉国的供水受到了污染,所以选项B正确。3.根据第五段的内容,不同品种水稻的砷含量在0.051.8 ppm之间,在欧洲和美国,含量约为0.05%。而根据上文提到的,水稻中砷的含量会根据土壤和地下水中砷污染的强度而变化,欧洲和美国的水稻砷含量为最低标准,说明其饮用水中砷的含量也不超过世界卫生组织建议的最高含量百万分之0.01。所以选项D正确。4.根据倒数第二段的内容可知,广受欢迎的海芋砷含量接近百万分之150,而菠菜和大豆相对来说不含砷,米粒的砷含量也没有超过百万分之1.6。所以孟加拉人应该避免吃海芋。选项A正确。5.根据最后一段的最后一句“Researchers fear that paddy fields will continue to be irrigated from poisoned tube wells because Bangladesh does not have enough arsenic-free water for agriculture.”由于孟加拉国没有足够的无砷农业用水,稻田将继续从有毒的管井中灌溉。所以选项C错误。3. 单选题Immigrants of all races in this
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