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跟我学单词拼读能力练习分类单元音的闭音节单元音的开音节单元音的R音节单元音的RE音节双元音字母组合双元音的R音节元辅组合(偏元)发音不变化的辅音字母add bad bat lab mad Dad pad pal tap fat hat ham and ant jam man map mat fan hand land lamp jazz bed bet red wet pet net hen pen bend Benz let left help lend mend ten tent went bell tell well tempt dim rim rip in kid win tin tint pin wit zip if bit fit tip lift bill hill pill will till film milk on odd nod not pot top mop dot hot job pond off doll pop but hut pub bulb pulp hum dump pump jump Mum run dull uphate take late lake make wake tape date eve wide wave bone tone Rome dome home note hope rope joke pole hole bike fine kite line mine nine wine life wife five hive pipe ripe time ride hide lime dive like mile pile tune per fur hurt turn lurk art bar far arm bark hard dark mark park part warm jar farm Ford lord fork pork port form born bird nerve bare fare mere here lure rare tired fire wire more bored wore eat pea tea bean mean meat read neat team leaf leap meal real realm jean leave weak dead head bee keep meet need deep week beef feel jeep keen too boom room food wood moon noon zoo fool pool book look foot boot root roof low row bowl own bow now how down town law paw boat road fail wait raid rain main mail tail faint paint point haunt haul taunt oil join boil few new loud out round ear near hear dear tear pear fear bear wear beard air fair pair hair all ball hall halt tall talk walk wall fall old hold find wind high light night right tight mildshckssWelsh wash wish dish fish rush mesh thresh shed shelf shell ship shut shop shot back neck deck tick kick pack rock lock tuck duck luck shock clock cluck truck boss toss less mess kiss miss shake shame shade shave she shine shark sharp short shirtshore share sheep sheet shout show shawl 半元音Yyet yuck by type shyyardkey boy joy toy buy day May way hay year 发音变化的辅音字母Cact can cat cap camp cell cent fact cup cut cod mince cliffcake cave race face pace ice rice nice pence Coke cute car card carve corn care cook cool coop coat coin count voice cow bounce pounce bouncecall cold GQXbag nag rag egg leg get big pig gift fix mix dog god golf ox box fox frog next text fax taxage cage page wage gate game gave urge large girl germ good goat gay gear gold Ssad sit sip six as bus gas sack set sock sand soft sun mumps sell sill silk send solve us since sumcase vase rise size same safe save site nose so use fuse serve sir sort cursed horse nurse Marssuresea seat jeans ease see seem geese soon goose suit sail raise noise say cause house mouse news soap soil sound pound surfsight salt 辅音组合连 滑best dust just gust must rest rust tusk list vest west cost chest ask desk risk gasp crash crack cross clap cleft click cliff cling clog club clump clutch flap flat flash glad glint grab gram press black block blot blunt brush flat fresh slip slam smash smell snap snob swim clock frog from plus plot print prompt blaze blame brake crane cry close fly frame fry globe grape grade twice plane place plate price pride prize slice slide smile smoke snake burst first smart blare snore east least coast roast bread break breed brown blouse blow blue cream creep crowd crown crew claim clean clown cloud Greece greet group green grey grow glow gleam plain play please plead proud sleep slow snow snail sneeze sway sweep sweet free flee flaw float clear sneer bright flight fright flower glance grind small slight 辅音组合浊化scrub sketch skip skim skin span Spain spin spell spend spot stand still stick strip stack stuck step stamp strap strict strong spring stretch string skate sky space spy stale state stone stage style strike stripeskirt scarf start spark storm star sportspare store score scoop scream screen school speak speed stray street stream Spain spoil spoon spray spout stay steal steam stool stair stalk straight辅音组合其他bank tank blank plank monk winch pink chess dress drift drop drink drill tramp trunk track trap trip with moth this that theft thrust thick thin thing think math myth Dutch patch latch match snatch which watch inch rich French catch check chip chug wing sing hang long strong string ring bring spring swing knock lamb bomb what wrap lunch junk chunk drunk twelvethese those drive try strike dry knife rhyme phone phrase phase whale while white why write chase theme charge March church torch north worth birth third where there spherethree teeth breath death health throw tooth growth mouth south each beach teach peach cheap cheese choose launch choice train treat trail tree troop draw dream wheel wheat know tweetchair chalk 成音链apple pencil uncle bottle middle temple bubble little modal struggle puzzle handle physical travel camel special table purple hurdle article noodle 双音节 词cooker butter ladder letter hammer summer dinner winner litter shopping doctor dollar farmer finger ever never cl
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