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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! Unit2词组1.a world full of colours be full of 充满 2.do a project on colours 3.the moods of people4.look out of the window5.sth. look good on sb.6.the relationship between colours and moods7.affect our moods8.walk into a room9.make us feel happy or sad make sb. +adj.make sb. do10.feel relaxed11.on ones wedding day12.be good for13.a feeling of harmony14.people living in cold climates15.bring you success16.cheer sb. up17.remind sb. of sth. remind sb. to do sth.提醒某人做某事18.the colour of wisdom19.study for exams20.represent new life and growth21.in need of22.take action to do.23.have difficulty (in) doing 24.make a decision25.be satisfied with26.calm down27.like to be the leader28.would rather (do) sth. than (do) sth. 否定是would rather not prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth. prefer to do rather than do29.too far away30.in the fitting room31.in a bad mood32.keep doing sth.33.make phone calls to sb.34.act normally35.strange behaviour36.make sure一个五彩缤纷的世界 做一个有关颜色的专题研究 人们的心情向窗外看穿在某人身上不错颜色和心情之间的关系影响我们的心情走进一个房间使我们感到高兴或悲伤感到放松在某人的婚礼上对有益一种和谐的感觉生活在寒冷气候中的人们带给你成功使某人振作使某人想起某事智慧的颜色为考试而学习代表新的生命和成长需要采取行动做某事做某事有困难做决定对满意冷静,镇定想成为领导宁可也不比较喜欢而不喜欢宁可也不太遥远在试衣间心情不好不停做某事打电话给某人行为正常怪异的行为举止确信,确保37.seem to do sth. seem(连系动词)+表语 It seems that从句38.improve ones life 39.promise to do sth.40.get money back41.give advice to sb. on sth.42.two different ways43.rub oil into your skin44.people with dark hair and dark skin45.be afraid to do sth. be afraid of doing sth.46.advise sb. to do sth.47.tryon48.look more powerful49.keep the balance of nature50.finish the project51.show sth. to sb.好像做某事改善某人的生活答应、承诺、保证做某事拿回钱给某人关于某事的建议两种不同的方式把油涂在你的皮肤上有着黑发和黑皮肤的人害怕做某事建议某人做某事试穿看起来更有力量保持大自然的平衡完成课题把某物展示给某人看 /
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