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河南城建学院本科毕业设计摘要 毕 业 设 计 论 文题目:广州市某商场中央空调系统 设计 系 别:建筑环境与能源工程系专 业:热能与动力工程姓 名:于焕亭学 号:042410151指导教师:闫立强河南城建学院2014年 05 月 25 日河南城建学院本科毕业设计 Abstract摘要随着我国国民经济水平的不断提高,建筑业也在持续稳定地向前发展,和前几年建筑业的发展相比,目前的发展商将眼光放的更远,他们不再片面的追求容积率及如何将开发成本降得越低越好,而是更多的考虑以人为本,开发真正舒适度高、建筑质量高的居住及商用建筑。目前,随着我国经济的逐步增长,居住条件日益改善人们对生活环境的舒适性的要求越来越高,对中央空调的需求越来越大,对中央空调节能、舒适、健康更加关注。因此,设计一项节能、舒适、健康的中央空调工程是很有实际意义的。本次设计课题是广州市一百商场夏季中央空调系统设计,主要任务是完成一、二楼的冷负荷计算;空调系统方案的经济性分析和制冷机组的选型;空调系统冷冻站的设计购物区空调机组的选型,风系统和水系统的设计;风机盘管系统的设计;并绘制水系统轴侧图。在设计中,采用谐波反应法计算出夏季冷负荷。对于各种冷水机组的选用做了经济及技术比较分析,最后决定采用水冷离心式冷水机组。关键词: 空调系统 冷水机组 风系统 水系统 风机盘管Abstract Along with our country national economy continues to improve, the construction industry is also moving forward in a sustained and stable development, compared with before a few years the construction industry, the developer will look further, they no longer one-sided pursuit of volume rate and how to develop the cost is falling as low as possible, but consider more people-oriented, residential and commercial building development really high comfort, high architectural qualityAt present, with the gradual growth of Chinas economy, living conditions were improving peoples increasing demands on the living environment of comfort, the demand of the central air conditioning is more and more big, the central air-conditioning energy saving, comfortable, healthy more attention. Therefore, the design of an energy-saving, comfortable, healthy central air conditioning engineering is very meaningful.This design is the Guangzhou lan west 100 markets summer the central air-conditioning system design, the primary mission completes one, two, three, four buildings load computation; Air-conditioning system plan efficient analysis and water units shaping; The air-conditioning system freezing stands design; Four buildings shopping area air conditioning units shaping, wind system and aqueous system design; Four buildings work area air blower plate tube system design; And has drawn up four winds tubes floor-plan, the wind side chart, the engine room floor-plan, the aqueous system axis side chart. In the design, uses the overtone to respond the law calculates the summer cold load. Selected regarding each kind of air conditioner has made the economical and the technology comparative analysis, finally decided used the water cooling centrifugal type cold water unit. The air-conditioning system uses time returns to the wind entire air system. The air current organization uses circular drifting on to blow of, the next time wind, then has carried on the wind system and the aqueous system computation, and to the pipeline heat preservation, the equipment reduced chirp quakeproof has also made the simple design and the explanation. Key word:air-conditioning system cold water unit wind system aqueous system air blower plate tII河南城建学院本科毕业设计 Abstract目 录摘要IAbstractII目 录III1 设计概况11.1设计题目11.2设计原始资料12 负荷计算42.1冷负荷的计算42.2热负荷的计算72.3湿负荷的计算82.4新风负荷的计算93 空调系统方案的确定103.1 空调方案103.2各系统特点及比较114 空调风系统134.1气流组织134.2风管尺寸的确定及水力计算145空调水系统165.1空调水系统的设计原则165.2管路设计175.3水系统设计185.4系统水力计算186 水系统设备选型206.1制冷机组的选型206.2冷冻水泵的选择216.3冷却塔的选择226.4膨胀水箱的选择236.5补给水泵的选择236.6水系统附件的设计237 机房设计257.1机房设计257.2设备布置间距258 保温与消声、减震设计268.1保温268.2 消声268.3 减振278.4 系统的防火288.5 系统的防、排烟28总 结29附录一 负荷统计30附录二 风管水力计算33附录三 水系统水力计算35参考文献39致 谢402河南城建学院本科毕业设计 设计概况1 设计概况1.1设计题目广州某商场空调设计(一层、二层)。1.2设计原始资料1.2.1建筑概况该工程位于广东省广州市,是广州一购物商场夏季中央空调系统设计,商场共2层,建筑物层高5.4m,总建筑面积为12119,。设计内容包括商场的一二层的集中中央空调系统设计和该空调系统配套的冷冻站设计,空调水系统设计及风系统设计,空调系统管道保温处理及设备减震设计。根据建筑物的特点及分布,我们对该建筑进行如下分区:东区和西区1.2.2室外气象参数室外气象参数夏季室外计算干球温度 33.5夏季室外计算相对温度 27.7夏季日平均干球温度 30.1夏季平均日较差 6.5夏季平均风速 1.8 m/s1.2.3 围护结构设计参数外墙:370厚砖墙外墙查实用供热空调设计手册表11.4-1可知传热系数K =1.49 W/ ,衰减系数=0.15 ,衰减度 =38.6 ,延迟时间 =12.7h , f =2.0,放热衰减度f=1.5内墙:240厚砖墙查实用供热空调设计手册表11.4-1可知传热系数K =1.76 W/ ,衰减系数=0.28,衰减度 =17.56,延迟时间 =9.0 h , f = 2.0,放热衰减度f=2.0楼板:水磨石楼面查实用供热空调设计手册表11.4-4可知传热系数K =2.72 W/ ,衰减系数=0.50,衰减度 = 6.40,延迟时间 = 5.3 h,f = 1.8,放热衰减度f=2.7屋顶:200厚膨胀珍珠岩保温屋面查实用供热空调设计手册表11.4-2可知传热系数K =0.52W/ ,衰减系数=0.48,衰减度 = 35.16,延迟时间 = 6.3 h, f = 1.1,放热衰减度f=1.3外窗:单层钢窗5mm米厚普通玻璃,无内外遮阳 查实用供热空调设计手册表3.1-13可知 窗户的传热系数K =6.4 W/ 查实用供热空调设计手册表11.4-11可知 窗户的构造修正系数Xg =0.93内门: 普通木质内门查采暖通风空气调节设计图说表1-2-2-2可知, 木内门的传热系数K=2.9 W/表1.1围护结构的夏季热工指标名 称Kff屋面78号0.520.486.31.11.3外墙79号1.490.1512.72.01.5内墙1号1.
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