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ICAO考试复诵实例ICAO考试复诵实例 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(ICAO考试复诵实例)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为ICAO考试复诵实例的全部内容。ICAO考试复诵实例 在机考的第三部分是 STORY RETELLING一个故事讲两遍,然后要求大家复述下所听到的故事大概。现将大家所整理的结果大致公布如下,但是由于是大家的口述,记忆不一定全部准确,只是给大家一个参考。1:1986年,一个小女孩叫 christo ,住在伊丽莎白城,她的liver 肝脏出问题了,需要坐飞机去休斯顿动手术换掉,但是那天送她去休斯顿的飞机却爆胎冲出跑道,扎到了一堆fence(栅栏)里,这时,可口可乐公司的公务机也在那个机场,飞行员知道后告诉了可口可乐公司的ceo,于是ceo去看了那个女孩后决定要用自己的飞机送女孩去休斯顿。但是此时要换的肝脏在加利福尼亚州的圣地亚哥,不巧要运肝脏的飞机也因为什么故障坏了,于是ceo问自己的飞行员能不能带女孩飞圣地亚哥拿上肝脏然后再去休斯顿,飞行员说因为xxxx原因去不了圣地亚哥。于是ceo打电话给加利福尼亚州的政府,政府就派了架air force的f15飞机吧肝脏送到了休斯顿,小女孩得救了.In 1986, a little girl named Crystal Grant in Memphis, Tennessee needed a liver transplant。 Her family got word that a liver had become available and that she would have to be flown to Houston, Texas for the procedure。 Arrangements were made for a Coast Guard plane from Elisabeth City, North Carolina to pick her up, but the plane blew a couple of tires on takeoff and was damaged when it ran off the runway into a fence。 Two of those who saw the Coast Guard accident and heard the story of the intended flight were the pilots of a CocaCola corporate jet that had just arrived in Elisabeth City carrying the CEO of Coca-Cola。 They briefed the CEO on what was going on and he went to the Coast Guard station and offered his jet to fly the little Crystal to Houston.Meanwhile, the liver intended for the Crystal was in San Diego, California。 An airplane that was to fly the liver to Houston developed pressurization problems。 When that news reached Elisabeth City, the CocaCola CEO asked his pilots whether they could also make a trip to San Diego to pick up the liver, but was told that would take longer than the amount of time that was left go get the transplant done. The CEO then got on the phone to, among other people, the governor of California. The result was that Navy Lt。 Tony Less of the Navy';s famous Blue Angels precision flying team took off for Houston in quot;Blue Angel 8,quot; a brand new F18 fighter jet, with the liver container safely strapped in the rear seat.While all this was going on, the media in Houston began working on the story。 Crystal was asked by a reporter whether she was scared。 She replied,2:本故事由下面的笑话改编,具体请考试时认真听题目。某飞机从哪里飞洛杉矶,途中在萨克拉门托经停,在飞机要起飞前,空服员广播:“各位 乘客,本班机因为xxxx的原因,将会延误起飞的时间。如果您想起来活动一下可以到候机楼走一走往下就是一般的程序报告。一位失明乘客在这班飞机上。机长走过来对这位乘客说:您需不需要起来走一走?乘客说:“谢谢你,不用了。但是你能带我的导盲犬去走一走吗?”机长很乐意的帮他忙。机长带着深色的墨镜带着导盲犬走过,被在gate area的旅客看到后,旅客以为机长是个瞎子,到了登机的时间大家都不敢登机了,要求换航空公司.地勤人员好不容易才劝服这些乘客重新登机。A man was flying from Seattle to San Francisco. Unexpectedly, the plane stopped in Sacramento along the way. The flight attendant explained that there would be a delay, and if the passengers wanted to get off the aircraft the plane would reboard in 50 minutes. Everybody got off the plane except one gentleman who was blind. The man had noticed him as he walked by and could tell the gentleman was blind because his seeing eye dog lay quietly underneath the seats in front of him throughout the entire flight. He could also tell he had flown this very flight before because the pilot approached him, and calling him by name said, quot;Keith, we39;re in Sacramento for almost an hour. Would you like to get off and stretch your legs?quot; The blind man replied, ";No thanks, but maybe my dog would like to stretch his legs.quot; Picture This: All the people in the gate area came to a complete standstill when they looked up and saw the pilot walk off the plane with a Seeing Eye Dog! The pilot was even wearing sunglasses。 People scattered。 They not only tried to change planes, but they were trying to change airlines! True story。.。 Have a great day and remember。. things aren#39;t always as they appear。 3:这篇story retelling是根据这个故事改编的,内容可能会有改动,请大家考试时认真听在一班由约堡起飞的班机上,一名看起来经济条件不错的中年白人妇女, 被安排坐在 一名黑人旁边。 她发现了之后马上把空服员叫来,并且抱怨不已. 请问有什么问题吗?空服员问道。 你没看到吗?你们把我安排坐在这里,我可受不了坐在这种令人倒胃的人旁边, 再给我找个位子! 请冷静,女士空服员回答。今天班机客满, 但是我可以去为您查查看在头等舱还有没有位置。 几分钟后,空服员带著好消息回来了,那名女士沾沾自喜地看著周围的乘客。 空服员说:女士,很抱歉,经济舱已经客满了,我也向机舱服务长报告这个消息, 发现只剩头等舱还有一个空位。 不等那名女士说话,空服员接著又说:在这种情况下将乘客提升到头等舱, 的确是我们从未遇见的状况。但是 ,我已经获得机舱长的特别许可。 然而机舱长考虑到这个 特殊状况,他认为要一名乘客和一个这么令人厌恶的人同坐, 真是太不合情理了。 空服员接著转向那名黑人,说:因此,如果您不介意的话, 我们已经准备好头等舱 的位置,请您移驾过去. 周围的乘客这时都起立热烈地鼓掌,那名黑人就在一片掌声中移到头等舱了人们可能会忘记你所说的,忘记你所做的,但他们不会忘记你所给他们的感觉。On a British Airways flight from Johannesburg, a middleaged, welloff white South African Lady has found herself sitting next to a black man. She called the cabin crew attendant over to complain about her seating。 "What seems
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