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镜头时间拍 摄序号拍摄手法(平、仰、高、俯、跟)景别(中、远、近、特、侧)拍摄画面(内容慨括)拍摄地点道具声音3s1飞机降落素材机场飞机3s2仰拍(车从到达层牌下开过)近景专车接机机场8s3平。仰拍近景加特写到达层人流 接客大景再切个上车特写以及出发特写机场4s4特写万科电梯上升特写万科20s5到店参观沟通喜好指导选服装过程万科5s6介绍厦门景点,办理入住酒店万科酒店拍摄脚本镜头时间拍 摄序号拍摄手法(平、仰、高、俯、跟)景别(中、远、近、特、侧)拍摄画面(内容慨括)拍摄地点道具声音秒7平 人物圆心旋转切镜特写新郎新娘化妆万科秒8出发 外景拍摄花絮外景秒9回店里换衣服送回酒店万科酒店秒10水平特写选片花絮抓拍笑容酒店万科3 秒11镜头时间拍 摄序号拍摄手法(平、仰、高、俯、跟)景别(中、远、近、特、侧)拍摄画面(内容概括)拍摄地点道具声音2 秒12水平特写2 秒13仰拍拉近特写2 秒14俯拍特写3 秒15水平近景3 秒16跟拍近景镜头时间拍摄序号拍摄手法(平、仰、高、俯、跟)景别(中、远、近、特、侧)拍摄画面(内容概括)拍摄地点道具声音2 秒17仰拍远景夕阳阳台3 秒18水平特写阳台仅限拍摄部分,实际操作中,据实际情况调整“”“”At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, people who learn to learn are very happy people. In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, life is diligent, nothing can be gained, only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!
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