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精品文档 2013年中秋晚会中英文主持词中秋晚会搞笑主持词The Mid-Autumn Festival Party Fun hosts word一、 舞蹈:秋月舞韵One, dance: moon dance 二、 主持人出场In two, the host appeared(主持人甲)谢谢,谢谢*集团给晚会送来了如此热情奔放、充满活力的舞蹈, “*职工中秋联欢晚会暨*歌手总决驯就在这欢快的秋Man: Thank you, thank you for * group to give the party sent so passionate, energetic dance, * * workers the Mid-Autumn Festival evening party - and * singer always never tame in this cheerful autumn月舞韵拉开了帷幕。Moon dance pulled open heavy curtain.(主持人乙)各位领导Female : Leadership(主持人甲)各位同事Male: Dear colleagues(主持人乙)各位朋友,大家Woman: dear friends, everybody(主持人合)晚上好。A: good evening.(主持人乙)秋风送爽,中秋月更圆。踏着时代的鼓点,我们又共同迎来了一年一度的中秋佳节。Female: the cool autumn, autumn moon is more round. Follow the drummer, we jointly usher in the Mid-Autumn Festival once a year.(主持人甲)华灯绽放,天涯共此时。在这个万家团聚的节日里,我们*大家庭又欢聚在一起,共享这明月,共赏这美景。Man: when in bloom, the horizon altogether this time. In this 10 thousand reunion festival, we * family gather together, sharing the moon, all this beauty.(主持人乙)此时此刻,天上的嫦娥想必也悄悄地探出头来,羡慕地注视着我们,因为天宫太寂寞了。Female: at this moment, the sky goddess in the moon must have slipped out, enviously watching us, . . Because the temple was too lonely.(主持人甲)此时此刻,月宫里的吴刚大概正手捧着桂花美酒发愁呢,美酒邀谁同饮呢?所以他也只能羡慕我们。Man: at this moment, in the palace of Wu Gang is probably holding the sweet-scented osmanthus wine worry about it, . . Asked who drink wine? So he can only envy us.(主持人乙)是的。正是因为有了我们千千万万个“舍小家为大家”的*员工,才有了*这个大家庭的欢乐与祥和;也正是因为有了全体员工的不Girl: yes. It is because we have thousands on thousands of homes for everyone * * * * staff, is the large family of joy and peace; it is also because of the staff do not懈努力,才有了今天*的繁荣和昌盛。Unremitting efforts, only today*thriving and prosperous.(主持人甲)是埃中秋合家团圆,是中华民族的传统习俗。这撩拨人心的中秋之夜,使天下所有人都沉浸在“千里共婵娟”的幸福之中Man: Yes. The Mid-Autumn Festival family reunion, is Chinese nations traditional custom. This play e*citing night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, let all the people are immersed in the thousands of miles of the moon were happiness .(主持人乙)然而,却有多少*员工包括我们今天在座的一些员工仍远离故土、远离亲人,不能与家人团聚,默默奋斗在全国各地生产经营第一线,Female: however, but how many * staff includes today we present here some staff are still far away from the homeland, away from my family, can not be reunited with their families, who struggle throughout the production line,创造着一个又一个辉煌。Create another brilliant.(主持人甲)对,我们应该将最诚挚的祝福送给他们。Man: Yeah, we should make the most sincere blessings to them.(主持人乙)这最美好的祝福还是由总裁来送吧。有请公司总裁*先生作中秋致辞。Woman: the best blessing or by President to send. Please company president Mr mid-autumn Mr *.三、总裁致辞In three, the speech of President四、主持人介绍比赛规则和选手In four, the rules of the game and players(主持人乙)今天这台晚会由*、*、*、*和*联合主办。(依次介绍各集团员工)Female: this evening by * *, * *, * *, * * * * * * * sponsors jointly and. ( followed by the introduction of each group .)(主持人甲)这当中还有一群很特别的人,他们是应邀参加晚会的*的帅哥们,欢迎你们。Man: This is a very special person, they are invited to a party of* * * *handsome boys, welcome you.(主持人乙)参加今天晚会的领导有:*的各位老总们。Female: in todays Party Leadership: * * * * to managers.(主持人甲)是啊,这是一个多么和-谐的场面埃Man: Yeah, what a and a - harmonic scenes.(主持人乙)参加今晚总决选的有13位歌手,他们都是经过各单位“海驯出来的高手。Woman: to join general runoff election with 13 singers, they are after all units sea training out of the master.(主持人甲)今晚比赛将进行三轮,第一轮13进6,从13位歌手中选出6位晋级第二轮,然后是6进3,从6位选手中选出3位参加总决选,决出冠、亚、季Male: tonights game will be three rounds, the first round of the 13 into the 6, from the 13 singers selected 6 advanced to the second round, and then 6 in 3, from the 6 players selected 3 in the total runoff, decide the crown, Asia, season军各一名。Army each one.(主持人乙)比赛不设专业评委,由5个主办单位各选10人组成50人评委团,现场公开投票。Female: the game does not set professional judges, composed of 5 hosts each choose 10 people is composed of 50 judges mission, the public vote.(主持人甲)投票规则:为了公平起见,本单位评委不得投自己单位的选手,我们已将5个单位以不同的颜色加经区分,一目了然。如果投了Male : voting rules: to be fair, this unit judges not to cast their own player unit, we will have 5 units with different colors and the distinction, stick out a mile. If the vote本单位选手的票,作废票处理,若废票超过5票,该选手将直接被淘汰。This unit s ticket, be forfeited, if invalidations over 5 votes, the player will be eliminated.(主持人乙)如果选手出现得票相等的情况,将安排PK赛,参加PK赛的选手一律清唱一段歌曲。PK赛评委设25人,每个单位5人。Girl: if a contestant has the same votes, will arrange PK game, join PK racers will be singing a song. PK competitions with 25 people, 5 people per unit.(主持人甲)大家可以用不同方式支持自己喜欢的选手,但不能影响比赛的正常秩序。(短信支持)Man: we can use different ways to support their own like players, but does not affect the normal order of the game. ( SMS support )(主持人乙)今晚我们还设了观众奖,设三等奖10个,二等奖5个,一等奖2个,其他观众可在晚会结束后凭入场券获取一份纪念品。Female: Tonight we also set up the audience prize, three prize 10, two wait for award 5, first prize 2, other viewers after the party w
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