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西安工程大学本科毕业设计(论文)摘要铁氧体是目前应用最为广泛的吸波材料之一,铁氧体以其特有的畴壁共振损耗、磁矩自然共振损耗和粒子共振损耗,成为目前微波吸收材料的主要研究热点之一。镍铁氧体电阻率较高,可避免金属导体在高频下存在的趋肤效应,电磁波能有效进入,对微波具有良好的衰减作用。溶胶-凝胶技术具有原料分子水平混合,生成物组成及离子代换容易控制的优点,是制备铁氧体微粒的理想方法之一。本实验采用溶胶-凝胶法制备Ti3SiC2/NiFe2O4复合材料。采用不同比例的柠檬酸络合硝酸铁、硝酸镍制得前驱体(镍铁氧体)。化学计量比分别为:硝酸镊硝酸铁柠檬酸 =1:2:4、1:2:6和1:2:8 。称取原料,选择镍铁氧体为主要原料,通过添加不同比例(9:1、8:2、7:3)的钛硅碳,采用溶胶-凝胶法制备Ti3SiC2/NiFe2O4溶液。将湿凝胶置于80的恒温干燥箱中,干燥至形成干凝胶。将干凝胶在220封闭电炉上加热,得到蓬松的前躯体,最后将前躯体粉末在高温结炉中于不同温度下高温煅烧1h,得到目标样品粉末。结果表明,当水浴加热温度为25时,生成颗粒呈立方体结构纯净的Ti3SiC2/NiFe2O4样品;Ti3SiC2/NiFe2O4样品的复介电常数和复磁导率的实部较小,而虚部较大,具有较好的频率特性,适合制作匹配层。同时,降低Ti3SiC2和NiFe2O4的比例有助于样品吸波性能的提高,而水浴加热温度为25时样品吸波性能相比其他温度较好;单层Ti3SiC2/NiFe2O4样品的最佳匹配频率为5.92GHz,Ti3SiC2/NiFe2O4样品的最佳匹配厚度为1.9 mm,在该条件下的最小反射率峰值为-11dB左右,小于-2dB的频宽为3.7GHz左右 关键词: 镍铁氧体,Ti3SiC2/NiFe2O4复合材料,电磁参数,吸波性能ABSTRACTFerrite is one of the most widely used absorbing material. Ferrite has become one of the main research hotspots of microwave absorbing materials with its unique domain wall resonance loss, magnetic moment natural resonance loss and particle resonance loss. Nickel ferrite has a high resistivity, which avoids the skin effect of the metal conductor at high frequencies. The electromagnetic wave can be effectively entered and has a good attenuation effect on the microwave. At present, there are many advanced ferrite synthesis method, effectively promoted the high performance ferrite powder and magnetic materials research and development. Sol-gel technology has the advantages of horizontal mixing of raw materials, composition of materials and easy control of ion substitution, which is one of the ideal methods for preparing ferrite particles.In this study.Ti3SiC2 /NiFe2O4 composites were prepared by solgel method. Using different proportions of citric acid complex ferric nitrate. nitric acid tweezers made precursor (nickel ferrite). The stoichiometric ratios were: nitric acid tweezers: ferric nitrate: citric acid = 1: 2: 4、1: 2: 6 and 1: 2: 8. The Ti3SiC2 /NiFe2O4 solution was prepared by sol - gel method by adding titanium ferrite with different proportions (9: 1、 8: 2、7: 3) as raw materials. The wet gel was placed in a constant temperature oven at 80and dried to form a dry gel. The xerogel was heated in a 220 closed electric furnace to obtain a fluffy precursor. Finally, the precursor powder was calcined at high temperature for 1h at different temperatures in a high temperature furnace to obtain the target sample powder.The results show that Ti3SiC2 /NiFe2O4 is a pure Ti3SiC2 /NiFe2O4 sample when the heating temperature of the water bath is 25 . The complex permittivity and complex permeability of Ti3SiC2 /NiFe2O4 are smaller and the imaginary part is larger, Has a good frequency characteristics, suitable for the production of matching layer. At the same time, reducing the ratio of Ti3SiC2 and NiFe2O4 can improve the microwave absorbing performance of the sample, while the water absorption temperature of the sample is better than that of other temperature when the heating temperature of the bath is 25 . The best matching frequency of Ti3SiC2 /NiFe2O4 is 5.92 GHz, Ti3SiC2 /NiFe2O4 samples with a thickness of 1.9 mm, the minimum reflectance peak under this condition is about -11 dB, and the bandwidth of less than -2 dB is about 3.7 GHzKey words:Ferrites,Ti3SiC2/NiFe2O4,composites,electromagnetic parameters, absorbing propertiesII目录第一章 绪论31.1 电磁屏蔽及吸波材料31.1.1 电磁屏蔽的定义31.1.2 电磁屏蔽的原理41.1.3 电磁屏蔽的目的41.1.4 吸波材料的定义41.1.5 吸波材料的原理51.1.6吸波材料的物理机制51.1.7 吸波材料的分类51.2 铁氧体71.2.1铁氧体的概念71.2.2 铁氧体的基本分类71.2.3铁氧体制备方法81.2.4铁氧体的吸波机理91.3 本项目研究的内容及研究思路10第二章 实验过程及表征122.1实验所用原料122.2实验所用设备122.3样品制备132.3.1钛硅碳的研磨132.3.2配料称量132.3.3镍铁氧体的制备142.3.4钛硅碳/镍铁氧体溶液的制备142.3.5钛硅碳/镍铁氧体溶液的干燥152.3.6钛硅碳/镍铁氧体的制粉与收集152.3.7数据汇总162.4样品检测162.4.2 物相分析162.4.1 微观形貌观察162.4.3 介电测试172.4.4吸波性能测试17第三章 实验结果及讨论193.1 Ti3SiC2含量对Ti3SiC2/NiFe2O4粉体性能的影响193.1.1 物相分析193.1.2 微观形貌观察193.1.3 能谱分析213.1.4介电性能测试223.1.5 吸波性能测试233.2温度对Ti3SiC2/NiFe2O4粉体性能的影响243.2.1物相分析243.2.2 微观形貌观察253.2.3介电性能测试263.2.4 吸波性能测试273.3 柠檬酸含量对Ti3SiC2/NiFe2O4粉体性能的影响2833.1物相分析293.3.2 微观形貌观察293.3.3介电性能测试303.3.4 吸波性能测试31第四章 结论33参考文献(References):35致 谢36II33西安工程大学本科毕业设计(论文)第一章 绪论现代社会中通讯、广播、电磁医疗、计算机技术的普及应用,使电磁波已充满人类生活、工作的空间。由于广播、电视、微波技术的发展,射频设备功率成倍增加,地面上的电磁辐射大幅度增加,已达到直接威胁人体健康的程度。因此电磁波所构成的对人的妨害及对相关设备的干扰日益受到世界各国的广泛关注。为了实现对电磁波防护,吸波材料的研究也得到迅速发展。据估计,全世界电子电气设备由于电磁干扰发生故障,每年造成的经济损失高达 5 亿美元。科学研究证实,人长期处于电磁波辐射环境中将严重损害身心健康。目前广播电视发射塔的强电磁波辐射,城市电工、医疗射频设备附近的电磁辐射污染,移动电话的电磁波辐射等已经引起人们的广泛关注。因此,世界上一些发达国家先后制定了电磁辐射的标准和规定,同时我国在80年代相继制定了环境电磁波卫生标准和电磁辐射防护规定等相关法规;国际无线电抗干扰特别委员会(CISPR)也制定了抗电磁干扰的CISPR 的国际标准,供各国参照执行。另外,现代高科技战争中的新型电子对抗技术,其核心之一是释放宽频率和波长的强电磁波来破坏对方军事设施中电子装备的遥测、遥感和遥控等功能,使对方的军事设施处于失控状态,达到突袭的目的。吸波材料【1】在军事隐身技术中有着广泛的应用,特别是美国U-2高空侦察机、F-ll7隐形战斗机和 B-2隐形轰炸机的出现,更是代表了吸波材料实际应用中的巨大成就。由于电磁屏蔽与吸波材料在社会生活和国防建设中的重要作用,因而电磁屏蔽与吸波材料的研究开发成为人们日益关注的重要课题。1.1 电磁屏蔽及吸波
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