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沈阳化工大学学士学位论文 题目:万科房地产整合营销传播的策略研究沈阳化工大学本 科 毕 业 论 文题 目: 万科房地产整合营销传播的策略研究 院 系: 经济管理学院 专 业: 工商管理 班 级: 2006级02班 学生姓名: 指导教师: 论文提交日期: 2010 年 6 月 21 日论文答辩日期: 2010 年 6 月 29 日1毕业设计(论文)任务书工商管理 专业0602 班学生:曹亚雪毕业设计(论文)题目: 万科房地产整合营销传播的策略研究 毕业设计(论文)内容: 首先阐述了整合营销传播的含义及其主要特征,其次介绍了房地产整合营销的必要性和房地产行业整合营销传播的形式,再次讲述了整合营销传播在房地产企业的策略研究,最后总结了整合营销在房地产行业广泛应用,希望能够抛砖引玉。 毕业设计(论文)专题部分:一、整合营销传播的含义及其主要特征 二、房地产实施整合营销的必要性 三、万科房地产行业整合营销传播的形式 四、整合营销传播在万科房地产企业的策略研究 五、结论与展望。起止时间: 2010 年 3 月- 2010 年 6 月指导教师: 签字 年 月 日教研主任: 签字 年 月 日学院院长: 签字 年 月 日内容摘要整合营销传播标志着未来的潮流与发展趋势,对万科房地产也带来了深刻的影响。随着20世纪90年代整合营销传播理论的产生,整合营销传播时代已经到来,整合营销传播已经成为塑造品牌的利器。与此同时,在国内诸多行业,整合营销传播显现出较好的发展势头,成功打造出一个又一个强势品牌。整合营销传播是对传统营销模式的一场深刻变革,它超越了传统营销模式的局限,在完整、协同、一致的营销模式下,全面整合各种战略资源,充分调动各种积极因素,建立与关系利益人之间的互动与共识,形成品牌竞争力。随着我国经济的高速发展,给我国房地产企业带来巨大发展机遇的同时也带来更多的挑战,万科房地产企业传统的营销方法、营销手段已不能适应竞争的需要。面对日益激烈的市场竞争,房地产营销将进入发展的第四阶段整合营销时代,开发商们必须进行经营理念的调整,全面引入整合营销传播理论,通过整合,使开发商找到目标市场,为购房者提供合适房源,以期决胜未来市场。万科企业股份有限公司,作为中国房地产业的持续领跑者,万科房地产整合营销从无到有,从简单到复杂,从少有人知到铺天盖地、充人耳目,快速壮大。本论文从整合营销传播观点出发,分析了整合营销传播的理论框架和实施过程,对整合营销传播概念的实践特征具体分析。结合对当前万科房地产市场现状,以及房地产企业营销中存在的问题分析,说明房地产企业运用整合营销传播的必要性,房地产行业整合营销传播的形式有很多种,房地产凭借这些整合营销传播形式带来了很多收益。整合营销传播在万科房地产企业的策略研究,制定的整合营销策略,万科房地产开展了一系列活动。首先进行万科房地产市场调研,了解消费者需求和房地产市场现状,树立了以人为本的理念和营销观念,资源整合是整合营销的重要手段,企业文化是实施整合营销的人文基础,最后建立房产消费者数据库。对引导房地产企业真正以消费者的需求为导向,站在消费者的角度上进行营销传播,树立良好的品牌和社会形象,在竞争中立于不败之地,获得更好的经济效益和社会效益,具有一定的现实指导意义。关键词: 整合营销传播;万科;房地产企业;策略研究AbstractIntegrated marketing communications marks the future trend and development trends of Wanke estate also brings profound influence. In the 1990s with integrated marketing communications theory of integrated marketing communications, the time has come, the integrated marketing communication has become shape brand. Meanwhile, in the domestic market, and integrated marketing communications show good momentum of development, create a successful and a strong brand. Integrated marketing communication is the traditional marketing mode of a profound change, it is beyond the limitations of the traditional marketing mode, in complete agreement, coordination, and integrated marketing mode of strategic resources, fully mobilize all positive factors, and the relationship between the interests of the interaction and consensus, forming brand competitiveness. Along with the rapid development of Chinese economy, Chinese real estate companies enormous opportunities for development also brings more challenges for real estate enterprises, Wanke traditional marketing methods, already can not adapt to the marketing method of the competition. Facing the fierce market competition, the real estate marketing will enter the fourth stage of development, marketing, management idea for developers must adjust, introducing integrated marketing communication theory, through integration, the developers find the target market, provide appropriate for buyers to defining the future market.China Wanke Co., LTD., as Chinas real estate industry leader continues, Wanke real estate marketing, from simple to complex, from lesser known to people, filling out and fast development. This paper from the viewpoint of integrated marketing communications, analyzes the theoretical framework of the integrated marketing communication and implementation of integrated marketing concepts, characteristics of practice. Based on current situation, and real estate market Wanke real estate enterprise marketing problems in real estate enterprises, by analyzing the necessity of integrated marketing communications, the real estate industry of integrated marketing communications can take many forms, real estate with these integrated marketing communication form brought many benefits. Integrated marketing strategy of real estate enterprises in China Wanke, the integrated marketing strategy formulation, Wanke estate in a series of activities. First, understand the real estate market research Wanke consumer demand and real estate market situation, set up the human-oriented idea and the marketing concept, source integration is an important means of integrated marketing, the enterprise culture is the implementation of integrated marketing, and finally establish the humanities foundation house property consumer database. Real estate enterprises to guide to consumer demand oriented, standing in the consumers perspective on the marketing communications, set up the good brand image, and in the competition, and gain better economic benefits and social benefits, and has certain directive significance.Keywords: integrated marketing communications;
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