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中文5000字毕业论文(设计)外文翻译A Framework for Understanding Customer Relationship Management SystemsGraeme ShanksDepartment of Information Systems, The University of Melbourne, AustraliaIlona JagielskaCaulfield School of Information Technology, Monash University, AustraliaMalini JayaganeshDepartment of Information Systems, The University of Melbourne, AustraliaAbstract.This paper presents a structured framework for understanding the benefits of CRM systems. The framework is comprised of a set of benefits grouped into categories with empirical indicators and example metrics. The framework provides researchers with a systematic approach for exploring CRM system benefits and provides a sound base for further empirical research. It also provides practitioners with a means of defining objectives for CRM projects during specification of the business case and for conducting post-implementation reviews.Keywords: customer relationship management, CRM system benefitsI. INTRODUCTIONCustomer relationship management (CRM) is concerned with the business processes and enabling technologies that focus on managing and improving relationships with customers in the areas of sales, marketing, and customer support and service. CRM systems consist of operational and analytical technological components as well as relationship marketing strategies and supporting, customer-centric business processes . Although CRM systems were initially designed to help solve operational and tactical problems, they have since evolved to support strategic initiatives and are used by a variety of employees, from front office staff to senior managers. As companies move into the new consumer-driven economy, customers are their most important asset and their success in the globalized economy depends on effective customer relationships . CRM systems are perceived as important strategic imperatives , with investment forecasts predicting that global spending on these systems is expected to increase over the coming years . The worldwide CRM application software market is set for 10 percent growth from 2007-2012 despite the recession, with total revenue expected to reach $10 billion in 2009 . In a U.S. based survey, Goodhue et al. found that 91 percent of organizations either already had a CRM system in place or were planning to acquire one. The implementation of a CRM system is, however, fraught with risk and high failure rates have been reported . Boardman suggested that 70 percent of CRM projects are failures, and found that more than half of all companies investing in CRM consider it a disappointment.The absence of a clear and consistent definition of what constitutes a successful CRM system implementation makes it difficult to evaluate industry experiences. One approach to overcome this problem is to determine the success or failure of CRM system implementations in terms of benefits realisation. Understanding the business benefits is considered to be a critical success factor for successful CRM system implementation , while low awareness of benefits is perceived to be a barrier to successful implementation of CRM systems. CRM system benefits are typically presented as unstructured lists or focus on the enabling drivers, while Freeman and Seddon have adapted an Enterprise Systems benefits framework to CRM systems.The framework presented in this paper is designed specifically for CRM systems, identifies and categorizes CRM benefits, provides indicators for each benefit, and describes example metrics that can be used for each indicator. The benefits framework provides researchers with a systematic approach for exploring CRM system benefits and a tool that can be used in further empirical research. It will assist practitioners in determining the feasibility of CRM projects, ascertaining which benefits have been achieved in CRM projects during post-implementation review, and establishing benchmarks for effective CRM system implementation.II. CRM SYSTEMS BENEFITS AND EVALUATIONThere is a large body of research in information systems concerning benefits realization and evaluation. Expenditure on information systems and information technology represents a substantial investment for many organizations that managers find increasingly difficult to justify . Evaluation of information systems involves establishing quantitative and qualitative means to assess the worth of information systems to organizations . In practice, little attention has been paid to formal evaluation of information technology investments and many firms do not conduct rigorous evaluations of their information systems investments . The value of information systems investments is often justified by faith alone, or by understanding costs and using mainly notional figures for benefits assessment . A significant reason for this is that there are few reliable measures for assessing the impact of information systems .Information systems evaluation is a complex process, w
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