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附 录A现代汽车制动器发展浅析 国内汽车制动器应用情况随着我国汽车工业技术的发展,特别是轿车工业的发展,合资企业的引进,国外先进技术的进入,汽车上采应用盘式制动器配置才逐步在我国形成规模。特别是在提高整车性能、保障安全、提高乘车者的舒适性,满足人们不断提高的生活物质需求、改善生活环境等方面都发挥了很大的作用。1、在轿车、微型车、轻卡、SUV及皮卡方面:在从经济与实用的角度出发,一般采用了混合的制动形式,即前车轮盘式制动,后车轮鼓式制动。因轿车在制动过程中,由于惯性的作用,前轮的负荷通常占汽车全部负荷的70%80%,所以前轮制动力要比后轮大。生产厂家为了节省成本,就采用了前轮盘式制动,后轮鼓式制动的混合匹配方式。采用前盘后鼓式混合制动器,这主要是出于成本上的考虑,同时也是因为汽车在紧急制动时,轴荷前移,对前轮制动性能的要求比较高,这类前制动器主要以液压盘式制动器为主流,采用液压油作传输介质,以液压总泵为动力源,后制动器以液压式双泵双作用缸制动蹄匹配。目前大部分轿车(中档类如夏利、吉利、神龙富康、上海华普、捷达)、微型车(长安之星、昌河、丰田海狮、天津华利、江铃全顺)、高端轻卡(东风小霸王、江铃、瑞风、南京依维柯)、SUV及皮卡(湖南长丰、江铃皮卡)等采用前盘后鼓式混合制动器。2004年我国共产此类车计110万辆以上。但随着高速公路等级的提高,乘车档次的上升,特别上国家安全法规的强制实施,前后轮都用盘式制动器是趋势。2、在大型客车方面:气压盘式制动器产品技术先进性明显,可靠性总体良好,具有创新性和技术标准的集成性。欧美国家自上世纪90年代初开始将盘式制动器用于大型公交车。至2000年,盘式制动器(前后制动均为盘式)已经成为欧美国家城市公交车的标准配置。我国从1997年开始在大客车和载重车上推广盘式制动器及 A BS防抱死系统,因进口产品价格太高,主要用于高端产品。2004年7月1日交通部强制在7-12米高型客车上 “必须”配备后,国产盘式制动器得以大行其道。北京公交电车公司、上海公交、武汉公交、长沙公交、深圳公交、广州公交等公司,都在使用为大客车匹配的气压盘式制动器。生产厂家主要有:宇通公司2004年产20000多辆客车,其中使用盘式制动器的客车已占一半多;宇通公司自制底盘部份是由二汽在EQ153前后桥基础升级更改的,每年有10000多套。二汽东风车桥用EQ153前后桥改型匹配气压盘式制动器的前后桥总成约占6000套以上,是宇通公司最大的气压盘式制动器桥供应商。宇通公司每年需在一汽采客车底盘3000多台,一汽客底2004年供了2000多台,其中带盘式制动器占一半以上。如一汽客底采用4E前转向系统配置气压盘式制动器前桥、11吨420后桥装在6100(10米)豪华客车上; 7吨盘式前桥与13吨435后桥配装在6120(12米)豪华客车上等,都是宇通公司市场前景较好,利润附加值很高的车型。江苏金龙客车的7-9米高型客车客车采用湖桥供带盘式制动器的车桥2004年在5500台左右。厦门金龙客车10-12米高型客车以上客车、丹东黄海客车10-12米高型客车、安徽凯斯鲍尔等等国内知名的大型厂家均已在批量生产带盘式制动器的高档客车。3、重型汽车方面:作为重型汽车行业应用型新技术,气压盘式制动器的已经属成熟产品,目前具有广泛应用的前景。2004年3月红岩公司率先在国内重卡行业中完成了对气压盘式制动器总成的开发。2005年元月份中国重汽卡车事业部在提升和改进卡车底盘的过程中,在桥箱事业部配合下,将22.5英寸气压盘式制动器成功“嫁接”到了重汽斯太尔重卡车前桥上。气压盘式制动器在重汽斯太尔卡车前桥上的成功“嫁接”,解决了令整车厂及用户困扰已久的传统鼓式制动器制动啸叫、频繁制动时制动蹄片易磨损、雨天制动效能降低等一系列问题。气压盘式制动器首次在斯太尔卡车前桥上的应用,也为今后开发重汽高速卡车提供了经验和技术储备。与此同时陕西重汽、北汽福田、一汽解放、东风公司、江淮汽车等国内大型汽车厂均完成了盘式制动器在重型汽车方面的前期型试试验及技术贮备工作,盘式制动器在某些方面可以说成为未来重卡制动系统匹配发展的新趋势。附 录BThe development of modern automobile brake baiThe application of the domestic auto disc brake As Chinas automobile industry and technology, especially the car industry, the introduction of the joint venture, the entry of foreign advanced technology, applications automobile disc brake configuration was adopted to gradually scale in China. Particularly in improving vehicle performance, safety, enhance the cars comfort, meet the increasing material needs of life, improve the living environment played a significant role. 1. In car, micro car, light truck, SUV and pickup areas: the economic and practical point of view, the general form of the mixed braking, the former wheel disc brakes, drum brake rear wheels. By car during braking, due to the role of inertia, the load front load typically accounts for 70% of all vehicles -80%, so a large front-wheel braking force than the rear wheels. Manufacturers to save costs, on the use of front wheel disc brakes, rear drum brakes of the mix and match approach. By Qianpanhougu hybrid brake, mainly because of cost considerations, but also because the car in an emergency braking, axle load forward on the front brake performance requirements are relatively high, these front brakes major hydraulic disc brake to the mainstream, the use of hydraulic oil for the transmission medium to the hydraulic master cylinder as the power source, after the brake in order to double-pump double acting hydraulic cylinder brake shoes match. Currently, most cars (mid-range category, such as Xiali, Geely, Citroen, Shanghai Maple, Jetta), mini trucks (Changan Star, Changhe, Toyota Hiace, Tianjin, Beverly, JMC Transit), high light Card (DF Sundance Kid, JMC, Refine, Nanjing Iveco), SUV and pickup (Hunan Changfeng, JMC pickup), and other uses Qianpanhougu hybrid brake. Communist China in 2004 more than 1.1 million dollars of such vehicles. But with the improvement of highway grade, the rise in car quality, especially on national security, enforcement of regulations, front and rear disc brakes are used is the trend. 2. the Bus: the air disc brake products significantly advanced technology, reliability is generally good, innovative and technical standards of integration. Europe and the United States since the early 90s of last century to disc brakes for large bus. To 2000, disc brakes (both front and rear disc brake) Europe and the United States has become the standard city bus. China since 1997 to promote the bus and load the car anti-lock disc brakes, and A BS system, due to high prices of imported goods, mainly for high-end products. 1 July 2004 to force the Ministry of Communications 7 - 12-meter bus with type must with, the disc brake can be made popular. Beijing Public Transport Tramways Company, Shanghai Bus, Bus, Wuhan, Changsha bus, bus in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, public transportation and other companies are using the bus match the air disc brake. Manufacturers are: Yutong buses in 2004 with an annual output of more than 20,000, which accounted for using the disc brake of the bus more than half; Yutong made chassis are made by the steam front and rear axles based on the EQ153 upgrade changes, and each year more than 10,000 sets. Dongf
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