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青岛农业大学 毕 业 论 文(设计) 题 目: 鱼缸定时定量投食机设计 姓 名: 学 院: 机电工程学院 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 班 级: 2013年6 月16日目 录摘 要.I Abstract.II 1绪 论.11.1设计的目的和意义.11.2自动喂鱼机的国外发展现状.11.3自动喂鱼机的国内发展现状.21.4自动喂鱼机的主要研究内容.3 2自动喂鱼机的总体结构设计.42.1总体设计的原则.42.2总体设计目标.42.3总体方案论证.4 3传动系统的设计.63.1减速器的设计.63.2蜗轮蜗杆的的设计.123.3带及带轮设计计算.143.4 轴及轴承的校核.15 4投食装置设置的设计.194.1传动方案的拟定和确定.194.2传动系统的设计计算.21 5单片机及程序的设计.235.1 单片机的选择.235.2单片机的设计.23 6结论跟建议.25 参 考 文 献.26 致 谢.27鱼缸定时定量投食机的设计摘 要家庭自动喂鱼机的性能是让人们在有限的时间内喂养观赏鱼,并享受生活的乐趣,同时间接的缓解了人们的生活压力。本文在研究国内外自动喂鱼器的基础上,设计了新型的定时定量自动喂鱼机。该自动定时定量喂鱼机由小型交流电机,减速器,定量喂鱼装置,单片机组成。投食器选择的是蛟龙机构,其特点是轻巧,传动安静,精确,是该喂鱼器的重要零件,该机构的结构是由进料口,槽体,螺旋轴,卸料口组成。喂鱼时,喂鱼机可以通过皮带传动,将动力传递给变速箱,再由变速箱传递给蜗轮蜗杆机构,再传递给喂料执行机构;执行机构的每旋转一圈所排出的量是定的,所以通过单片机控制执行机构的执行时间的长短从而控制喂鱼的饲料量。文中主要分析了传动及执行机构并计算设计了各部件的结构尺寸,同时设计了单片机的组成并编写了自动定时定量程序。关键词:单片机;绞龙传动机构;皮带传动 Design of tank timing quantitative feeding machine Abstract Family automatic Fish-feeding machine ismade to, on the one hand, help people feed ornamental fishin a limited amount of time,enjoy the pleasures of life andon the other handindirectly ease the pressure on peoples lives. Based on the study of automatic fish feederof home andabroad, a newautomatic fish feeding machine which works in a timely and quantitative manner is designedin this paper. The machine consists ofa small AC motor, reducer, quantitative fish feeding device and asingle-chip component. Feeding device,which is characterized by lightweight, quiet drive and accuracy, has a special structure which is an important part of the Fish Feeder. The structure is composed of the material inlet tank, propeller shaftanddischarge port components. When feeding fish, the fish feeding unit transmits power to the gearbox through a movingbelt, and then the power istransmitted to the worm gear mechanism before being passed to the feed actuator. Because theactuator dischargesafixed amount of fish food per rotation, the amount of fish foodcan be controlled by setting the length oftime for actuator through asingle-chip machine.This paper mainly analy
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