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Die history1 Die position in industrial productionMold is a high-volume products with the shape tool, is the main process of industrial production equipment. 采用模具生产零部件,具有生产效率高、质量好、成本低、节约能源和原材料等一系列优点,用模具生产制件所具备的高精度、高复杂程度、高一致性、高生产率和低消耗,是其他加工制造方法所不能比 With mold components, with high efficiency, good quality, low cost, saving energy and raw materials and a series of advantages, with the mold workpieces possess high accuracy, high complexity, high consistency, high productivity and low consumption , other manufacturing methods can not match. 已成为当代工业生产的重要手段和工艺发展方向。 Have already become an important means of industrial production and technological development. 现代经济的基础工The basis of the modern industrial economy. 现代工业品的发展和技术水平的提高,很大程度上取决于模具工业的发展水平,因此模具工业对国民经济和社会发展将起越来越大的作用。The development of modern industrial and technological level depends largely on the level of industrial development die, so die industry to national economic and social development will play an increasing role. 1989 年 3 月国务院颁布的关于当前产业政策要点的决定中,把模具列为机械工业技术改造序列的第一位、生产和基本建设序列的第二位 ( 仅次于大型发电设备及相应的输变电设备 ) ,确立模具工业在国民经济中的重要地位。 March 1989 the State Council promulgated on the current industrial policy decision points in the mold as the machinery industry transformation sequence of the first, production and capital construction of the second sequence (after the large-scale power generation equipment and the corresponding power transmission equipment), establish tooling industry in an important position in the national economy. 1997 年以来,又相继把模具及其加工技术和设备列入了当前国家重点鼓励发展的产业、产品和技术目录和鼓励外商投资产业目录。 Since 1997, they have to mold and its processing technology and equipment included in the current national focus on encouraging the development of industries, products and technologies catalog and to encourage foreign investment industry directory. 经国务院批准,从 1997 年到 2000 年,对 80 多家国有专业模具厂实行增值税返还 70% 的优惠政策,以扶植模具工业的发展。 Approved by the State Council, from 1997 to 2000, more than 80 professional mold factory owned 70% VAT refund of preferential policies to support mold industry. 所有这些,都充分体现了国务院和国家有关部门对发展模具工业的重视和支持。 All these have fully demonstrated the development of the State Council and state departments tooling industry attention and support. 目前全世界模具年产值约为 600 亿美元,日、美等工业发达国家的模具工业产值已超过机床工业,从 1997 年开始,我国模具工业产值也超过了机床工业产值。 Mold around the world about the current annual output of 60 billion U.S. dollars, Japan, the United States and other industrialized countries die of industrial output value of more than machine tool industry, beginning in 1997, Chinas industrial output value has exceeded the mold machine tool industry output.2 Chinas mold industry and its development trend模具工业现状 Die & Mould Industry Status由于历史原因形成的封闭式、“ 大 而全” 的 企业特征,我国大部分企业均设有模具车间,处于本厂的配套地位,自 70 年代末才有了模具工业化和生产专业化这个概念。 Due to historical reasons for the formation of closed, big and complete enterprise features, most enterprises in China are equipped with mold workshop, in factory matching status since the late 70s have a mold the concept of industrialization and specialization of production. 生产效率不高,经济效益较差。 Production efficiency is not high, poor economic returns. 模具行业的生产小而散乱,跨行业、投资密集,专业化、商品化和技术管理水平都比较低。 Mold production industry is small and scattered, cross-industry, capital-intensive, professional, commercial and technical management level are relatively low.据不完全统计,全国现有模具专业生产厂、产品厂配套的模具车间(分厂)近17000家,约60万从业人员,年模具总产值达200亿元人民币。 According to incomplete statistics, there are now specialized in manufacturing mold, the product supporting mold factory workshop (factory) near 17 000, about 600 000 employees, annual output value reached 20 billion yuan mold. 但是,我国模具工业现有能力只能满足需求量的60左右,还不能适应国民经济发展的需要。 However, the existing capacity of the mold and die industry can only meet the demand of 60%, still can not meet the needs of national economic development. 目前,国内需要的大型、精密、复杂和长寿命的模具还主要依靠进口。 At present, the domestic needs of large, sophisticated, complex and long life of the mold also rely mainly on imports. 据海关统计,1997年进口模具价值6.3亿美元,这还不包括随设备一起进口的模具;1997年出口模具仅为7800万美元。 According to customs statistics, in 1997 630 million U.S. dollars worth of imports mold, not including the import of mold together with the equipment; in 1997 only 78 million U.S. dollars export mold. 目前我国模具工业的技术水平和制造能力,是我国国民经济建设中的薄弱环节和制约经济持续发展的瓶颈。 At present the technological level of China Die & Mould Industry and manufacturing capacity, Chinas national economy in the weak links and bottlenecks constraining sustainable economic development.1、模具工业产品结构的现状 2.1 Research on the Structure of industrial products mold按照中国模具工业协会的划分,我国模具基本分为10大类,其中,冲压模和塑料成型模两大类占主要部分。 In accordance with the division of China Mould Industry Association, China mold is divided into 10 basic categories, which, stamping die and plastic molding two categories accounted for the main part. 按产值计算,目前我国冲压模占50左右,塑料成形模约占20,拉丝模(工具)约占10,而世界上发达工业国家和地区的塑料成形模比例一般占全部模具产值的40以上。 Calculated by output, present, China accounts for about 50% die stamping, plastic molding d
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