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living standards, poor farmers in less than complete elimination of 4600 Yuan, 8949, 19008. Five waters rule: the County invested 2.169 billion yuan, similar counties line the citys first complete the 42 km of sewage pipe network construction, completion rate ranked first in the city, won the provincial rural sewage treatment work better; key pollution sources such as electroplating, papermaking, chemical industry management through verification and acceptance of the municipal government, the County removed Black and odorous River, River waste, beginning of river ecological restoration effects. Three modified a split aspects: County total demolition illegal area up 2.759 million square meters, completed City issued annual task of 153%, split against area ranking city second; completed three modified area 4.846 million square meters, completed City issued annual task of 403%, ranking city third, which village in the a target completed total city ranking first; County Government was named city level three modified a split work advanced. These achievements are hard won and should be appreciated. However, we are fully aware, the new period, and work in the countryside and the environment facing higher standards and requirements, provincial party Committee offered to high level build a comprehensive well-off society goal requires no filth, dirty environment illegal buildings, into a well-off; municipal party Committee also proposes to build into the well-off benchmark goals of the city. Compared with the superior claim, South Gate of XX beautiful goal, my County San Nong and environment there are a number of weaknesses and gaps, highlighted in the following five aspects: first, agriculture remained low pattern. Low is reflected in the quality and low; short, value added of the industry chain is low; 123 fusion yield low employee age, low quality. Small is reflected in smaller, specialized cooperatives throughout the County there were 3,396, but on the scale of too little. San is reflected in production, management, services, decentralized, centralized, standardized, brand, information and organizational level is not high. Second, the countryside is still in dirty phase. Dirty is dirty of rural sanitation situation has not changed. Chaos is a village in rural housing construction planning, construction of disorder, no drawings, no construction, no vetting four no phenomenon, heap lying there. Bad is the weak rural base, village governance is poor. Thirdly, farmers continued to be persistent look. Old is aging, rural labor force accounted for 70% over the age of 50. Big is that the reform measures ground resistance, such as the transactions of property rights, land replacement; public service supply gap, rural education, health care, pensions and other services can not meet the demand still difficult for poverty alleviation, with emphasis on poverty alleviation and 191. Hard is a peasants, peasants. Four water effects still lacks煤矿安全基础知识题库一、填空题1、自救就是当井下发生灾变时,在灾区或受灾变影响的每位工作人员进行避灾和保护自己的行动。2、目前煤矿使用的自救器,按其防护的特点可分边过滤式和隔离式两大类。3、伤员的搬运方法有担架搬运法、单人徒手搬运法和双人徒手搬运法。4、瓦斯爆炸浓度界限为5%-16%。5、爆破落煤包括打眼、填炮眼、连线和爆破等工序。6、回柱必须按由里向外、自下而上的顺序进行。7、采煤机主要由电控部、牵引部、截割部三部分组成。8、违章作业就是违反煤矿安全规程、作业规程和操作规程。9、劳动合同是劳动者与用人单位之间确立劳动关系,明确双方权利和义务的协议。10、用工单位必须为劳动者提供符合国家规定的劳动安全卫生条件和必要的劳动防护用品。11、工人长期在有矿尘的环境中作业,吸入大量的矿尘,轻者会引起呼吸道炎症,重者会导致尘肺病。12、矿井通风是防止瓦斯积聚的基本措施。13、瓦斯是一种无色、无味、无臭的气体。14、局部通风机必须安设在进风巷道中,距巷道回风口不得小于10米。15、矿井通风方式可分为中央式、对角式、混合式三种。16、矿井气候条件是井下温度、湿度和风速三者综合作用的结果。17、冒顶处理的特殊施工方法有撞楔法、探板法、木垛法、搭凉棚法。18、顶板事故是指在井下建设和生产过程中,因为顶板意外冒落造成的人员伤亡,设备损坏和生产中止的事故。19、井下爆破作业严禁在1个采煤工作面使用2台发爆器同时进行爆破。20、矿井供电系统必须有双回路供电。21、煤层顶板按照其与煤层距离自近至远可分为伪顶、直接顶基本顶三种。22、掘进工作面的炮眼按其用途和位置可分为掏槽眼、辅助眼和周边眼三类。23、顶板事故的征兆有响声、掉碴、片帮、裂隙、漏顶、脱层现象。24、综采工作面是用采煤机破煤和装煤、刮板输送机运煤、自移式液压支架支护和放顶的工作面。25、刮板输送机严禁乘人,机头、机尾的压柱要打牢靠。26、生产矿井采掘工作面的空气温度不超过26,机电峒室的空气温度不得超过30。27、瓦斯爆炸必须具备瓦斯爆炸浓度、引爆温度、足够的氧气三个条件。28、当井下作业现场发生瓦斯突出预兆时,工作人员必须立即撤离现场,并佩戴好自救器迅速躲到安全地点。29、煤尘爆炸的危害表现在产生高温、产生高压,形成大量的有害气体三个方面。30、在井下发生火灾时,有可能引起瓦斯、爆尘爆炸事故。31、井下电钳工处理输送机故障时,必须停电停机,并挂上正在检修,不准送电的牌子。32、矿井透水预兆有挂红、挂汗、空气变冷、出现雾气、水叫、底板鼓起、水色发浑、出现臭味、顶水加大、片帮冒顶。33、井下供电的三大保护有漏电保护、保护接地、过流保护。34、井下爆破需要等15min以上,炮烟浓度符合安全要求时,才允许人员进入工作面。35、矿井必须坚持有掘必探、先探后掘的探放水原则。36、煤矿企业对新工人必须进行职业健康检查,并建立健康档案。37、在井下发现长期被困人员时,禁止用矿灯直接照其眼睛。38、在透水时水流急来不及躲避的情况下,现场作业人员应抓住棚子或其他固定物件,以防被水流冲入倒带跑。39、当发现作业现场即将发生冒顶时,应迅速离开危险区,撤退到安全地点。40、现场急救常用技术包括人工呼吸、心脏复苏、止血、创伤包扎、骨折临时固定和伤工搬运等。41、“三违”是指违章指挥、违章作业,违反劳动纪律的行为。42、煤矿的三大规程是指煤矿安全规程、作业规程和煤矿工人技术操作规程。43、电气设备的隔爆外壳失去了耐爆性和隔爆性叫做失爆。44、主排水泵房必须有工作、备用和检修的水泵,工作水泵应具有20H内排出矿井一天的积水能力。45、劳动防护用品是用以保护煤矿井下从业人员作业,操作安全和健康泊一种预防性辅助装备。46、井下安全供电应做到的三无是指无鸡爪子、无羊尾巴、无明接头。47、在井拆卸矿灯会产生火花,引起瓦斯和煤尘爆炸事故。48、掩护式支架一般由顶梁、掩护梁、底座、立柱、连杆、推移和操纵装置等组成。49、倾斜巷道中为防止车辆运输碰人,跑车撞人事故而设置了躲避硐。50、煤矿安全规程规定,矿井空气中一氧化碳的最高允许浓度为0.0024%.51、煤矿井下五大灾害为水、火、瓦斯、煤尘、顶板灾害。52、采掘工作面爆破地点附近20M以内风流中瓦斯浓度达到1%时严禁爆破.53、瓦斯防治体系包括通风可靠、抽采达标、监控可靠、管理到位。54、安全生产法规定,生产经营单位应当进行安全培训的从业人员包括主要负责人,安全生产管理人员,特种作业人员,其他从业
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