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模拟试题姓名:上海音乐学院 2011 年社会艺术水平考级练耳、乐理试卷(B 级)考号:一、听辨分解和弦性质:(10 分)1、听写节奏:(10 分)2、按指定音向上构建和弦:(20 分)小三大六大三小四六增三小三大四六大三大四六小四六3、写调内音级:(10 分)F:属音 f:下中音 g:属音 D:下中音 G:导音E:导音#c:下属音 B:上主音 a:属音 A:上主音五、写出调内和弦:(20 分)f:四六 b:四六 C:6F:6g:6?B:6e 和:e:四六 D:G:四六六、写出下列调式的上行音阶:(10 分)#c 旋律小调?E 大调f 和声小调 B 大调七、写出音乐术语的中文意义:(10 分) dolccenergicosoloanimato marcatograziosomorendolegatocantabileespressivo八、写出等于下列音符时值的三连音:(10 分)= = =模拟试题姓名:上海音乐学院 2011 年社会艺术水平考级练耳、乐理试卷(C 级)考号:一、听写旋律音程性质:(10 分)2、按节拍为下列旋律划分小节线:(20 分)3、写出下列记号和音乐术语的中文意义:(10 分)LargoAllegrettoaccel四、写出下列音程的性质:(10 分) 五、按指定音向上构建音程:(20 分)增四大三小七小二大六减五大二小三小六纯四6、写出下列各调号表示的调式名称:(10 分) 大小小大大大小小大大七、根据音组记号用全音符写出音高:(8 分)b2e2ga1Ac1e1E八、写出下列自然大调和自然小调的上行音阶:(12 分)?C 大调 c 小调?A 大调 f 小调“”“”At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, people who learn to learn are very happy people. In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, life is diligent, nothing can be gained, only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!
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