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LABOUR CONTRACT劳 动 合 同INDEX 目录1. POSITION & TASKS OF WORK 职务及工作职责 2. TRIAL PERIOD 试用期3. DURATION OF THE CONTRACT 合同期限4. SALARY 工资5. PREMIUM & BONUS 奖金及股权6. DISCIPLINE 劳动纪律7. SICKNESS & INJURY LEAVE 病假及伤假8. LABOUR SAFETY & HYGIENE劳动安全及劳动卫生保障9. SOCIAL INSURANCE 社会保险10. HOLIDAYS 休假11. EXCLUSIVITY & NON-COMPETITION 唯一性及非竞争协定12. CONFIDENTIALITY 保密协定13. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES 双方职责14. TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT 合同终止15. AMENDMENT OF THE CONTRACT 合同修订16. APPLICABLE LAW 适用法律17. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES 争议的处理及解决18. MISCELLANEOUS 其它事宜甲方(用人单位)全 称: 住 所: 联 系 电 话:法 定 代 表: Hereinafter referred to as the “COMPANY”,以下简称“本公司”乙方(劳动者) 姓 名:性 别: 出 生 年 月: 出 生 地: 有效身份证件号码:(护照)现 住 址:联 系 电 话:Hereinafter referred to as the “EMPLOYEE”,以下简称“该员工”Hereinafter collectively referred to as the “PARTIES”. 甲方、乙方以下统称“合同双方”。In accordance with the Labour Law and other relevant laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China, the PARTIES have concluded the following labour contract (hereinafter referred to as the “CONTRACT”)合同双方依照中华人民共和国劳动法以及中华人民共和国其它相关法律法规,共同约定以下劳动合同(以下简称“本合同”)。ARTICLE 1: POSITION & TASKS OF WORK第一条:职务及工作职责1.1. The EMPLOYEE will have the following position: 该员工将担任以下职务:_Vice President of Marketing 市场副总 1.2. If necessary due to the management organisation of the COMPANY and or the competence and abilities of the EMPLOYEE the COMPANY may adjust the position, duties and responsibilities of the EMPLOYEE.若由于本公司管理编制的需要及/或由于该员工本人资格与能力的原因,本公司可在必要的情况下对该员工的职务和工作职责进行适当调整。ARTICLE 2: TRIAL PERIOD第二条:试用期2.1 The trial period will start on the date of signature of this CONTRACT. The duration of the trial period is three (3) months. During the trial period the EMPLOYEE will be bound by all articles of this contract. 试用期自本合同签署之日起开始,时间为三个月。在试用期间,该员工受本合同全部条款所约束。2.2 After the specified trial period and if no notice of termination is given the EMPLOYEE automatically becomes employed under the terms and conditions of this CONTRACT.在约定的试用期内,若该员工没有收到关于解除劳动关系的通知,在试用期满后,该员工自动转为本公司正式员工,执行本合同规定的条款。ARTICLE 3: DURATION OF THE CONTRACT第三条:合同期限3.1 The duration of this CONTRACT is twenty-four (27) months.本合同期限为27个月。3.2 This CONTRACT maybe extended upon agreement of both PARTIES. An extension to this CONTRACT shall come into force only after a written agreement has been signed by both PARTIES.本合同经合同双方同意后可以续签。只有在合同双方签署书面协议后,续签的合同方能生效。ARTICLE 4: SALARY第四条:工资4.1 Party A shall pay off salary to Party B in currency on the_of every month. The pay period is from the beginning to the end of last month. Party B works before paid.甲方每月_日以货币的形式足额支付乙方工资,结算周期为上月月初到上月月末,实行先工作后发薪的制度。4.2 Party Bs normal annual salary is One hundred and sixty thousand in SGD/HKD at the exchange rate to the payment date. The basic salary can be adjusted as per the companys operation and Party Bs performance. 乙方正常工作基本年薪为 160000 元(新加坡币/港币),汇率以支付当日为准。根据公司经营状况和乙方工作表现,乙方工资及奖金可另行调整4.3 Party A will deduct Party Bs social insurance premium and individual income tax from his or her salary according to the law and regulation of China. And Party B should afford the relevant taxes and fees in accordance with the law and regulation of the workplace. 甲方按照中国有关规定对乙方所应承担的社会保险费用及个人所得税进行代扣代缴。按照乙方工作所在地国家规定所应支付的相关税费由乙方自行承担。ARTICLE 5: PREMIUM & Stock 第五条:奖金及股权5.1 At the full discretion of the Chairman and based upon his general attitude and the result of his work and fulfilment of his objectives detailed with increasing20% of the annual turnover and at the beginning of each calendar year the EMPLOYEE will be entitled to an Two hundred thousand RMB bonus and shall be paid to the EMPLOYEE for each full calendar year which the EMPLOYEE works for the COMPANY in two (2) instalments the following year.经本公司董事长同意,并且根据该员工的工作态度、工作成果及其完成年度营业额目标的20%增长,该员工将有权在每个公历年初享受年终奖金(奖金总额不超过20万人民币)。员工为公司工作满一年时,奖金将于次年分两次发放给个人。5.2 With the consent of the board of directors of the company and in accordance with the operating rules of the companys share reform, The employee shall have the right to participate in the Equity Incentive Plan of the company and enjoy the equity investment. Specific details and signed an side agreement.经公司董事会同意,并根据公司股改的作业规范,该员工将享有公司的相应职位的股权激励计划及投资回报。 具体详情另行签订补充协议ARTICLE 6: DISCIPLINE第六条:劳动纪律6.1 Apart from the provisions of this CONTRACT the EMPLOYEE must respect all relevant laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China rules and regulations of the COMPANY and provisions of any relevant collective labour contract.除本合同所规定之条款外,该员工还须遵守中华人民共和国相关法律法规、本公司制定的规章制度,以及其它劳动合同方面的相关规定。6.2 he EMPLOYEE must respect and execute any and all formal instructions given to him/her regarding the d
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